Thursday, 31 August 2017
रामायण' का संधि विच्छेद करने है 'राम' + 'अयन'।
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मुक्त ज्ञानकोश विकिपीडिया से [w]
इस संदूक को: देखें • संवाद • संपादन
हिन्दू धर्म
पर एक श्रेणी का भाग

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प्रवेशद्वार: हिन्दू धर्म

हिन्दू मापन प्रणाली
रामायण [क] आदि कवि वाल्मीकि द्वारा लिखा गया संस्कृत का एक अनुपम महाकाव्य है। इसके २४,००० श्लोक[ख] हैं। यह हिन्दू स्मृति का वह अंग हैं जिसके माध्यम से रघुवंश के राजा राम की गाथा कही गयी। इसे आदिकाव्य भी कहा जाता है[किसके द्वारा?]। रामायण के सात अध्याय हैं जो काण्ड के नाम से जाने जाते हैं।
1 रचनाकाल
1.1 हिन्दू कालगणना के अनुसार रचनाकाल
2 राम कथा
3 संक्षेप में रामायण-कथा
3.1 बालकाण्ड
3.2 अयोध्याकाण्ड
3.3 अरण्यकाण्ड
3.4 किष्किन्धाकाण्ड
3.5 सुंदरकाण्ड
3.6 लंकाकाण्ड (युद्धकाण्ड)
3.7 उत्तरकाण्ड
4 रामायण की सीख
5 रामायण द्वारा प्रेरित अन्य साहित्यिक महाकाव्य
6 इन्हें भी देखें
7 टीका-टिप्पणी
8 सन्दर्भ
8.1 ग्रन्थसूची
9 बाहरी कड़ियाँ
कुछ भारतीय कहते हैं कि यह ६०० ईपू से पहले लिखा गया।[1] उसके पीछे युक्ति यह है कि महाभारत जो इसके पश्चात आया बौद्ध धर्म के बारे में मौन है यद्यपि उसमें जैन, शैव, पाशुपत आदि अन्य परम्पराओं का वर्णन है। अतः रामायण गौतम बुद्ध के काल के पूर्व का होना चाहिये। भाषा-शैली से भी यह पाणिनि के समय से पहले का होना चाहिये।
“ रामायण का पहला और अन्तिम कांड संभवत: बाद में जोड़ा गया था। अध्याय दो से सात तक ज्यादातर इस बात पर बल दिया जाता है कि राम विष्णु[ग] के अवतार थे। कुछ लोगों के अनुसार इस महाकाव्य में यूनानी और कई अन्य सन्दर्भों से पता चलता है कि यह पुस्तक दूसरी सदी ईसा पूर्व से पहले की नहीं हो सकती पर यह धारणा विवादास्पद है। ६०० ईपू से पहले का समय इसलिये भी ठीक है कि बौद्ध जातक रामायण के पात्रों का वर्णन करते हैं जबकि रामायण में जातक के चरित्रों का वर्णन नहीं है।[1] „
हिन्दू कालगणना के अनुसार रचनाकाल
रामायण का समय त्रेतायुग का माना जाता है। भारतीय कालगणना के अनुसार समय को चार युगों में बाँटा गया है- सतयुग, त्रेतायुग, द्वापर युग एव कलियुग। एक कलियुग ४,३२,००० वर्ष का, द्वापर ८,६४,००० वर्ष का, त्रेता युग १२,९६,००० वर्ष का तथा सतयुग १७,२८,००० वर्ष का होता है। इस गणना के अनुसार रामायण का समय न्यूनतम ८,७०,००० वर्ष (वर्तमान कलियुग के ५,118 वर्ष + बीते द्वापर युग के ८,६४,००० वर्ष) सिद्ध होता है।
रामायण मीमांसा के रचनाकार धर्मसम्राट स्वामी करपात्री, गोवर्धन पुरी शंकराचार्य पीठ, पं० ज्वालाप्रसाद मिश्र, श्रीराघवेंद्रचरितम् के रचनाकार श्रीभागवतानंद गुरु आदि के अनुसार श्रीराम अवतार श्वेतवाराह कल्प के सातवें वैवस्वत मन्वन्तर के चौबीसवें त्रेता युग में हुआ था जिसके अनुसार श्रीरामचंद्र जी का काल लगभग पौने दो करोड़ वर्ष पूर्व का है। इसके सन्दर्भ में विचार पीयूष, भुशुण्डि रामायण, पद्मपुराण, संजीवनी रामायण एवं पुराणों से प्रमाण दिया जाता है।
राम कथा
सनातन धर्म के धार्मिक लेखक तुलसीदास जी के अनुसार सर्वप्रथम श्री राम की कथा भगवान श्री शंकर ने माता पार्वती जी को सुनायी थी। जहाँ पर भगवान शंकर पार्वती जी को भगवान श्री राम की कथा सुना रहे थे वहाँ कागा (कौवा) का एक घोंसला था और उसके भीतर बैठा कागा भी उस कथा को सुन रहा था। कथा पूरी होने के पहले ही माता पार्वती को नींद आ गई पर उस पक्षी ने पूरी कथा सुन ली। उसी पक्षी का पुनर्जन्म काकभुशुण्डि[घ] के रूप में हुआ। काकभुशुण्डि जी ने यह कथा गरुड़ जी को सुनाई। भगवान श्री शंकर के मुख से निकली श्रीराम की यह पवित्र कथा अध्यात्म रामायण के नाम से प्रख्यात है। अध्यात्म रामायण को ही विश्व का सर्वप्रथम रामायण माना जाता है।
हृदय परिवर्तन हो जाने के कारण एक दस्यु से ऋषि बन जाने तथा ज्ञान प्राप्ति के बाद वाल्मीकि ने भगवान श्री राम के इसी वृतान्त को पुनः श्लोकबद्ध किया। महर्षि वाल्मीकि के द्वारा श्लोकबद्ध भगवान श्री राम की कथा को वाल्मीकि रामायण के नाम से जाना जाता है। वाल्मीकि को आदिकवि कहा जाता है तथा वाल्मीकि रामायण को आदि रामायण के नाम से भी जाना जाता है।
देश में विदेशियों की सत्ता हो जाने के बाद संस्कृत का ह्रास हो गया[कृपया उद्धरण जोड़ें] और भारतीय लोग उचित ज्ञान के अभाव तथा विदेशी सत्ता के प्रभाव के कारण अपनी ही संस्कृति को भूलने लग गये।[कृपया उद्धरण जोड़ें] ऐसी स्थिति को अत्यन्त विकट जानकर जनजागरण के लिये महाज्ञानी सन्त श्री तुलसीदास जी ने एक बार फिर से भगवान श्री राम की पवित्र कथा को देशी भाषा में लिपिबद्ध किया। सन्त तुलसीदास जी ने अपने द्वारा लिखित भगवान श्री राम की कल्याणकारी कथा से परिपूर्ण इस ग्रंथ का नाम रामचरितमानस[ङ] रखा। सामान्य रूप से रामचरितमानस को तुलसी रामायण के नाम से जाना जाता है।
कालान्तर में भगवान श्री राम की कथा को अनेक विद्वानों ने अपने अपने बुद्धि, ज्ञान तथा मतानुसार अनेक बार लिखा है। इस तरह से अनेकों रामायणों की रचनाएँ हुई हैं।
संक्षेप में रामायण-कथा
हिन्दू शास्त्रों के अनुसार भगवान राम, विष्णु के अवतार थे। इस अवतार का उद्देश्य मृत्युलोक में मानवजाति को आदर्श जीवन के लिये मार्गदर्शन देना था। अन्ततः श्रीराम ने राक्षस जाति[च] के राजा रावण का वध किया और धर्म की पुनर्स्थापना की।
अयोध्या नगरी में दशरथ नाम के राजा हुये जिनकी कौशल्या, कैकेयी और सुमित्रा नामक पत्नियाँ थीं। सन्तान प्राप्ति हेतु अयोध्यापति दशरथ ने अपने गुरु श्री वशिष्ठ की आज्ञा से पुत्रकामेष्टि यज्ञ करवाया[2] जिसे कि ऋंगी ऋषि ने सम्पन्न किया। भक्तिपूर्ण आहुतियाँ पाकर अग्निदेव प्रसन्न हुये और उन्होंने स्वयं प्रकट होकर राजा दशरथ को हविष्यपात्र (खीर, पायस) दिया जिसे कि उन्होंने अपनी तीनों पत्नियों में बाँट दिया। खीर के सेवन के परिणामस्वरूप कौशल्या के गर्भ से राम का, कैकेयी के गर्भ से भरत का तथा सुमित्रा के गर्भ से लक्ष्मण और शत्रुघ्न का जन्म हुआ।

सीता स्वंयवर (चित्रकार: रवि वर्मा)
राजकुमारों के बड़े होने पर आश्रम की राक्षसों से रक्षा हेतु ऋषि विश्वामित्र राजा दशरथ से राम और लक्ष्मण को मांग कर अपने साथ ले गये। राम ने ताड़का और सुबाहु जैसे राक्षसों को मार डाला और मारीच को बिना फल वाले बाण[3] से मार कर समुद्र के पार भेज दिया। उधर लक्ष्मण ने राक्षसों की सारी सेना का संहार कर डाला। धनुषयज्ञ हेतु राजा जनक के निमन्त्रण मिलने पर विश्वामित्र राम और लक्ष्मण के साथ उनकी नगरी मिथिला (जनकपुर) आ गये। रास्ते में राम ने गौतम मुनि की स्त्री अहल्या का उद्धार किया। मिथिला में राजा जनक की पुत्री सीता जिन्हें कि जानकी के नाम से भी जाना जाता है का स्वयंवर का भी आयोजन था जहाँ कि जनकप्रतिज्ञा के अनुसार शिवधनुष को तोड़ कर राम ने सीता से विवाह किया। राम और सीता के विवाह के साथ ही साथ गुरु वशिष्ठ ने भरत का माण्डवी से, लक्ष्मण का उर्मिला से और शत्रुघ्न का श्रुतकीर्ति से करवा दिया।[4]
मुख्य लेख : अयोध्याकाण्ड
राम के विवाह के कुछ समय पश्चात् राजा दशरथ ने राम का राज्याभिषेक करना चाहा। इस पर देवता लोगों को चिन्ता हुई कि राम को राज्य मिल जाने पर रावण का वध असम्भव हो जायेगा। व्याकुल होकर उन्होंने देवी सरस्वती से किसी प्रकार के उपाय करने की प्रार्थना की। सरस्वती ने मन्थरा, जो कि कैकेयी की दासी थी, की बुद्धि को फेर दिया। मन्थरा की सलाह से कैकेयी कोपभवन में चली गई। दशरथ जब मनाने आये तो कैकेयी ने उनसे वरदान[5] मांगे कि भरत को राजा बनाया जाये और राम को चौदह वर्षों के लिये वनवास में भेज दिया जाये।
राम के साथ सीता और लक्ष्मण भी वन चले गये। ऋंगवेरपुर में निषादराज गुह्य ने तीनों की बहुत सेवा की। कुछ आनाकानी करने के बाद केवट ने तीनों को गंगा नदी के पार उतारा। प्रयाग पहुँच कर राम ने भरद्वाज मुनि से भेंट की। वहाँ से राम यमुना स्नान करते हुये वाल्मीकि ऋषि के आश्रम पहुँचे। वाल्मीकि से हुई मन्त्रणा के अनुसार राम, सीता और लक्ष्मण चित्रकूट में निवास करने लगे।
अयोध्या में पुत्र के वियोग के कारण दशरथ का स्वर्गवास हो गया। वशिष्ठ ने भरत और शत्रुघ्न को उनके ननिहाल से बुलवा लिया। वापस आने पर भरत ने अपनी माता कैकेयी की, उसकी कुटिलता के लिये, बहुत भर्तस्ना की और गुरुजनों के आज्ञानुसार दशरथ की अन्त्येष्टि क्रिया कर दिया। भरत ने अयोध्या के राज्य को अस्वीकार कर दिया और राम को मना कर वापस लाने के लिये समस्त स्नेहीजनों के साथ चित्रकूट चले गये। कैकेयी को भी अपने किये पर अत्यन्त पश्चाताप हुआ। सीता के माता-पिता सुनयना एवं जनक[6] भी चित्रकूट पहुँचे। भरत तथा अन्य सभी लोगों ने राम के वापस अयोध्या जाकर राज्य करने का प्रस्ताव रखा जिसे कि राम ने, पिता की आज्ञा पालन करने और रघुवंश की रीति निभाने के लिये, अमान्य कर दिया।
भरत अपने स्नेही जनों के साथ राम की पादुका को साथ लेकर वापस अयोध्या आ गये। उन्होंने राम की पादुका को राज सिंहासन पर विराजित कर दिया स्वयं नन्दिग्राम में निवास करने लगे।[7]
मुख्य लेख : अरण्यकाण्ड
कुछ काल के पश्चात राम ने चित्रकूट से प्रयाण किया तथा वे अत्रि ऋषि के आश्रम पहुँचे। अत्रि ने राम की स्तुति की और उनकी पत्नी अनसूया ने सीता को पातिव्रत धर्म के मर्म समझाये। वहाँ से फिर राम ने आगे प्रस्थान किया और शरभंग मुनि से भेंट की। शरभंग मुनि केवल राम के दर्शन की कामना से वहाँ निवास कर रहे थे अतः राम के दर्शनों की अपनी अभिलाषा पूर्ण हो जाने से योगाग्नि से अपने शरीर को जला डाला और ब्रह्मलोक को गमन किया। और आगे बढ़ने पर राम को स्थान स्थान पर हड्डियों के ढेर दिखाई पड़े जिनके विषय में मुनियों ने राम को बताया कि राक्षसों ने अनेक मुनियों को खा डाला है और उन्हीं मुनियों की हड्डियाँ हैं। इस पर राम ने प्रतिज्ञा की कि वे समस्त राक्षसों का वध करके पृथ्वी को राक्षस विहीन कर देंगे। राम और आगे बढ़े और पथ में सुतीक्ष्ण, अगस्त्य आदि ऋषियों से भेंट करते हुये दण्डक वन में प्रवेश किया जहाँ पर उनकी मुलाकात जटायु से हुई। राम ने पंचवटी को अपना निवास स्थान बनाया।

सीता हरण (चित्रकार: रवि वर्मा)
पंचवटी में रावण की बहन शूर्पणखा ने आकर राम से प्रणय निवेदन-किया। राम ने यह कह कर कि वे अपनी पत्नी के साथ हैं और उनका छोटा भाई अकेला है उसे लक्ष्मण के पास भेज दिया। लक्ष्मण ने उसके प्रणय-निवेदन को अस्वीकार करते हुये शत्रु की बहन जान कर उसके नाक और कान काट लिये। शूर्पणखा ने खर-दूषण से सहायता की मांग की और वह अपनी सेना के साथ लड़ने के लिये आ गया। लड़ाई में राम ने खर-दूषण और उसकी सेना का संहार कर डाला।[8] शूर्पणखा ने जाकर अपने भाई रावण से शिकायत की। रावण ने बदला लेने के लिये मारीच को स्वर्णमृग बना कर भेजा जिसकी छाल की मांग सीता ने राम से की। लक्ष्मण को सीता के रक्षा की आज्ञा दे कर राम स्वर्णमृग रूपी मारीच को मारने के लिये उसके पीछे चले गये। मारीच के हाथों मारा गया पर मरते मरते मारीच ने राम की आवाज बना कर ‘हा लक्ष्मण’ का क्रन्दन किया जिसे सुन कर सीता ने आशंकावश होकर लक्ष्मण को राम के पास भेज दिया। लक्ष्मण के जाने के बाद अकेली सीता का रावण ने छलपूर्वक हरण कर लिया और अपने साथ लंका ले गया। रास्ते में जटायु ने सीता को बचाने के लिये रावण से युद्ध किया और रावण ने उसके पंख काटकर उसे अधमरा कर दिया।[9]
सीता को न पा कर राम अत्यन्त दुःखी हुये और विलाप करने लगे। रास्ते में जटायु से भेंट होने पर उसने राम को रावण के द्वारा अपनी दुर्दशा होने व सीता को हर कर दक्षिण दिशा की ओर ले जाने की बात बताई। ये सब बताने के बाद जटायु ने अपने प्राण त्याग दिये और राम उसका अन्तिम संस्कार करके सीता की खोज में सघन वन के भीतर आगे बढ़े। रास्ते में राम ने दुर्वासा के शाप के कारण राक्षस बने गन्धर्व कबन्ध का वध करके उसका उद्धार किया और शबरी के आश्रम जा पहुँचे जहाँ पर कि उसके द्वारा दिये गये झूठे बेरों को उसके भक्ति के वश में होकर खाया। इस प्रकार राम सीता की खोज में सघन वन के अंदर आगे बढ़ते गये।
मुख्य लेख : किष्किन्धाकाण्ड
राम ऋष्यमूक पर्वत के निकट आ गये। उस पर्वत पर अपने मन्त्रियों सहित सुग्रीव रहता था। सुग्रीव ने, इस आशंका में कि कहीं बालि ने उसे मारने के लिये उन दोनों वीरों को न भेजा हो, हनुमान को राम और लक्ष्मण के विषय में जानकारी लेने के लिये ब्राह्मण के रूप में भेजा। यह जानने के बाद कि उन्हें बालि ने नहीं भेजा है हनुमान ने राम और सुग्रीव में मित्रता करवा दी। सुग्रीव ने राम को सान्त्वना दी कि जानकी जी मिल जायेंगीं और उन्हें खोजने में वह सहायता देगा साथ ही अपने भाई बालि के अपने ऊपर किये गये अत्याचार के विषय में बताया। राम ने बालि का छलपूर्वक वध कर के सुग्रीव को किष्किन्धा का राज्य तथा बालि के पुत्र अंगद को युवराज का पद दे दिया।[10]
राज्य प्राप्ति के बाद सुग्रीव विलास में लिप्त हो गया और वर्षा तथा शरद् ऋतु व्यतीत हो गई। राम की नाराजगी पर सुग्रीव ने वानरों को सीता की खोज के लिये भेजा। सीता की खोज में गये वानरों को एक गुफा में एक तपस्विनी के दर्शन हुये। तपस्विनी ने खोज दल को योगशक्ति से समुद्रतट पर पहुँचा दिया जहाँ पर उनकी भेंट सम्पाती से हुई। सम्पाती ने वानरों को बताया कि रावण ने सीता को लंका अशोकवाटिका में रखा है। जाम्बवन्त ने हनुमान को समुद्र लांघने के लिये उत्साहित किया।
मुख्य लेख : सुंदरकाण्ड
हनुमान ने लंका की ओर प्रस्थान किया। सुरसा ने हनुमान की परीक्षा ली[11] और उसे योग्य तथा सामर्थ्यवान पाकर आशीर्वाद दिया। मार्ग में हनुमान ने छाया पकड़ने वाली राक्षसी का वध किया और लंकिनी पर प्रहार करके लंका में प्रवेश किया। उनकी विभीषण से भेंट हुई। जब हनुमान अशोकवाटिका में पहुँचे तो रावण सीता को धमका रहा था। रावण के जाने पर त्रिजटा ने सीता को सान्तवना दी। एकान्त होने पर हनुमान ने सीता से भेंट करके उन्हें राम की मुद्रिका दी। हनुमान ने अशोकवाटिका का विध्वंस करके रावण के पुत्र अक्षय कुमार का वध कर दिया। मेघनाथ हनुमान को नागपाश में बांध कर रावण की सभा में ले गया।[12] रावण के प्रश्न के उत्तर में हनुमान ने अपना परिचय राम के दूत के रूप में दिया। रावण ने हनुमान की पूँछ में तेल में डूबा हुआ कपड़ा बांध कर आग लगा दिया इस पर हनुमान ने लंका का दहन कर दिया।[13]
हनुमान सीता के पास पहुँचे। सीता ने अपनी चूड़ामणि दे कर उन्हें विदा किया। वे वापस समुद्र पार आकर सभी वानरों से मिले और सभी वापस सुग्रीव के पास चले गये। हनुमान के कार्य से राम अत्यन्त प्रसन्न हुये। राम वानरों की सेना के साथ समुद्रतट पर पहुँचे। उधर विभीषण ने रावण को समझाया कि राम से बैर न लें इस पर रावण ने विभीषण को अपमानित कर लंका से निकाल दिया। विभीषण राम के शरण में आ गया और राम ने उसे लंका का राजा घोषित कर दिया। राम ने समुद्र से रास्ता देने की विनती की। विनती न मानने पर राम ने क्रोध किया और उनके क्रोध से भयभीत होकर समुद्र ने स्वयं आकर राम की विनती करने के पश्चात् नल और नील के द्वारा पुल बनाने का उपाय बताया।
लंकाकाण्ड (युद्धकाण्ड)
मुख्य लेख : लंकाकाण्ड
जाम्बवन्त के आदेश से नल-नील दोनों भाइयों ने वानर सेना की सहायता से समुद्र पर पुल बांध दिया।[14] श्री राम ने श्री रामेश्वर की स्थापना करके भगवान शंकर की पूजा की और सेना सहित समुद्र के पार उतर गये। समुद्र के पार जाकर राम ने डेरा डाला। पुल बंध जाने और राम के समुद्र के पार उतर जाने के समाचार से रावण मन में अत्यन्त व्याकुल हुआ। मन्दोदरी के राम से बैर न लेने के लिये समझाने पर भी रावण का अहंकार नहीं गया। इधर राम अपनी वानरसेना के साथ सुबेल पर्वत पर निवास करने लगे। अंगद राम के दूत बन कर लंका में रावण के पास गये और उसे राम के शरण में आने का संदेश दिया किन्तु रावण ने नहीं माना।
शान्ति के सारे प्रयास असफल हो जाने पर युद्ध आरम्भ हो गया। लक्ष्मण और मेघनाद के मध्य घोर युद्ध हुआ। शक्तिबाण के वार से लक्ष्मण मूर्छित हो गये। उनके उपचार के लिये हनुमान सुषेण वैद्य को ले आये और संजीवनी लाने के लिये चले गये। गुप्तचर से समाचार मिलने पर रावण ने हनुमान के कार्य में बाधा के लिये कालनेमि को भेजा जिसका हनुमान ने वध कर दिया। औषधि की पहचान न होने के कारण हनुमान पूरे पर्वत को ही उठा कर वापस चले। मार्ग में हनुमान को राक्षस होने के सन्देह में भरत ने बाण मार कर मूर्छित कर दिया परन्तु यथार्थ जानने पर अपने बाण पर बैठा कर वापस लंका भेज दिया। इधर औषधि आने में विलम्ब देख कर राम प्रलाप करने लगे। सही समय पर हनुमान औषधि लेकर आ गये और सुषेण के उपचार से लक्ष्मण स्वस्थ हो गये।[15]
रावण ने युद्ध के लिये कुम्भकर्ण को जगाया। कुम्भकर्ण ने भी रावण को राम की शरण में जाने की असफल मन्त्रणा दी। युद्ध में कुम्भकर्ण ने राम के हाथों परमगति प्राप्त की। लक्ष्मण ने मेघनाद से युद्ध करके उसका वध कर दिया। राम और रावण के मध्य अनेकों घोर युद्ध हुऐ और अन्त में रावण राम के हाथों मारा गया।[16] विभीषण को लंका का राज्य सौंप कर राम सीता और लक्ष्मण के साथ पुष्पकविमान पर चढ़ कर अयोध्या के लिये प्रस्थान किया।[17]
मुख्य लेख : उत्तरकाण्ड
उत्तरकाण्ड राम कथा का उपसंहार है। सीता, लक्ष्मण और समस्त वानरसेना के साथ राम अयोध्या वापस पहुँचे। राम का भव्य स्वागत हुआ, भरत के साथ सर्वजनों में आनन्द व्याप्त हो गया। वेदों और शिव की स्तुति के साथ राम का राज्याभिषेक हुआ। अभ्यागतों की विदाई दी गई। राम ने प्रजा को उपदेश दिया और प्रजा ने कृतज्ञता प्रकट की। चारों भाइयों के दो दो पुत्र हुये। रामराज्य एक आदर्श बन गया।
उपरोक्त बातों के साथ ही साथ गोस्वामी तुलसीदास जी ने उत्तरकाण्ड में श्री राम-वशिष्ठ संवाद, नारद जी का अयोध्या आकर रामचन्द्र जी की स्तुति करना, शिव-पार्वती संवाद, गरुड़ मोह तथा गरुड़ जी का काकभुशुण्डि जी से रामकथा एवं राम-महिमा सुनना, काकभुशुण्डि जी के पूर्वजन्म की कथा, ज्ञान-भक्ति निरूपण, ज्ञानदीपक और भक्ति की महान महिमा, गरुड़ के सात प्रश्न और काकभुशुण्डि जी के उत्तर आदि विषयों का भी विस्तृत वर्णन किया है।
जहाँ तुलसीदास जी ने उपरोक्त वर्णन लिखकर रामचरितमानस को समाप्त कर दिया है वहीं आदिकवि वाल्मीकि अपने रामायण में उत्तरकाण्ड में रावण तथा हनुमान के जन्म की कथा,[18] सीता का निर्वासन,[19] राजा नृग, राजा निमि, राजा ययाति तथा रामराज्य में कुत्ते का न्याय की उपकथायें,[20] लवकुश का जन्म,[21] राम के द्वारा अश्वमेघ यज्ञ का अनुष्ठान तथा उस यज्ञ में उनके पुत्रों लव तथा कुश के द्वारा महाकवि वाल्मीकि रचित रामायण गायन, सीता का रसातल प्रवेश,[22] लक्ष्मण का परित्याग,[23] 515 518 का भी वर्णन किया है। वाल्मीकि रामायण में उत्तरकाण्ड का समापन राम के महाप्रयाण के बाद ही हुआ है।[24]
रामायण की सीख
रामायण के सारे चरित्र अपने धर्म का पालन करते हैं।
राम एक आदर्श पुत्र हैं। पिता की आज्ञा उनके लिये सर्वोपरि है। पति के रूप में राम ने सदैव एकपत्नीव्रत का पालन किया। राजा के रूप में प्रजा के हित के लिये स्वयं के हित को हेय समझते हैं। विलक्षण व्यक्तित्व है उनका। वे अत्यन्त वीर्यवान, तेजस्वी, विद्वान, धैर्यशील, जितेन्द्रिय, बुद्धिमान, सुंदर, पराक्रमी, दुष्टों का दमन करने वाले, युद्ध एवं नीतिकुशल, धर्मात्मा, मर्यादापुरुषोत्तम, प्रजावत्सल, शरणागत को शरण देने वाले, सर्वशास्त्रों के ज्ञाता एवं प्रतिभा सम्पन्न हैं।
सीता का पातिव्रत महान है। सारे वैभव और ऐश्वर्य को ठुकरा कर वे पति के साथ वन चली गईं।
रामायण भातृ-प्रेम का भी उत्कृष्ट उदाहरण है। जहाँ बड़े भाई के प्रेम के कारण लक्ष्मण उनके साथ वन चले जाते हैं वहीं भरत अयोध्या की राज गद्दी पर, बड़े भाई का अधिकार होने के कारण, स्वयं न बैठ कर राम की पादुका को प्रतिष्ठित कर देते हैं।
कौशल्या एक आदर्श माता हैं। अपने पुत्र राम पर कैकेयी के द्वारा किये गये अन्याय को भूला कर वे कैकेयी के पुत्र भरत पर उतनी ही ममता रखती हैं जितनी कि अपने पुत्र राम पर।
हनुमान एक आदर्श भक्त हैं, वे राम की सेवा के लिये अनुचर के समान सदैव तत्पर रहते हैं। शक्तिबाण से मूर्छित लक्ष्मण को उनकी सेवा के कारण ही प्राणदान प्राप्त होता है।
रावण के चरित्र से सीख मिलती है कि अहंकार नाश का कारण होता है।
रामायण के चरित्रों से सीख लेकर मनुष्य अपने जीवन को सार्थक बना सकता है।
रामायण द्वारा प्रेरित अन्य साहित्यिक महाकाव्य
वाल्मीकि रामायण से प्रेरित होकर सन्त तुलसीदास ने रामचरितमानस जैसे महाकाव्य की रचना की जो कि वाल्मीकि के द्वारा संस्कृत में लिखे गये रामायण का हिंदी संस्करण है। रामचरितमानस में हिंदू आदर्शों का उत्कृष्ट वर्णन है इसीलिये इसे हिंदू धर्म के प्रमुख ग्रंथ होने का श्रेय मिला हुआ है और प्रत्येक हिंदू परिवार में भक्तिभाव के साथ इसका पठन पाठन किया जाता है।
रामायण से ही प्रेरित होकर मैथिलीशरण गुप्त ने पंचवटी तथा साकेत नामक खंडकाव्यों की रचना की। रामायण में लक्ष्मण की पत्नी उर्मिला के उल्लेखनीय त्याग को शायद भूलवश अनदेखा कर दिया गया है और इस भूल को साकेत खंडकाव्य रचकर मैथिलीशरण गुप्त जी ने सुधारा है।
राम सम्बन्धी कथानक से प्रेरित होकर श्रीभागवतानंद गुरु ने 30000 श्लोक, 500 अध्याय एवं दस कांडों में संस्कृत महाकाव्य श्रीराघवेंद्रचरितम् की रचना की जो अद्भुत एवं गुप्त कथाप्रसंग से भरा हुआ है। इस ग्रंथ में 20 से अधिक प्रकार के रामायणों की कथा का समावेश है।
नेपाल के राजदरबार से सम्मानित कविवर श्री राधेश्याम जी की राधेश्याम रामायण, प्रेमभूषण जी की प्रेम रामायण, महर्षि कम्बन की कम्ब रामायण के अलावा और भी अनेक साहित्यकारों ने रामायण से प्रेरणा ले कर अनेक कृतियों की रचना की है।
इन्हें भी देखें
विभिन्न भाषाओं में रामायण
श्री रामचरित मानस
राम तांडव स्तोत्र
भगवद गीता
हिंदू साहित्य
क. ^ ‘रामायण’ का संधि विच्छेद करने है ‘राम’ + ‘अयन’। ‘अयन’ का अर्थ है ‘यात्रा’ इसलिये रामायण का अर्थ है राम की यात्रा।
ख. ^ इसमें ४,८०,००२ शब्द हैं जो महाभारत का चौथाई है।
ग. ^ पद्मपुराण, श्रीमद्भागवत पुराण, कूर्मपुराण, महाभारत, आनन्द रामायण, दशावतारचरित एवं रामचरितमानस में राम के विष्णु का अवतार होने का स्पष्ट उल्लेख है, किन्तु वाल्मीकि रामायण में केवल इसका संकेत मात्र ही है।
घ. ^ काकभुशुण्डि की विस्तृत कथा का वर्णन तुलसीदास जी ने रामचरितमानस के उत्तरकाण्ड के दोहा क्रमांक ९६ से दोहा क्रमांक ११५ तक में किया है।
ङ. ^ रामचरितमानस = राम + चरित + मानस, रामचरितमानस का अर्थ है राम के चरित्र का सरोवर। रामचरितमानस के बालकाण्ड के दोहा क्रमांक ३५ से दोहा क्रमांक ४२ में तुलसीदास जी ने इस सरोवर के स्वरूप का वर्णन किया है।
च. ^ “आचार्य चतुरसेन” ने अपने ग्रंथ ‘वयं रक्षामः’ में राक्षसजाति एवं राक्षस संस्कृति का विस्तृत वर्णन किया है।
↑ अ आ सिंह, बी.पी. (2001)। गोविन्द चन्द्र पाण्डे: Life, Thought and Culture of India — “The Valmiki Ramayana: A Study”। Centre of Studies in Civilizations, नई दिल्ली। आइएसबीएन 81-87586-07-0।
↑ ‘रामचरितमानस’, टीकाकार: हनुमानप्रसाद पोद्दार, प्रकाशक एवं मुद्रक: गीताप्रेस, गोरखपुर पृष्ठ १६३
↑ ‘रामचरितमानस’, टीकाकार: हनुमानप्रसाद पोद्दार, प्रकाशक एवं मुद्रक: गीताप्रेस, गोरखपुर पृष्ठ १८०
↑ ‘वाल्मीकीय रामायण’, प्रकाशक: देहाती पुस्तक भंडार, दिल्ली पृष्ठ ९२-९३
↑ ‘वाल्मीकीय रामायण’, प्रकाशक: देहाती पुस्तक भंडार, दिल्ली पृष्ठ 120-128
↑ ‘रामचरितमानस’, टीकाकार: हनुमानप्रसाद पोद्दार, प्रकाशक एवं मुद्रक: गीताप्रेस, गोरखपुर पृष्ठ 528-533
↑ ‘रामचरितमानस’, टीकाकार: हनुमानप्रसाद पोद्दार, प्रकाशक एवं मुद्रक: गीताप्रेस, गोरखपुर पृष्ठ 554-557
↑ ‘वाल्मीकीय रामायण’, प्रकाशक: देहाती पुस्तक भंडार, दिल्ली पृष्ठ 251-263
↑ ‘रामचरितमानस’, टीकाकार: हनुमानप्रसाद पोद्दार, प्रकाशक एवं मुद्रक: गीताप्रेस, गोरखपुर पृष्ठ 603-606
↑ ‘रामचरितमानस’, टीकाकार: हनुमानप्रसाद पोद्दार, प्रकाशक एवं मुद्रक: गीताप्रेस, गोरखपुर पृष्ठ 634-638
↑ ‘रामचरितमानस’, टीकाकार: हनुमानप्रसाद पोद्दार, प्रकाशक एवं मुद्रक: गीताप्रेस, गोरखपुर पृष्ठ 658-659
↑ ‘रामचरितमानस’, टीकाकार: हनुमानप्रसाद पोद्दार, प्रकाशक एवं मुद्रक: गीताप्रेस, गोरखपुर पृष्ठ 668-672
↑ ‘रामचरितमानस’, टीकाकार: हनुमानप्रसाद पोद्दार, प्रकाशक एवं मुद्रक: गीताप्रेस, गोरखपुर पृष्ठ 678-679
↑ ‘रामचरितमानस’, टीकाकार: हनुमानप्रसाद पोद्दार, प्रकाशक एवं मुद्रक: गीताप्रेस, गोरखपुर पृष्ठ 709-711
↑ ‘रामचरितमानस’, टीकाकार: हनुमानप्रसाद पोद्दार, प्रकाशक एवं मुद्रक: गीताप्रेस, गोरखपुर पृष्ठ 751-759
↑ ‘रामचरितमानस’, टीकाकार: हनुमानप्रसाद पोद्दार, प्रकाशक एवं मुद्रक: गीताप्रेस, गोरखपुर पृष्ठ 802-807
↑ ‘वाल्मीकीय रामायण’, प्रकाशक: देहाती पुस्तक भंडार, दिल्ली पृष्ठ 455-459
↑ ‘वाल्मीकीय रामायण’, प्रकाशक: देहाती पुस्तक भंडार, दिल्ली पृष्ठ 463-475
↑ ‘वाल्मीकीय रामायण’‘, प्रकाशक: देहाती पुस्तक भंडार, दिल्ली पृष्ठ 480-483
↑ ‘वाल्मीकीय रामायण’, प्रकाशक: देहाती पुस्तक भंडार, दिल्ली पृष्ठ 485-491
↑ ‘वाल्मीकीय रामायण’, प्रकाशक: देहाती पुस्तक भंडार, दिल्ली पृष्ठ 495-496
↑ ‘वाल्मीकीय रामायण’, प्रकाशक: देहाती पुस्तक भंडार, दिल्ली पृष्ठ 508-512
↑ ‘वाल्मीकीय रामायण’, प्रकाशक: देहाती पुस्तक भंडार, दिल्ली पृष्ठ 515-518
↑ ‘वाल्मीकीय रामायण’, प्रकाशक: देहाती पुस्तक भंडार, दिल्ली पृष्ठ 518-520
रामचरितमानस, टीकाकार: हनुमानप्रसाद पोद्दार, प्रकाशक एवं मुद्रक: गीताप्रेस, गोरखपुर
श्रीमद्वाल्मीकीय रामायण (प्रथम एवं द्वितीय खंड), सचित्र, हिंदी अनुवाद सहित, प्रकाशक एवं मुद्रक: गीताप्रेस, गोरखपुर
कवितावली, प्रकाशक एवं मुद्रक: गीताप्रेस, गोरखपुर
रामायण के कुछ आदर्श पात्र, प्रकाशक एवं मुद्रक: गीताप्रेस, गोरखपुर
वाल्मीकीय रामायण, प्रकाशक: देहाती पुस्तक भंडार, दिल्ली
बाहरी कड़ियाँ
प्रारंभिक साहित्य
विकिस्रोत से रामायण
एक वाल्मीकि रामायण जालपृष्ठ अंग्रेज़ी मतलब के साथ में (संस्कृत), (अंग्रेज़ी)
तुलसीदास का रामायण (हिन्दी), (अंग्रेज़ी)
श्री रामायण जी की आरती
सुन्दरकांड — अनुवादकों: स्वामी सत्यानन्द, देवी मन्दीर (आइएसबीएन 1-877795-15-9)
रुथ ग्लेन लिटल की व्याख्या के साथ लिन जेसप रचित रामायण (आइएसबीएन 1-928875-02-05)
ऑनलाइन तथ्य
15 तस्वीरें जो ये साबित करती हैं कि रामायण की प्रत्येक घटना बिलकुल सच है
भारत के हिंदीतर रामकाव्य
राम कथा की विदेश-यात्रा
विश्व में रमे राम - विभिन्न भाषाओं और देशों में राम-कथा
वाल्मीकि-रामायण कम्प्यूटर की कसौटी पर
गुजराती तुलसी रामायण एवं रामायण के पात्रों का चरित्र चित्रण साँचा:गुजराती चिह्न, (अंग्रेज़ी)
रामायण से सम्बंधित तथ्य
1899 में आर.सी. दत्त रचित संक्षिप्त रामायन और महाभारत
ऑनलाइन रामायण (रेजिस्ट्रेशन ज़रूरत है)
पाल्क स्ट्रेट का नैसा शटल चित्र राम सेतु का सैटलाइट चित्र
क्ले संस्कृत पुस्तकालय महाभारत और रामायण के साथ प्राचीन भारतीय साहित्य प्रकाशित करने वाली संस्था। साहित्य अनुवाद पृष्ठ के साथ खोजनीय वांगमय और डाउनलोड सामग्री भी उपलब्ध है।
रामायण से प्रेरित कार्य (अंग्रेज़ी)
रामायण व्याख्या रामायण से प्रेरित चित्रकला, शिल्पकला तथा अन्य भारतीय कलाओं की समाविष्टि
प्रम्बानन के रामायण उपाय
महाकवि ग.द. माडगूळकर एवं सुधीर फड़के रचित मराठी गीतरामायण
सीता का वियोग-गान - सीता से सम्बंधित इक्सवीं शताब्दी की अनुप्राणित चित्रों तथा कतरनों का संग्रह
ऐन्टिकुस कनाडाई एक एपिक पावर मेटल बैंड कनाडा से उसका डेब्यू ऐलबम में गान का लिरिक्स रामायण के बारे में है।
अनुसंधानकार्यों से सम्बंधित निबन्ध (अंग्रेज़ी)
विवध संस्कृतियों एवं सभ्यताओं पर रामायण का प्रभाव — (पी.डी.एफ़. संरूप में)
रामायण कथा संग्रह - अन्य देशों में रामायण के अनुकूलन पर चर्चा
अवर्गित जालपृष्ठ (अंग्रेज़ी)
वैदिक राग, मन्त्र, वैदिक अध्यात्म तथा पौराणिक कथाओं का प्रस्तुतीकरण — एक साप्ताहिक पॉडकास्ट
हिन्दूविकि.कॉम — एक विकि जालपृष्ठ हिन्दू धर्म के विषय में।
संक्षिप्त वाल्मीकि रामायण (हिन्दी)
अन्तरराष्ट्रीय रामायण संस्थान, उत्तरी अमेरिका
सङ्क्षेपरामायणम् (महर्षिवाल्मीकिप्रणीत-रामायण-बालकाण्ड-प्रथमसर्ग-रूपम्)
हिन्दू धर्म
संस्कृत साहित्य

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YouTube Videos

1 भाग रामायण
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Sampoorna Ramayan part - 1 (संपूर्ण राम...
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KUMBHKARAN NIDRA BHANG|| कुम्भकरण निद्रा भंग ॥ रामायण
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Sita Haran by Ravan : रामायण सीता हरण, Full Episode HD
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Hanuman Leela - Ramayan - Ramanand Sagar Ram...
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॥अंतिम चरण युद्ध रावण राम करते है ॥ रामायण ॥ PART 3
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Ramayan hindi part 22
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Ramayan Ramanand Sagar Full: Lanka Dahan...
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लव-कुश संछिप्त रामायण सूनाते हुए (हम कथा सुनाते...
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6 भाग रामायण
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Sita Swayamvar, Ram vivah, ramayan hd (सीता स्...
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लव कुश काण्ड उत्तर रामायण भाग - 1( Upload Videos 2016 )
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SABRI-सबरी आश्रम ॥ श्री राम ने खाये सबरी के जूठे बेर -रामायण
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Ramayan: Meghnad Nagpash: मेघनाद – न...
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Sita Swayamvar from Ramanand Sagar's Rama...
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TADKA VADH /तIड़का वध -रामायण
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आपको याद हैं रामायण की माता सीता? अब ऐसी दिखती...
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रामायण में राम बनना पड़ा महंगा हुआ ऐसा हाल
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जिवन बर्बाद होता है इन 3 कमोसे ! वाल्मीकि...
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क्या आप जानते कि अब कैसी दिखती हैं रामायण की ये सीता
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क्या आप जानते कि अब कैसी दिखती हैं रामायण की ये सीता
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हजारों बार रामायण देखी होगी लेकिन ये तीन बाते किसी को प...
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30 साल बाद अब ऐसे दिखते हैं रामायण के राम, रावण और सीता
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रामायण के 21 अनसुलझे रहस्य ।
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रामानंद सागर रामायण के पात्र अब ऐसे दिखते है | Ramay...
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फिल्में पाने के लिए बोल्ड सीन तक कर बैठी थीं रामायण से फेमस हुईं actress
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रामायण की सीता को देख के चौक जायँगे आप
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आपको याद हैं रामायण की माता सीता? अब ऐसी दिखती...
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//रामायण // माता सीता खोज लाए हनुमान// लंका खोज// रामायण
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रामायण में राम का किरदार निभाने वाले की यह हुई दुर्गत...
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हनुमान जी की रामायण का क्या हुआ था |...
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ये है रामायण में लक्ष्मण की मौत का असली कारण
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आपको याद हैं रामायण की माता सीता अब ऐसी दिखती...
2m 28

रामायण काल के अद्भुत स्थान जो आज भी मौजूद है श्री ल...
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रामायण के 10 चौंकाने वाले रहस्य
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कहां और क्या कर रही है रामायण की सीता दीप...
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रामायण का वैज्ञानिक रहस्य मिला रावन का विम...
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रामायण के चौकानेवाले विचित्र रहस्य, शायद ही को...
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रामायण के 10 चौकानें वाले रहस्य !!!!
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रामायण की सीता करती थी बी ग्रेड फिल्मों में काम |
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30 साल बाद अब ऐसे दिखते हैं रामायण के राम, रावण और...
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रामायण के गरुड़ जी जैसा अनोखा पक्षी | Amazing Bird In Village
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रामायण का आज तक का सबसे बड़ा रहस्य, रावण ने छ...
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Ramayana अग्निपरीक्षा: Sita Agnipariksh...
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हिन्दू धर्म [show page here]
हिन्दू धर्म (संस्कृत: सनातन धर्म) एक धर्म (या, जीवन पद्धति) है जिसके अनुयायी अधिकांशतः भारत और नेपाल में हैं। इसे विश्व का प्राचीनतम धर्म कहा जाता है। इसे 'वैदिक सनातन वर्णाश्रम धर्म' भी कहते हैं [more]

1. Temple wall panel relief sculpture at the Hoysaleswara temple in Halebidu, representing the Trimurti: Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu. 2. A Ganesha-centric Panchayatana ("five deities", from the Smarta tradition): Ganesha (centre) with Shiva (top left), Devi (top right), Vishnu (bottom left) and Surya (bottom right). All these deities also have separate sects dedicated to them. 3. The festival of lights- Diwali, is celebrated by Hindus all over the world. 4. Pilgrimage to Kedarnath
हिन्दू धर्म का इतिहास [show page here]
हिन्दू धर्म का इतिहास अति प्राचीन है। इस धर्म को वेदकाल से भी पूर्व का माना जाता है, क्योंकि वैदिक काल और वेदों की रचना का काल अलग-अलग माना जाता है। यहां शताब्दियों से मौखिक परंपरा चलती रही, जिसके [more]

1. The so-called Shiva Pashupati seal from Indus Valley Civilization 2. Swastika Seals from the Indus Valley Civilization preserved at the British Museum 3. Babur visits a Hindu temple. 4. Photograph of the Surya Temple, The most impressive and grandest ruins in Kashmir, at Marttand-Hardy Cole's Archaeological Survey of India Report 'Illustrations of Ancient Buildings in Kashmir.' (1869)
देवता [show page here]
देवता, दिव् धातु, जिसका अर्थ प्रकाशमान होना है, से निकलता है। अर्थ है कोई भी परालौकिक शक्ति का पात्र, जो अमर और पराप्राकृतिक है और इसलिये पूजनीय है। देवता अथवा देव इस तरह के पुरुषों के लिये प्रयुक्त [more]

1. Devas are benevolent supernatural beings in the Vedic era literature, with Indra (above) as their leader. The above gilt copper statue of Indra with inlaid semi-precious stones is from 16th-century Nepal. 2. Bas-relief of a devi in Angkor Wat, Cambodia 3. The male Lokapala devas, the guardians of the directions, on the wall of Shiva temple, Prambanan (Java, Indonesia).
सम्प्रदाय [show page here]
एक ही धर्म की अलग अलग परम्परा या विचारधारा मानने वालें वर्गों को सम्प्रदाय कहते है। सम्प्रदाय हिंदू, बौद्ध, ईसाई, जैन, इस्लाम आदी धर्मों में मौजूद है। सम्प्रदाय के अन्तर्गत गुरु-शिष्य परम्परा चलती [more]

1. (Vidyashankara temple) at Sringeri Sharada Peetham, Shringeri
पुनर्जन्म [show page here]
पुनर्जन्म यह धारणा है कि व्यक्ति मृत्यु के पश्चात पुनः जन्म लेता है। हम ये कहें कि कर्म आदि के अनुसार कोई मनुष्य मरने के बाद कहीं अन्यत्र जन्म लेता है। — पाश्चात्य मत में सामान्यतः पुनर्जन्म स्वीकृत [more]

1. The drawing illustrating how the soul travels to any one of the four states of existence after death depending on its karmas, according to Jainism. 2. A 2nd-century Roman sarcophagus shows the mythology and symbolism of the Orphic and Dionysiac Mystery schools. Orpheus plays his lyre to the left 3. Sváfa holding the dying Helgi in their first incarnation of three. 4. In this 8-meter (25-foot) tall Buddhist relief, made sometime between the years 1177 and 1249, Mara, Lord of Death and Desire, clutches a Wheel of Reincarnation which outlines the Buddhist cycle of reincarnation.
मोक्ष [show page here]
भारतीय दर्शन में नश्वरता को दु:ख का कारण माना गया है। संसार आवागमन, जन्म-मरण और नश्वरता का केंद्र हैं। इस अविद्याकृत प्रपंच से मुक्ति पाना ही मोक्ष है। प्राय: सभी दार्शनिक प्रणालियों ने संसार के [more]

1. Two Hindu sadhus near Pashupatinath Temple in Kathmandu, Nepal. Usually sadhus live by themselves, and spend their days in their pursuit of moksha. 2. Gajendra Moksha (pictured) is a symbolic tale in Vaishnavism. The elephant Gajendra enters a lake where a crocodile Huhu clutches his leg and becomes his suffering. Despite his pain, he constantly remembers God Vishnu. God liberates him. Gajendra symbolically represents man, Huhu represents sins and the lake is saṃsāra. 3. Jñāna yoga 4. Bhakti yoga
पूजा [show page here]
पूजा अथवा पूजन (Worshipping) किसी भगवान को प्रसन्न करने हेतु हमारे द्वारा उनका अभिवादन होता है। पूजा दैनिक जीवन का शांतिपूर्ण तथा महत्वपूर्ण कार्य है। यहाँ भगवान को पुष्प आदि समर्पित किये जाते हैं [more]

1. Bhoga to be offered to God for Puja 2. Puja offerings to Ganesha in Ubud, Bali Indonesia.
माया [show page here]
माया शब्द का प्रयोग एक से अधिक अर्थों में होता है। ऐसा प्रतीत होता है कि विचार में परिवर्तन के साथ शब्द का अर्थ बदलता गया। जब हम किसी चकित कर देनेवाली घटना को देखते हैं, तो उसे ईश्वर की माया कह देते [more]

1. Maya, the mirror of illusions, a painting by the American artist Arthur Bowen Davies (1910) 2. Markandeya sees Vishnu as an infant on a fig leaf in the deluge. 3. Sikhism
दर्शन [show page here]
दर्शनशास्त्र (यूनानी:φιλοσοφία, जर्मन,फ्रेंच:Philosophie, अंग्रेजी:Philosophy, स्पेनिश:Filosofía) वह ज्ञान है जो परम् सत्य और प्रकृति के सिद्धांतों और उनके कारणों की विवेचना करता है। दर्शन यथार्थ की [more]

1. Bust of Socrates in the Vatican Museum 2. Avicenna Portrait on Silver Vase, Iran 3. Nalanda university 4. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, philosopher and second president of India, 1962 to 1967.
धर्म [show page here]
धर्म (पालि : धम्म ) भारतीय संस्कृति और दर्शन की प्रमुख संकल्पना है। 'धर्म' शब्द का पश्चिमी भाषाओं में कोई तुल्य शब्द पाना बहुत कठिन है। साधारण शब्दों में धर्म के बहुत से अर्थ हैं जिनमें से कुछ ये [more]

वेदान्त [show page here]
वेदान्त ज्ञानयोग की एक शाखा है जो व्यक्ति को ज्ञान प्राप्ति की दिशा में उत्प्रेरित करता है। इसका मुख्य स्रोत उपनिषद है जो वेद ग्रंथो और अरण्यक ग्रंथों का सार समझे जाते हैं। उपनिषद् वैदिक साहित्य का [more]

1. Ramanujacharya depicted with Vaishnava Tilaka and Vishnu statue. 2. Vallabhacharya 3. Madhvacharya 4. Nimbarkacharya's icon at Ukhra, West Bengal
योग [show page here]
योग भारत और नेपाल में एक आध्यात्मिक प्रकिया को कहते हैं जिसमें शरीर, मन और आत्मा को एक साथ लाने (योग) का काम होता है। यह शब्द, प्रक्रिया और धारणा बौद्ध धर्म,जैन धर्म और हिंदू धर्म में ध्यान [more]

2. 16th century Buddhist artwork in Yoga posture. 3. Krishna narrating the Gita to Arjuna 4. Traditional Hindu depiction of Patanjali as an avatar of the divine serpent Shesha.
शाकाहार [show page here]
शाकाहारी खाद्य पदार्थों की किस्मों के लिए, शाकाहारी भोजन देखें। जानवरों में वनस्पति आधारित आहार के लिए शाकाहारी देखें। — दुग्ध उत्पाद, फल, सब्जी, अनाज, बादाम आदि बीज सहित वनस्पति-आधारित भोजन को शाकाहार [more]

2. A variety of vegan and vegetarian deli foods 3. Vegetarian Lunch at Mysore, India 4. Roadside café near Kullu, India
आयुर्वेद [show page here]
आयुर्वेद (आयुः + वेद = आयुर्वेद) विश्व की प्राचीनतम चिकित्सा प्रणालियों में से एक है। यह [[ऋग्वेद]] का उपवेद है। यह विज्ञान, कला और दर्शन का मिश्रण है। ‘आयुर्वेद’ नाम का अर्थ है, ‘जीवन का ज्ञान’ और [more]

2. A typical Ayurvedic pharmacy, Rishikesh. 3. Tulsi-flower (holy basil), an Ayurvedic herb 4. Charaka
हिन्दू संस्कार [show page here]
यह लेख सनातन धर्म के संस्कार में जोड़ा या पुनर्निर्देशित किया जा सकता है। — हिन्दू धर्म की महान आध्यात्मिक विरासत सफल और सार्थक यात्रा के लिए जहाँ यात्रा के काम आने वाले उपकरण-अटैची, बिस्तर, पानी पीने [more]

1. Sanskaras are, in one context, the diverse rites of passage of a human being from conception to cremation, signifying milestones in an individual's journey of life in Hinduism. Above is annaprashan samskara celebrating a baby's first taste of solid food. 2. A rite of passage with yajna ceremony often marks a Hindu wedding. 3. A new born's Namakarana ceremony. The grandmother is whispering the name into the baby's ear, while friends and family watch. 4. Annaprashanam is the rite of passage where the baby is fed solid food for the first time. The ritual has regional names, such as Choroonu in Kerala.
भक्ति [show page here]
भक्ति भजन है। किसका भजन? ब्रह्म का, महान का। महान वह है जो चेतना के स्तरों में मूर्धन्य है, यज्ञियों में यज्ञिय है, पूजनीयों में पूजनीय है, सात्वतों, सत्वसंपन्नों में शिरोमणि है और एक होता हुआ भी [more]

हिन्दू ग्रन्थ [show page here]
वैदिक सनातन वर्णाश्रम व्यक्ति प्रवर्तित धर्म नहीं है। इसका आधार वेदादि धर्मग्रन्थ है, जिनकी संख्या बहुत बड़ी है। ये सब दो विभागों में विभक्त हैं- — इस श्रेणी के ग्रन्थ श्रुति कहलाते हैं। ये अपौरुषेय [more]

2. A 19th century manuscript of the Hindu text Bhagavad Gita
वेद [show page here]
वेद प्राचीन भारत के पवितत्रतम साहित्य हैं जो हिन्दुओं के प्राचीनतम और आधारभूत धर्मग्रन्थ भी हैं। भारतीय संस्कृति में वेद सनातन वर्णाश्रमधर्म के मूल और सबसे प्राचीन ग्रन्थ हैं जो ईश्वर की वाणी है। ये [more]

1. The Vedas are ancient Sanskrit texts of Hinduism. Above: A page from the Atharvaveda. 2. Rigveda manuscript in Devanagari
उपनिषद् [show page here]
उपनिषद् हिन्दू धर्म के महत्त्वपूर्ण श्रुति धर्मग्रन्थ हैं। ये वैदिक वांग्मय के अभिन्न भाग हैं। इनमें परमेश्वर, परमात्मा-ब्रह्म और आत्मा के स्वभाव और सम्बन्ध का बहुत ही दार्शनिक और ज्ञानपूर्वक वर्णन [more]

1. A page of Isha Upanishad manuscript 2. Impact of a drop of water, a common analogy for Brahman and the Ātman 3. German 19th-century philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer, impressed by the Upanishads, called the texts "the production of the highest human wisdom".
श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता [show page here]
श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता हिन्दुओं के पवित्रतम ग्रन्थों में से एक है। यह कोई मानवीय पुस्तक नहीं अपितु स्वयं भगवान् की वाणी है। महाभारत के अनुसार कुरुक्षेत्र युद्ध में श्री कृष्ण ने गीता का सन्देश अर्जुन को [more]

1. Krishna and Arjuna at Kurukshetra, c. 1820 painting 2. Bronze chariot, depicting discourse of Krishna and Arjuna in Kurukshetra 3. A manuscript illustration of the battle of Kurukshetra, fought between the Kauravas and the Pandavas, recorded in the Mahabharata. 4. Krishna displays his Vishvarupa (Universal Form) to Arjuna on the battlefield of Kurukshetra (chapter 11).
महाभारत [show page here]
महाभारत हिन्दुओं का एक प्रमुख काव्य ग्रंथ है, जो स्मृति वर्ग में आता है। कभी कभी केवल "भारत" कहा जाने वाला यह काव्यग्रंथ भारत का अनुपम धार्मिक, पौराणिक, ऐतिहासिक और दार्शनिक ग्रंथ हैं। विश्व का सबसे [more]

1. Krishna and Arjuna at Kurukshetra, 18th–19th-century painting 2. Modern depiction of Vyasa narrating the Mahābhārata to Ganesha at the Murudeshwara temple, Karnataka. 3. The snake sacrifice of Janamejaya 4. Ganesha writing the Mahabharata
सूत्र [show page here]
सूत्र, किसी बड़ी बात को अतिसंक्षिप्त रूप में अभिव्यक्त करने का तरीका है। इसका उपयोग साहित्य, व्याकरण, गणित, विज्ञान आदि में होता है। सूत्र का शाब्दिक अर्थ धागा या रस्सी होता है। जिस प्रकार धागा [more]

1. A Sanskrit manuscript page of Lotus Sutra (Buddhism) from South Turkestan in Brahmi script 2. Sutra Box, Miyajima, Japan 3. A manuscript page from Kalpa Sūtra (Jainism)
पुराण [show page here]
पुराण, हिंदुओं के धर्मसंबंधी आख्यानग्रंथ हैं जिनमें सृष्टि, लय, प्राचीन ऋषियों, मुनियों और राजाओं के वृत्तात आदि हैं। ये वैदिक काल के काफ़ी बाद के ग्रन्थ हैं, जो स्मृति विभाग में आते हैं। भारतीय [more]

2. The Goddess Durga Leading the Eight Matrikas in Battle Against the Demon Raktabija, Folio from Devi Mahatmyam, Markandeya Purana. 3. The Puranas include cosmos creation myths such as the Samudra Manthan (churning of the ocean). It is represented in the Angkor Wat temple complex of Cambodia, and at Bangkok airport, Thailand (above). 4. An 11th-century Nepalese palm-leaf manuscript in Sanskrit of Devimahatmya (Markandeya Purana).
वचनामृत [show page here]
वचनामृत स्वामीनारायण सम्प्रदाय का एक मूल ग्रंथ है। — सन्दर्भ... [more]

1. The Vachanamrut
यज्ञ [show page here]
यज्ञ, योग की विधि है जो परमात्मा द्वारा ही हृदय में सम्पन्न होती है। जीव के अपने सत्य परिचय जो परमात्मा का अभिन्न ज्ञान और अनुभव है, यज्ञ की पूर्णता है। यह शुद्ध होने की क्रिया है। इसका संबंध अग्नि [more]

1. A yajna being performed. 2. A miniature illustration of a falcon bird Athirathram yajna altar built using the square principle.
मन्त्र [show page here]
हिन्दू श्रुति ग्रंथों की कविता को पारंपरिक रूप से मंत्र कहा जाता है। इसका शाब्दिक अर्थ विचार या चिन्तन होता है । मंत्रणा, और मंत्री इसी मूल से बने शब्द हैं। मन्त्र भी एक प्रकार की वाणी है, परन्तु [more]

1. In Tibet, many Buddhists carve mantras into rocks as a form of meditation. 2. Mantras written on a rock near Namche Bazaar Nepal 3. Om mani padme hum on the Gangpori (photo 1938–1939 German expedition to Tibet. 4. Mantra of the Hare Krishna bhakti school of Hinduism
वाल्मीकि [show page here]
वाल्मीकि (/vɑːlˈmiːki/; संस्कृत: वाल्मीकि Vālmīki) प्राचीन भारतीय महर्षि हैं। ये आदिकवि के रूप में प्रसिद्ध हैं। उन्होने संस्कृत में रामायण की रचना की। उनके द्वारा रची रामायण वाल्मीकि रामायण कहलाई। [more]

1. Sage Valmiki composing Ramayana 2. The youthful sage Narada at the white-bearded Valmiki's hermitage 3. Sita in Valmiki hermitage 4. Rama with Sita on the throne, their children Lava and Kusha on their laps. Behind the throne, Lakshmana, Bharata and Shatrughna stand. Hanuman bows to Rama before the throne. Valmiki to the left.
संस्कृत [show page here]
संस्कृत (संस्कृत: संस्कृतम्, अंग्रेज़ी: Sanskrit) भारतीय उपमहाद्वीप की एक शास्त्रीय भाषा है। इसे देववाणी अथवा सुरभारती भी कहा जाता है। यह विश्व की सबसे पुरानी उल्लिखित भाषा है। आधुनिक भारतीय भाषाएँ [more]

1. Sanskrit literature by Kālidāsa in various Indic scripts. 2. Sanskrit festival at Pramati Hillview Academy, Mysore, India. 3. A poem by the ancient Indian poet Vallana (ca. 900 – 1100 CE) on the side wall of a building at the Haagweg 14 in Leiden, Netherlands 4. Kashmir Shaiva manuscript in the Śāradā script (c. 17th century)
श्लोक [show page here]
संस्कृत की दो पंक्तियों की रचना, जिनके द्वारा किसी प्रकार का कथोकथन किया जाता है, श्लोक कहलाता है। श्लोक प्रायः छंद के रूप में होते हैं अर्थात् इनमें गति, यति और लय होती है। छंद के रूप में होने के [more]

1. Shloka Scheme
राम [show page here]
राम (रामचन्द्र), प्राचीन भारत में अवतरित, भगवान हैं। हिन्दू धर्म में, राम, विष्णु के १० अवतारों में से सातवें हैं। राम का जीवनकाल एवं पराक्रम, महर्षि वाल्मीकि द्वारा रचित, संस्कृत महाकाव्य रामायण के [more]

1. Rama is a Hindu deity, his iconography varies 2. Sarayu river and the Ayodhya Rama Paidi in Uttar Pradesh India. 3. Ravana's sister Suparnakha attempts to seduce Rama and cheat on Sita. He refuses and spurns her (above). 4. Ravana kidnapping Sita while Jatayu on the left tried to help her. 9th century Prambanan bas-relief, Java, Indonesia
आदिकाव्य [show page here]
रामायण [क] आदि कवि वाल्मीकि द्वारा लिखा गया संस्कृत का एक अनुपम महाकाव्य है। इसके २४,००० श्लोक[ख] हैं। यह हिन्दू स्मृति का वह अंग हैं जिसके माध्यम से रघुवंश के राजा राम की गाथा कही गयी। इसे आदिकाव्य [more]

1. Rama with his wife Sita and brother Lakshmana during exile in forest, manuscript, ca. 1780 2. Rama (left third from top) depicted in the Dashavatara, the ten avatars of Vishnu. Painting from Jaipur, now at the Victoria and Albert Museum 3. Rama seated with Sita, fanned by Lakshmana, while Hanuman pays his respects. 4. Rama and the monkey chiefs
बौद्ध धर्म [show page here]
बौद्ध धर्म भारत की श्रमण परम्परा से निकला धर्म और महान दर्शन है। इसा पूर्व 6 वी शताब्धी में बौद्ध धर्म की स्थापना हुई है। बौद्ध धर्म के संस्थापक भगवान बुद्ध है। भगवान बुद्ध का जन्म 563 ईसा पूर्व में [more]

1. Standing Buddha statue at the Tokyo National Museum. One of the earliest known representations of the Buddha, 1st–2nd century CE. 2. "The Great Departure", relic depicting Gautama leaving home, first or second century (Musée Guimet) 3. Dhamek Stupa in Sarnath, India, where the Buddha gave his first sermon. It was built by Ashoka. 4. Buddha statue depicting Parinirvana (Mahaparinirvana Temple, Kushinagar, Uttar Pradesh, India)
जैन [show page here]
आबादी-1 करोड़ के ऊपर मुख्य व्यक्ति - महावीर — जैन धर्म भारत का एक प्राचीन धर्म है। 'जैन धर्म' का अर्थ है - 'जिन द्वारा प्रवर्तित धर्म'। 'जैन' कहते हैं उन्हें, जो 'जिन' के अनुयायी हों। 'जिन' शब्द बना है [more]

1. The Jain flag 2. Painting with the message: "Ahiṃsā Paramo Dharma" (non-violence is the highest virtue or religion) 3. Left: Jain nuns meditating, Right: 10th century Gommateshwara statue depicting standing meditation (Kayotsarga posture) 4. Praying at the feet of a statue of Bahubali
शैव [show page here]
शिव कि उपसना करने वाला सम्प्रदाय शैव कहलाते हैं। यह एक ऐसी परम्परा है जिसमें भक्त शिव परम्परा से बंधा हो। यह प्राचीन काल में दक्षिण भारत में बहुत लोकप्रिय हुई थी। — इन्हें भी देखें — शैव दर्शन — ब्राह्मण [more]

1. Shaiva icons and a Hindu woman praying in River Narmada, Maheshwar, Madhya Pradesh. 2. An image collage of 1st millennium CE Shaivism icons and temples from Southeast Asia (top left): Shiva in yoga pose, Nandi, Prambanan temple, Yoni-Linga and Hindu temple layout. 3. Two female Shaiva ascetics (18th century painting) 4. Tirumular, the great Tamil Śaivasiddhānta poet and mystic saint (siddha).
गौतम बुद्ध [show page here]
गौतम बुद्ध (जन्म 563 ईसा पूर्व – निर्वाण 483 ईसा पूर्व) विश्व महान दार्शनिक, वैज्ञानिक, धर्मगुरू एवं उच्च कोटी के समाज सुधारक थे। तथागत बुद्ध प्राचीनतम धर्मों में से एक महान बौद्ध धर्म के संस्थापक [more]

1. A statue of the Buddha from Sarnath, Uttar pradesh, India, 4th century CE 2. Maya devi Temple 3. Buddha by Otgonbayar Ershuu 4. Māyā miraculously giving birth to Siddhārtha. Sanskrit, palm-leaf manuscript. Nālandā, Bihar, India. Pāla period
विष्णु [show page here]
हिन्दू धर्म के आधारभूत ग्रन्थों में बहुमान्य पुराणानुसार विष्णु परमेश्वर के तीन मुख्य रूपों में से एक रूप हैं। पुराणों में त्रिमूर्ति विष्णु को विश्व का पालनहार कहा गया है। त्रिमूर्ति के अन्य दो रूप [more]

1. Vishnu 2. The Bhagavata Purana is centered around Krishna, a Vishnu avatar. 3. Vishnu with Lakshmi(Laxminarayan) at Halebidu. 4. Uthpalawarna Vishnu Devalaya in Devinuwara, Matara, Sri Lanka
शंकराचार्य [show page here]
शंकराचार्य आम तौर पर अद्वैत परम्परा के मठों के मुखिया के लिये प्रयोग की जाने वाली उपाधि है। शंकराचार्य हिन्दू धर्म में सर्वोच्च धर्म गुरु का पद है जो कि बौद्ध धर्म में दलाईलामा एवं ईसाई धर्म में पोप [more]

1. H.H Jagadguru Swami Nischalanada Saraswati, The Shankaracharya of Puri
तुलसीदास [show page here]
गोस्वामी तुलसीदास (1511 - 1623) हिंदी साहित्य के महान कवि थे। इनका जन्म सोरों शूकरक्षेत्र, वर्तमान में कासगंज (एटा) उत्तर प्रदेश में हुआ था। कुछ विद्वान् आपका जन्म राजापुर जिला बाँदा (वर्तमान में [more]

1. Statue of Goswami Tulsidas at Kanch Mandir, Tulsi Peeth, Chitrakuta, India 2. Picture of Tulsidas published in the Ramcharitmanas, by Sri Ganga Publishers, Gai Ghat, Benaras, 1949. 3. Birthplace, Tulsidas, Ramcharitmanas 4. Tulsidas' patron deity Rama (centre) with wife Sita to his left and brother Lakshamana to the right, while Hanuman bows to his Lord.
शंकर [show page here]
[[Category:भारत-centric]] — शिव त्रिदेवों में एक देव हैं। इन्हें देवों के देव भी कहते हैं। इन्हें महादेव, भोलेनाथ, शंकर, महेश, रुद्र, नीलकंठ के नाम से भी जाना जाता है। तंत्र साधना में इन्हे भैरव के नाम [more]

2. A sculpture of Shiva among the Trimurti, dating back to the Gupta Empire at the Elephanta Caves 3. Three-headed Shiva, Gandhara, 2nd century AD 4. Vima Kadphises with ithyphallic Shiva.
पार्वती [show page here]
पार्वती हिमनरेश हिमावन तथा मैनावती की पुत्री हैं, तथा भगवान शंकर की पत्नी हैं। उमा, गौरी भी पार्वती के ही नाम हैं। यह प्रकृति स्वरूपा हैं। पार्वती के जन्म का समाचार सुनकर देवर्षि नारद हिमनरेश के घर [more]

2. Uma Maheshvara (Parvati with Shiva), 12th-13th century from Odisha, India, currently in the British Museum. 3. Parvati with Shiva and sons Ganesha (leftmost) and Kartikeya (rightmost). Parvati is depicted with green complexion, denoting dark complexion. 4. Parvati being celebrated at Gauri Festival, Rajasthan.

1. Angad – Angada is a vanara who helped Rama find his wife Sita and fight her abductor, Ravana, in Ramayana. He was son of Bali and Tara and nephew of Sugriva, angada and Tara are instrumental in reconciling Rama and his brother, Lakshmana, with Sugriva after Sugriva fails to fulfill his promise to help Rama find and rescue his wife. Together they are able to convince Sugriva to honor his pledge to Rama instead of spending his time carousing and drinking, Sugriva then arranges for Hanuman to help Rama and organises the monkey army that will battle Ravanas demonic host
Angad – The monkey prince Angad is first sent to give diplomacy one last chance(Ravi Varma studio, 1910's)
Angad – A miniature panel capturing the scene of Ankathan(Angad) along with other Vanaras lamenting Vali 's death in Pullamangai, Pasupathi Koil, Thanjavur
Angad – Ikshvaku dynasty
2. Atri – Atri or Attri is a Vedic sage, who is credited with composing a large number of hymns to Agni, Indra and other Vedic deities of Hinduism. Atri is one of the Saptarishi in the Hindu tradition, the fifth Mandala of Rigveda is called the Atri Mandala in his honour, and the eighty seven hymns in it are attributed to him and his descendants. Atri is also mentioned in the Puranas and the Hindu Epics such as the Ramayana, Atri is one of the seven great Rishi or saptarshi along with Marichi, Angiras, Pulaha, Kratu, Pulastya and Vashistha. According to the legends of the Vedic era, sage Atri was married to Anasuya Devi and they had three sons, Dattatreya, Durvasas and Soma. As per divine account, he is the last among the seven saptharishis and is believed to have originated from the tongue, the wife of Atri was Anusuya, who is considered one of the seven female pathivrathas. When instructed by divine voice to do penance, Atri readily agreed, pleased by his devotion and prayers, the Hindu trinity, namely, Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva appeared before him and offered him boons. He sought all the three to be born to him, another version of the legend states that Anusuya, by the powers of her chastity, rescued the three gods and in return, they were born as children to her. Brahma was born to her as Chandra, Vishnu as Dattatreya, the mention about Atri is found in various scriptures, with the notable being in Rig Veda. He is also associated with various ages, the notable being in Dvapara Yuga during Ramayana, the pair is also attributed to bringing river Ganga down to earth, the mention of which is found in Shiva Purana. He is the seer of the fifth Mandala of the Rigveda, Atri had many sons and disciples who have also contributed in the compilation of the Rig Veda and other Vedic texts. Mandala 5 comprises 87 hymns, mainly to Agni and Indra, but also to the Visvedevas, the Maruts, the twin-deity Mitra-Varuna, two hymns each are dedicated to Ushas and to Savitr. Most hymns in this book are attributed to the Atri clan composers and these hymns of Rigveda was composed in the north-western region of the Indian subcontinent, most likely between c. The Atri hymns of the Rigveda are significant for their structure as well as for featuring spiritual ideas in the form of riddles. These hymns include lexical, syntactic, morphological and verb play utilizing the flexibility of the Sanskrit language, the hymn 5.44 of the Rigveda in Atri Mandala is considered by scholars such as Geldner to be the most difficult riddle hymn in all of the Rigveda. The verses are known for their elegant presentation of natural phenomenon through metaphors. While the fifth mandala is attributed to Atri and his associates, sage Atri is mentioned or credited with other verses of the Rigveda in other Mandalas. In the Ramayana, Rama, Sita and Lakshmana visit Atri, a number of sages named Atri are mentioned in the various medieval era Puranas. The mythical legends therein about Atri are diverse and inconsistent and it is unclear if these refer to the same person, or to different Rishis who had the same name
Atri – Rama visiting Atri's hermitage. As Atri talks to Rama and his brother Lakshmana, Anusuya talks with his wife Sita.
Atri – A Bhagavata Purana manuscript page depicting the story of Atri and Anasuya meeting the Trimurti (PhP 4.1.21-25). (Paper, late 18th century, Jaipur).
3. Adhyatma Ramayana – Adhyatma Ramayana is a medieval Sanskrit text extolling the spiritualism in the story of Ramayana. It is embedded in the portion of Brahmānda Purana. The text philosophically attempts to reconcile Bhakti in god Rama and Shaktism with Advaita Vedanta and it is supposed to have inspired several later versions of the Ramayana story in languages like Awadhi, Oriya, Bengali and Malayalam. The word Adhyatma means transcendental, relating to Atman, Adhyatma Ramayana represents the story of Rama in a spiritual context. The text represents Rama as the Brahman, mapping all saguna of Rama to the nirguna nature, the book is aimed to be used as a guide and a ready source of instruction for a spiritual seeker, as it presents the Ramayana as a divine allegory. The text influenced the popular Ramcharitmanas by Tulsidas, the Adhyatma Ramayana is organized into seven Kandas, or chapters,1. It includes Rama’s childhood and the story of Ahilyas deliverance by Rama, Ayodhya Kand - Life in Ayodhya, including Ramas exile, the death of his father Dasarath, etc.3. Aranya Kand - The forest chapter, which includes the kidnapping of Sita by Ravana, Kishkindha Kand - the episode of Kishkindha. This chapter describes the killing of Bali, and the initiation of the search for Sita. Sundar Kand - details Hanumans arrival and activities in Lanka, Lanka Kand - corresponding to the Yuddha Kanda of the Valmiki Ramayana. It contains details of the battles between Ramas armies and Ravana, the killing of Ravana, and the coronation of Rama upon his return to Ayodhya from Lanka. It includes the banishment of Sita, the birth of Lava and Kusha - the sons of Rama and Sita - and Rama’s departure from the earth to Vaikuntha, the abode of Lord Vishnu. The fifth adhyaya of the Uttar Kanda describes a conversation between Lord Rama and his brother Lakshmana, often referred to as the Rama Gita and it is essentially an Advaitic philosophical work. Bhanubhakta Acharya translated Ramayan from Sanskrit to Nepali, swami Tapasyananda, Adhyatma Ramayana, Original Sanskrit, with English Translation, Sri Ramakrishna Math, Madras. Baij Nath Puri, Lala Baij Nath, the Adhyatma Ramayana, Cosmo Publications,2005. Beladakere Suryanarayana Shastri, Adhyatma Ramayana, Kannada translation with Sanskrit original, Shri Jayachamaraja Granthamala, Series 47, subir Kumar Sen, Adhyatma Ramayanam from Sanskrit to English, Shastra Dharma Prachar Sabha,2012. ISBN 978-81-920022-1-7 Adhyathmaramayanam Ramayana Ramcharitmanas by Tulsidas Puri, Baij Nath, the Adhyatma Ramayana, Cosmo Publications,2005. The Two-Headed Deer, Illustrations of the Ramayana in Orissa, berkeley, University of California Press, c1996
Adhyatma Ramayana – Rama, Lakshmana and Sita
4. Ajodhya – Ayodhya, also known as Saket, is an ancient city of India, believed to be the birthplace of Rama and setting of the epic Ramayana. It is adjacent to Faizabad city in the region of the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. Ayodhya used to be the capital of the ancient Kosala Kingdom and it has an average elevation of 93 meters. Owing to the belief as the birthplace of Rama, Ayodhya has been regarded as one of the seven most important pilgrimage sites for Hindus. It is believed that the spot of Rama was marked by a temple, which was demolished by the orders of the Mughal emperor Babur. The Ayodhya dispute concerns the activism by the Hindu groups to rebuild a Ramas temple at the site, Ayodhya is on the right bank of the river Sarayu,8, km from Faizabad. This town is associated with Rama, seventh incarnation of Vishnu. According to the Ramayana, the city is 9,000 years old and was founded by Manu, other sources hold that it was founded by its namesake, King Ayudh. It was said to be the capital of the Solar dynasty, at the time it was known as Kaushaldesa. Skanda Purana and other puranas list Ayodhya as one of the seven most sacred cities of India, today it is predominantly a religious destination with its historical significance and sacred temples. The Atharvaveda described Ayodhya as a city built by God and being prosperous as paradise itself and its first ruling king was Ikshvaku, of the Solar dynasty and eldest son of Vaivasvata Manu. The sixth king of this line, Prithu, is linguistically the etymology of earth, mandhatri was a later king of the region, and the 31st king of his descent was Harischandra, known for his truthfulness, or Sathya-sandhata. His lineeage was Surya Vamsa and, in known for their honesty as rulers. Raja Sagar of the same clan performed the Asvamedha Yajna, Later came the great King Raghu, after whom the dynasty was called Raghuvamsa. His grandson was Raja Dasharatha, of the Kausala dynasty, several religions have prospered in Ayodhya simultaneously as well as at different periods. Elements of Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Islam can be found in the city, Ayodhya demonstrates Ganga-Jamuni culture in the Hanumangarhi temple, built by Nawab of Awadh. According to Jain Agams, it is the eternal city after Shikharji. According to one derivation, Ayodhya is said to derive from the name of King Ayudh, in the more accepted etymology, In word Ayodhya, A is feminine negation of the word Yodhya which comes from the root Yudh
Ajodhya – Ram Paidi ghat on Sarayu river, Ayodhya.
Ajodhya – This temple is in the centre of Ayodhya, Faizabad and is visited by a number of travelers.
Ajodhya – Ayodhya Ghaat on the bank Ghaghara river.
5. Kuteer – Traditionally, an ashram is a spiritual hermitage or a monastery in Indian religions. The word ashram comes from the Sanskrit root śram- which means to toil, according to S. S. Chandra, the term means a step in the journey of life. In contrast, according to George Weckman, the term ashram connotes a place where one strives towards a goal in a disciplined manner, such a goal could be ascetic, spiritual, yogic or any other. The residents of an ashram regularly performed spiritual and physical exercises, other sacrifices and penances, such as yajnas were also performed. Many ashrams also served as gurukulas, residential schools for children under the guru-shishya tradition, sometimes, the goal of a pilgrimage to the ashram was not tranquility, but instruction in some art, especially warfare. In the Ramayana, the protagonist princes of ancient Ayodhya, Rama and Lakshmana, after they prove their mettle, the princes receive martial instruction from the sage, especially in the use of divine weapons. In the Mahabharata, Krishna, in his youth, goes to the ashram of Sandipani to gain knowledge of intellectual and spiritual matters. Residential schools, especially in the areas of Maharashtra and elsewhere in India, are called ashram shala or ashram schools. One such school is the Lok Biradari Prakalp Ashram Shala, in recent years, a number of ashrams have been established outside of India. Typically, these ashrams are connected to Indian lineages, focus on imparting Yoga-related teachings and are headed by spiritual teachers
Kuteer – Sivananda Ashram, Rishikesh, the headquarters of Divine Life Society, founded by Sivananda Saraswati in 1936.
Kuteer – Sabarmati Ashram where Mahatma Gandhi stayed.
Kuteer – Kailash Ashram, Muni Ki Reti, Rishikesh, established by Dhanraj Giri
6. Kumbakarna – Kumbhakarna rakshasa is the younger brother of Ravana in the famous Indian epic Ramayana. Despite his monstrous size and great appetite, he was described to be of good character, though he killed and he was considered so pious, intelligent and brave that Indra, the king of gods, was jealous of him. Along with his brothers, Ravana and Vibhishana, Kumbhkarna performed a major yajna and penance to please Lord Brahma. When the time came for asking a boon from Brahma, his tongue was tied by goddess Saraswati and it is also said he intended to ask for Nirdevatvam and instead asked for Nidravatvam. However, his brother Ravana asked Brahma to undo this boon as it was in reality a curse, Kumbhakarna slept for six months and when he awoke, he ate everything in the vicinity, including humans. During the war, Ravana went into battle and was humiliated by Rama and he decided he needed the help of his brother Kumbhakarna, who was awakened with great difficulty. He woke up only one thousand elephants walked over him. When he was informed of the circumstances of Ravanas war with Rama, however, he chose to fight in the battle due to his loyalty to his brother. After becoming drunk, Kumbhakarna went into battle and devastated Ramas army and he injured Hanuman, and knocked Sugriva unconscious and took him prisoner, but was ultimately killed by Rama. When Ravana heard of his brothers death, he fainted and proclaimed that he is truly doomed, Kumbhakarna had two sons, Kumbha and Nikumbha, from his wife Vajrajvala who too fought in the war against Rama and were killed. According to Shiva Purana, Kumbhakarna had another son called Bheema from his wife Karkati, Bheema took an oath to destroy Lord Vishnu as he killed his father in Rama avatar and began a campaign of terror based on a boon provided by Lord Brahma. KUMBHAKARNA Kumbhakarna - Ancient Giant Robot in AMP suit Pot-Ears Awakening, from the Ramayana, as translated by Arthur W. Ryder From Bheemashankar Temple in Pune
Kumbakarna – Kumbhakarna yawns as he is roused from sleep
Kumbakarna – Kumbhakarna Enters Warfront Painting by Balasaheb Pandit Pant Pratinidhi
Kumbakarna – Death of Kumbhakarna
Kumbakarna – Not to be confused with Kumbha of Mewar.
7. Kaikeyi – In Ayodhya kand Rama says that Kaikeyi is their younger mother. The word अम्बा मध्यमा means second mother or middle mother, the term Kaikeyī in Sanskrit means belonging to Kekeya Kingdom, referring the ruling family of the Kekaya clan, to whom Kaikeyī belonged. Kaikeyi was daughter of king Ashwapati, as daughter of the mighty Ashwapati, a long-term ally of Kosala, Kaikeyi married Dasharatha, as his second wife. But after marriage, Kaikeyi was also not able to conceive a child, Dasharatha also married Sumitra, princess of Kashi, but she also remained barren for many years of marriage, as a result of which Dasharatha wasnt able to father a child. As a young girl and only sister to seven brothers, Kaikeyi grew up without a maternal influence in her childhood home and her father had banished her mother from Kekaya after realizing that his wifes nature was not conducive to a happy family life. Amongst other things, due to a boon, Ashwapati was able to understand the language of the birds. However, this was accompanied by a caveat that if he revealed the content of bird speak to anyone, even his own mother. One day, the King and his Queen were strolling through the gardens when Ashwapati happened to overhear the conversation of a pair of mated swans. The conversation so amused him that he laughed heartily, instigating his wifes curiosity, despite being aware of the fact that Ashwapati could not divulge the content of the conversation to her without losing his life, Kaikeyis mother insisted on knowing the cause of the Kings mirth. When Ashwapati realized that his wife cared little for his life or well-being, Kaikeyi never saw her mother again. She was raised by her wet nurse, Manthara, who accompanied Kaikeyi to Ayodhya as a trusted maid upon her marriage to Dasharatha, the older woman schemed constantly to further her own position at the Court. Mantharas scheming paid off when Kaikeyi was able to convince her husband to take her along with him during a campaign against Sambarasura. During a fierce battle between the two, the wheel of Dasharathas chariot broke and Sambarasuras arrow pierced the Kings armor and lodged in his chest, Kaikeyi, who was acting as Dasharathas charioteer, quickly repaired the broken wheel and then drove the chariot away from the battle field. She nursed the wounded King back to health, touched by her courage and timely service, Dasharatha offered her two boons. However, Kaikeyi chose to ask those boons later, years passed and all three Queens produced sons. Rama, son of Kaushalya, was Dasharathas favourite son, during Ramas childhood, Kaikeyi loved to spend time with Rama and took care of him more than her own son. Rama was a loving, obedient child who followed his fathers foot steps, when he turned 16, he married Sita, rumoured to be daughter of the Earth Goddess and foster-daughter of King Janaka of Mithila. Her son Bharata married Sitas cousin Mandavi and her father Ashwapati fell ill and requested Bharatas presence
Kaikeyi – Dasaratha promises to banish Rama per Kaikeyi's wishes. A folio from Ayodhya Kand manuscript
Kaikeyi – Dasharatha give Payasa to his wives
Kaikeyi – Kaikeyi demands that Dasaratha banish Rama from Ayodhya
Kaikeyi – Ikshvaku dynasty
8. Kosalya – Dasharath sends a proposal of friendship to her father but he refuses. A war started between the two in which Dasharatha won so Sukaushal has no option left and he agreed for his friendship and married his daughter Kausalya to Dasharatha. She was mother of Rama, the king of Ayodhya, upon whom the story of the Ramayana is based, Kausalya was the sweetest queen of Dasharath. She praises Sita for accompanying Ram to the forest
Kosalya – Bharata and Satrughna come to console Kausalya
Kosalya – Ikshvaku dynasty
9. Khara (Mythology) – Khara was a man-eating rakshasa in the Indian Ramayana epic. He was a cousin brother of Ravana, and, the son of Kaikesis sister Raka. After Lakshmana cut off Surpanakas nose, breasts and ears, Khara fought against Lakshmana and he was the ruler of the Danda Kingdom, roughly equivalent to the Nashik district, with Janasthana as its capital. He protected the kingdom of Lanka in the mainland and his kingdom bordered with the Kosala Kingdom. He was well known for his skills in warfare. A Classical Dictionary of Hindu Mythology & Religion by John Dowson
Khara (Mythology) – Rama strikes down Khara with an arrow
Khara (Mythology) – Ikshvaku dynasty
10. Firni – It is typically served during a meal or as a dessert. It is also known in some regions as payesh, payasam, payasa, phirni, gil-e-firdaus, the Sanskrit name is क्षीर kṣīra/ पायसम् paayasam. In Hindi, खीर khīr, Punjabi, کھیر/ਖੀਰ, Odia, ଖିରି khiri, Sindhi, کھیر, Urdu, کھیر and it is also known as payasam, payasa, payesh, payox, or Paays in Konkani. The word payasam is derived from payasa, meaning milk, Kheer is prepared in festivals, temples, and all special occasions. The term kheer may derive from the Sanskrit word Ksheer, other terms like Payasam or payesh are derived from the Sanskrit word Payasa or Payasam, which also means milk. It is prepared using milk, rice, ghee, sugar/jaggery, some also add a little bit of heavy cream for a richer taste. It is often garnished using almonds, cashews, raisins and pistachios, there is one more popular version of North Indian kheer, prepared during festivals and havan in Varanasi by using only milk, rice, ghee, sugar, cardamom, dried fruit, and kesar. It is a dish in many Hindu feasts and celebrations. While the dish is most often made with rice, it can also be made with other ingredients, similar rice recipes go back to some of the earliest written recipes in English history. The Odia version of rice kheer likely originated in the city of Puri and it is cooked to this day within the temple precincts there. Payas is also regarded as a food and generally associated with annaprashana, as well as other festivals. In Bengal, it is called payas or payesh, payesh is also regarded as an auspicious food and generally associated with annaprashana and Janmatithi in a Bengali household. It is called kheer in Bengali if milk is used in a greater amount than rice. The people of West Bengal and Bangladesh prepare payesh with gurh, ketaki, glutinous rice, vermicelli, semolina and coconut milk, in Assam, it is called payoxh and in addition to other dried fruits, cherries are added to give it a light delicate pink colour. Sometimes rice may be replaced with sago and it is one of the most significant desserts served in Assamese families and quite often a part of religious ceremonies. In Bihar, it is called Chawal ki Kheer, a very popular dessert cooked in every auspicious occasion, it is made with rice, full fat cream, milk, sugar, cardamom powder, an assortment of dried fruits, and saffron. Another version of this kheer, called Rasiya, is made with jaggery, jaggery is used instead of sugar in the process. The jaggery version looks brown in color and has a mild, the South Indian version, payasam or payasa, is an integral part of traditional South Indian meals
Firni – Kheer from Pakistan
Firni – Ingredients for kheer
Firni – Fereni with date syrup, traditional style in Isfahan
Firni – Sagukhiri, a khiri made in Odisha.
11. Visvavasu – Gandharva is a name used for distinct heavenly beings in Hinduism and Buddhism, it is also a term for skilled singers in Indian classical music. In Hinduism, the gandharvas are male nature spirits, husbands of the Apsaras, some are part animal, usually a bird or horse. They guarded the Soma and made music for the gods in their palaces. Gandharvas are frequently depicted as singers in the court of Gods, gandharvas act as messengers between the gods and humans. In Hindu law, a marriage is one contracted by mutual consent. Gandharvas are mentioned extensively in the epic Mahabharata as associated with the devas and they are mentioned as spread across various territories. Various parentage is given for the gandharvas and they are called the creatures of Prajapati, of Brahma, of Kasyapa, of the Munis, of Arishta, or of Vāc. A gandharva or gandhabba is one of the devas in Buddhist cosmology. They are classed among the Cāturmahārājikakāyika devas, and are subject to the Great King Dhṛtarāṣṭra, beings are reborn among the gandharvas as a consequence of having practiced the most basic form of ethics. It was considered embarrassing for a monk to be born in no better birth than that of a gandharva, gandharvas can fly through the air, and are known for their skill as musicians. They are connected with trees and flowers, and are described as dwelling in the scents of bark, sap and they are among the beings of the wilderness that might disturb a monk meditating alone. The terms gandharva and yakṣa are sometimes used for the person, yakṣa in these cases is the more general term. Among the notable gandharvas are mentioned Panāda, Opamañña, Naḷa, Cittasena, janesabha is probably the same as Janavasabha, a rebirth of King Bimbisāra of Magadha. Mātali the Gandharva is the charioteer for Śakra, timbarū was a chieftain of the gandharvas. There is a story told about the love between his daughter Bhaddā Suriyavacchasā and another gandharva, Pañcasikha. Pañcasikha fell in love with Suriyavacchasā when he saw her dancing before Śakra, but she was then in love with Sikhandī, son of Mātali the charioteer. Pañcasikha then went to Timbarūs home and played a melody on his lute of beluva-wood, on which he had great skill, later, Śakra prevailed upon Pañcasikha to intercede with the Buddha so that Śakra might have an audience with him. As a reward for Pañcasikhas services, Śakra was able to get Suriyavacchasā, already pleased with Pañcasikhas display of skill and devotion, Pañcasikha also acts as a messenger for the Four Heavenly Kings, conveying news from them to Mātali, the latter representing Śakra and the Trāyastriṃśa devas
Visvavasu – Gandharva (right) with an Apsara, 10th century, Cham, Vietnam
12. Krishnaparanth – The Garuda is a large legendary bird, bird-like creature, or humanoid bird that appears in both Hindu and Buddhist mythology. Garuda is the mount of the Lord Vishnu, Garuda is the Hindu name for the constellation Aquila. The brahminy kite and phoenix are considered to be the contemporary representations of Garuda, Indonesia adopts a more stylistic approach to the Garudas depiction as its national symbol, where it depicts a Javanese eagle. In Hinduism, Garuda is a Hindu divinity, usually the mount of the Lord Vishnu, Garuda is depicted as having the golden body of a strong man with a white face, red wings, and an eagles beak and with a crown on his head. This ancient deity was said to be massive, large enough to block out the sun, Garuda is known as the eternal sworn enemy of the Nāga serpent race and known for feeding exclusively on snakes, such behavior may have referred to the actual short-toed eagle of India. The image of Garuda is often used as the charm or amulet to protect the bearer from attack and its poison, since the king of birds is an implacable enemy. Garudi Vidya is the mantra against snake poison to remove all kinds of evil and his stature in Hindu religion can be gauged by the fact that a dependent Upanishad, the Garudopanishad, and a Purana, the Garuda Purana, is devoted to him. Various names have been attributed to Garuda - Chirada, Gaganeshvara, Kamayusha, Kashyapi, Khageshvara, Nagantaka, Sitanana, Sudhahara, Suparna, Tarkshya, Vainateya, Vishnuratha and others. The Vedas provide the earliest reference of Garuda, though by the name of Śyena, the Puranas, which came into existence much later, mention Garuda as doing the same thing, which indicates that Śyena and Garuda are the same. One of the faces of Śrī Pañcamukha Hanuman is Mahavira Garuda and this face points towards the west. Worship of Garuda is believed to remove the effects of poisons from ones body, in Tamil Vaishnavism Garuda and Hanuman are known as Periya Thiruvadi and Siriya Thiruvadi respectively. Garuda wears the serpent Adisesha on his left wrist and the serpent Gulika on his right wrist, the serpent Vasuki forms his sacred thread. The cobra Takshaka forms his belt on his hip, the snake Karkotaka is worn as his necklace. The snakes Padma and Mahapadma are his ear rings, the snake Shankachuda adorns his divine hair. He is flanked by his two wives ‘Rudra’ and ‘Sukeerthi’ or and these are all invoked in Vedanta Desikas Garuda Panchashath and Garuda Dandaka compositions. Garuda flanked with his consorts Rudra and Sukirthi can be worshipped in an ancient Soumya Keshava temple in Bindiganavile in Karnataka state of India. Garuda Vyuha is worshiped in Tantra for Abhichara and to protect against Abhichara, however, the interesting thing is that Garuda is the Sankarshna form of the lord who during creation primarily possesses the knowledge aspect of the lord. The important point is that Garuda represents the five vayus within us, prana, apana, vyana, udana, samana through his five forms Satya, Suparna, Garuda, Tarkshya, Vihageshwara
Krishnaparanth – Garuda, the Vahana of Lord Vishnu
Krishnaparanth – Garuda idol carved of Diabase. Idol was part of Gogga Narayana Temple, Dahod district in Gujarat and dates back to 11 century CE. Idol on display at Prince of Wales Museum, Mumbai.
Krishnaparanth – The brahminy kite (left) is considered as the contemporary representation of Garuda. Garuda may be also identified with an eagle. Vishnu riding Garuda, depicted as a complete bird in this painting by Raja Ravi Varma.
13. Jataayu – In the Indian epic Ramayana, Jatayu is the youngest son of Aruna. His brother, Sampaati, is a demi-god who has the form of a Vulture and was an old friend of Dasharatha, in the Epic Ramayana when Jatayu sees Ravana abducting Sita, he tries to rescue Sita from Ravana. Jatayu fought valiantly with Ravana, but as he was very old Ravana soon got the better of him. As Rama and Lakshmana chanced upon the stricken and dying Jatayu in their search for Sita, Jatayu and his brother Sampaati, when young, used to compete as to who could fly higher. On one such instance, Jatayu flew so high that he was about to get seared by the suns flames, Sampati saved his brother by spreading his own wings and thus shielding Jatayu from the hot flames. In the process, Sampati himself got injured and lost his wings, as a result, Sampati lived wingless for the rest of his life. While Jatayu was wounded and lying on the ground when Lord Rama arrived, Lord Rama sensed the end result, Lord Rama then slammed an arrow into the ground so as to call all seven sacred rivers, called teertha. Six rivers waters arrived, one river water failing to obey Lord Ramas call, since Lord Rama was himself an incarnation of Lord Vishnu, He forced the Gaya teertha to arrive at the spot. According to the legend, it is believed that Jatayu fell on the rocks in Chadayamangalam,38 km from Kollam district of Kerala, formerly, the place was called Jatayumangalam. This is the place which is credited to the falling place of Jatayu since rocks there holds stricking carvings of Jatayus beak mark during his last breath. Lepakshi in Andhra Pradesh, India is also attributed to the place where Jatayu fell after being wounded by Ravana, Rama is said to have commanded the bird to rise Le Pakshi, hence the name for that town. Jatayu Earth’s Center or Jatayu Nature Park is a park and tourism centre under construction at Chadayamangalam in Kollam district of Kerala, designed by Rajiv Anchal, This rock-theme nature park is about 38 km away from Kollam and 46 km away from the state capital, Thiruvananthapuram. It is the first PPP tourism initiative in the state of Kerala under the BOT model, when open, Jatayu Nature Park will hold the distinction of having the world’s largest bird sculpture of the great mythical bird Jatayu. Garuda Sampati Dictionary of Hindu Lore and Legend by Anna Dhallapiccola Ramayana by C
Jataayu – Ravana fighting with Jatayu
Jataayu – Ravana cuts Jatayu's wings, by Ravi Varma
Jataayu – Ikshvaku dynasty
14. Janak – Janaka is the name used to refer to the kings of Videha. The Videha kingdom was located between east of Gandaki River, west of Koshi River, north of Ganga river and south of Himalayas, the region is now divided between the present day Indian state of Bihar and a small part of Province No.2 of Nepal. Janaka Dynasty ruled the Videha kingdom from their capital, Mithila, a certain King Janaka, who probably reigned during the 7th century BCE, is mentioned in the late Vedic literature as a great philosopher-king. A King Janaka is also mentioned in the Ramayana epic, Janaka is the foster father of Sita, the heroine of the Hindu epic Ramayana. His conversation with Ashtavakra is recorded as Ashtavakra Gita, wherein he is depicted as one realised, many spiritual teachers have referred to this writing often translating and deducing its meaning. Under his reign, Videha became a dominant political and cultural center of the Indian subcontinent, Bihar Kings of Mithila Maithils Rama Sita Trikaranasuddhi Urmila Videha Dictionary of Hindu Lord and Legend by Anna Dhallapiccola
Janak – Janaka welcoming Rama and his father Dasharatha in Janakpur of Nepal
Janak – Yajnavalkya teaches Brahma Vidya to King Janaka
Janak – Ikshvaku dynasty
Janak – Books (parva s)
15. Jambavan – Jambavan/Jamvanta is a character originating in Indian epic poetry. The King of the Bears, he is an Asiatic or sloth bear in Indian epic tradition, immortal to all, several times he is mentioned as Kapishreshtha and other epithets generally given to the Vanaras. Rikshas are described as something like Vanaras but in later versions of Ramayana Rikshas are described as bears and he was created by Brahma, to assist Rama in his struggle against Ravana. Jambavan was present at the churning of the ocean, and is supposed to have circled Vamana seven times when he was acquiring the three worlds from Mahabali, the major bloodline of Jambavan is to be found in Karnataka named shri Bramhananda muni swamiji chitrarudga, Hiriyur, Karnataka. Jambavan is also known as Jamvanta, Jambavantha, Jambavat, Jambuvan, Jambuwana, Zabaman, Keeratuvan Sambuvan, Jambavan in his previous life was the King of the Himalayas who had incarnated as a bear in order to serve Lord Rama. He received a boon from Lord Rama that he would have a long life, in the epic Ramayana, Jambavantha helped Rama find his wife Sita and fight her abductor, Ravana. It is he who makes Hanuman realize his immense capabilities and encourages him to fly across the ocean to search for Sita in Lanka, in the Mahabharata, Jambavantha had killed a lion, who had acquired a gem called Syamantaka from Prasena after killing him. Krishna was suspected of killing Prasena for the jewel, so he tracked Prasenas steps until he learned that he had killed by a lion who had been killed by a bear. Krishna tracked Jambavantha to his cave and a fight ensued, after eighteen days, realizing who Krishna was, Jambavantha submitted. He gave Krishna the gem and also presented him his daughter Jambavati, Jambavan mentions two past incidents in his life in the Ramayana. Vamanas shoulder struck Jambavan and he was injured which limited his mobility, and once during the Samudra-Manthan, he was present at the time of the event. He got to know about the all-curing plant Vishalyakarni from the gods there, Jambavan, together with Parasuram and Hanuman, is considered to be one of the few to have been present for both Ram and Krishna avatars. Jamthun - Jamthun village in Ratlam tahsil in Ratlam district in Madhya Pradesh and it is known as the city of Jamvanta or Jamvanta Nagari. Ancient bricks have been found in excavations, in Valmiki Ramayana - Kishkindha Kanda in Prose Sarga 65 - Accessed August 14,2006
Jambavan – Jambavanta as depicted in Yakshagana (a dance drama)
Jambavan – Jambavan
Jambavan – Ikshvaku dynasty
16. Tataka – Tatakā or Taraka or Tadaka or Thataka was a Yaksha princess-turned-demoness in the epic Ramayana. Her father Suketu, a yaksha king performed tapasya for an offspring, Suketu had desired a son, but Lord Brahma blessed him with a strong and beautiful daughter. She was a princess that was wooed by and married Sunda. She had two sons Maricha and Subahu When Rishi Agastya cursed Suketu to death, Tadaka took it herself to wreak vengeance on the sage. This earned them both the Rishis anger, Agastya cursed Tadaka with the loss of her beautiful physique, and transformed both mother and son into hideous demonic creatures with a cruel, cannibalistic nature. The curse particularly transformed Tataka into a man-eater with an ugly, after being cursed by Agastya, Tataka started living in a place near the habitations of Malaja and Karusha in a forest near the River Ganges opposite the confluence of the River Sarayu. The area came to be known as the Forest of Tataka and she terrorized the people, devouring anyone who dared to set foot in that forest. As revenge, Tadaka and Subahu attempted to harass as many rishis as they could, by destroying their Yagnas with rains of flesh, brahmarishi Vishwamitra was especially at the receiving end of Tadakas harassment. Unable to cope with her any longer, Vishwamitra finally approached Dasaratha. The King obliged by sending two of his four sons, the 16-yr-olds, Rama and Lakshmana, to the forest, Vishwamitra and the two princes came to Tatakas forest and the sage ordered Rama to kill the demoness to free the area from her terror. Rama was hesitant to kill her as she was a woman and initially maimed her, using her demonic powers, she changed form, disappeared and continued to attack them whilst remaining unseen. Sage Vishwamitra advised Rama, that as a prince, he had to carry out his duty regardless of his own reservations about killing a woman. Rama swiftly pierced her heart with his arrows and this act gained the young princes the blessings of not just Vishwamitra but also the blessings of all of the assembled sages in the yagnashala. Devi episode in Season 4 of Xena, Warrior Princess Taraka
Tataka – Rama Killing Demon Tataka
Tataka – Ikshvaku dynasty
17. Rambola – Tulsidas was a Hindu poet-saint, reformer and philosopher from Ramanandi Sampradaya in the lineage of Jagadguru Ramanandacharya renowned for his devotion to the Lord Shri Rama. A writer of popular works in Sanksrit and Awadhi, he is best known as the author of the epic Ramcharitmanas. Tulsidas was acclaimed in his lifetime to be a reincarnation of Valmiki and he is also considered to be the composer of the Hanuman Chalisa, a popular devotional hymn dedicated to Hanuman, the divine devotee of Rama. Tulsidas spent most of his life in the city of Varanasi, the Tulsi Ghat on the Ganges River in Varanasi is named after him. He founded the Sankatmochan Temple dedicated to Hanuman in Varanasi, believed to stand at the place where he had the sight of Hanuman, Tulsidas started the Ramlila plays, a folk-theatre adaption of the Ramayana. He has been acclaimed as one of the greatest poets in Hindi, Indian, the Sanskrit name of Tulsidas can be transliterated in two ways. Using the original Sanskrit, the name is written as Tulasīdāsa, using the Hunterian transliteration system, it is written as Tulsidas or Tulsīdās reflecting the vernacular pronunciation. The lost vowels are an aspect of the Schwa deletion in Indo-Aryan languages, Tulsidas, thus means a servant of the plant Tulsi. Tulsidas himself has only a few facts and hints about events of his life in various works. Nabhadas was a contemporary of Tulsidas and wrote a six-line stanza on Tulsidas describing him as an incarnation of Valmiki, Priyadas work was composed around a hundred years after the death of Tulsidas and had eleven additional stanzas, describing seven miracles or spiritual experiences from the life of Tulsidas. Veni Madhav Das was a disciple and contemporary of Tulsidas and his work gave a new date for Tulsidas birth, the work by Bhavanidas presented more narratives in greater detail as compared to the work by Priyadas. In the 1950s a fifth ancient account was published based on an old manuscript, Krishnadatta Misras father was a close companion of Tulsidas. The accounts published later are not considered authentic by modern scholars. Together, these five works form a set of biographies on which modern biographies of Tulsidas are based. Believed by many to be a reincarnation of Valmiki, nabhadas writes in his Bhaktamal that Tulsidas was the re-incarnation of Valmiki in the Kali Yuga. The Ramanandi sect believes that it was Valmiki himself who incarnated as Tulsidas in the Kali Yuga, after the victory of Rama over Ravana, Hanuman went to the Himalayas to continue his worship of Rama. There he scripted a version of the Ramayana called Mahanataka or Hanuman Nataka engraved on the Himalayan rocks using his nails. When Valmiki saw the written by Hanuman, he anticipated that the beauty of the Mahanataka would eclipse his own Ramayana
Rambola – Statue of Goswami Tulsidas at Kanch Mandir, Tulsi Peeth, Chitrakuta, India
Rambola – Picture of Tulsidas published in the Ramcharitmanas, by Sri Ganga Publishers, Gai Ghat, Benaras, 1949.
Rambola – Tulsidas' patron deity Rama (centre) with wife Sita to his left and brother Lakshamana to the right, while Hanuman bows to his Lord.
18. Trijata – In the Ramayana, Trijata appears as a wise old rakshasi, who dreams of Ravanas destruction and Ramas victory. She accompanies Sita on a survey of the battlefield of the war between Rama and Ravana, and reassures Sita of Ramas well-being when Sita sees her husband unconscious, in later Ramayana adaptations, Trijata becomes the daughter of Vibhishana, the brother of Ravana who sides with Rama. She plays a greater role in later versions, especially Southeast Asian ones. Barring a few exceptions where Trijata is cast as Ravanas agent, she is portrayed as a friend. On numerous occasions, she offers solace to Sita and brings news from the outside world, after Ramas victory and Ravanas death, Trijata is richly rewarded by Sita and Rama. While some Ramayana adaptations mention her being a devotee of Rama, Southeast Asian versions often depict her as the wife of Ramas monkey general Hanuman and she is worshipped as a local goddess in Varanasi and Ujjain, both in India. In the original Ramayana by Valmiki, Trijata is described as an aged rakshasi who is featured in two incidents. The first takes place in the Sundara Kanda, the fifth book. The kidnapped princess Sita is imprisoned in the Ashoka Vatika of Lanka, the demon-king of Lanka, Ravana has ordered the raskshasis who guard Sita to convince her to marry him by any means possible, since Sita adamantly refuses and is still faithful to her husband Rama. After Ravana leaves, the start to harass Sita to compel her to change her will. The aged Trijata intervenes and narrates a prophetic dream that predicts Ravanas doom, in her dream, Trijata sees Rama and his brother Lakshmana riding the celestial elephant Airavata toward Sita. Rama takes Sita in his lap and rises high in the sky, allowing Sita to touch the Sun and the Moon. Then the trio ride to Lanka and get into the Pushpaka Vimana to fly towards the north, while Ravana, drenched in oil and with a red complexion, Ravana then heads south on a donkey and falls in a pit of dung. A black woman in a red saree, drags him to the south, other members of Ravanas family, like his brother Kumbhakarna and son Indrajit, face similar fates. Ravanas brother Vibishana is seen in white garments, riding a four tusked elephant near the Pushpaka Vimana. The city of Lanka drowns in the ocean and a messenger of Rama burns the city. Trijata advises the rakshasis to take refuge in Sita and apologize to her, in turn, Sita promises that if Trijatas dream materializes, the second incident is found in the sixth book, Yuddha Kanda. Rama and his brother Lakshmana come with an army to rescue Sita from the clutches of the demon-king
Trijata – Trijata, depicted as Vibhishana's daughter in a Javanese Wayang golek puppet
Trijata – Scene from Yuddha Kanda of the Ramayana, where Trijata is seen thrice with Sita. On the top right, Trijata (in a red saree) is seen twice in the Pushpaka Vimana, surveying the battlefield and seeing Rama and Lakshmana bound by Indrajit's weapon. In the right side (bottom panel), she is seen with Sita in the Ashoka vatika.
Trijata – Hanuman meets Sita in the Ashoka vatika, where she is surrounded by rakshasis like Trijata.
Trijata – In Balinese Kecak dance, Trijata is trying to convince Sita to marry Ravana.
19. Dasaradh – Dasharatha was, according to Ramayana, the Hindu king(Kshatriya of Ayodhya and a descendant of Ikshvaku dynasty. His life story is narrated principally in the Hindu epic Ramayana. He was a descendant of Raghu and was father of prince Rama, Dasharatha was son of Aja and Indumati. He had Jhalli as mahamantri of his great kingdom, sumanth was also a trusted minister of his kingdom. His birth name was Nemi, but he acquired the name Dasharatha as his chariot could move in all eight directions, fly as well as come down on earth, Dasharatha became king after his parents died. He was a warrior who single handedly conquered the whole earth with his prowess and had defeated. Dasharatha has three queen-consorts, namely, Kaushalya, Sumitra and Kaikeyi, Kaushalya was from the Kingdom of Magadha. To marry her in immense desire to beget a son he promised her father Aswapati, the count of number of his wives varies from versions to versions ranging from 350 to 60000. But he has three chief consorts. Dasharatha performed two yajnas with the help of Sage Rishyasringa on the advice of Vashistha, one was Ashwamedha and other was Putrakameshti. It is said that Dasharatha and Kaushalya has a daughter Shanta, as the conclusion of Yagna drew near, Agni sprang out from the yagnakunda and handed Dasharatha a pot of kheer advising him to distribute it among his queens. Kaushalya ate half the kheer, Sumitra ate a quarter of it, Kaikeyi ate some and passed the pot back to Sumitra who consumed the kheer second time. Thus the princes were conceived after the consumption of the kheer, since Kaushalya had consumed the largest portion she gave birth to Rama. Sumitra gave birth to Lakshmana and Shatrughna, a maid of Queen Kaikeyi named as Manthara convinced her that the throne of Maharaja Dasharatha belonged to her son Bharata and that her step-son—crown-prince Rama—should be exiled from the kingdom. By crowning Rama as king, Dasharatha is doing injustice to whole Kekeya Kingdom and betraying her father, thus then after Dasharatha is reminded by Kaikeyi about the two boons he has yet to fulfill for her. She talks of the time when she had saved him from the demons during a battle against Sambasura. During a fierce battle between the two, the wheel of Dasharathas chariot broke and Sambasuras arrow pierced the Kings armour and lodged in his chest, Kaikeyi, who was acting as Dasharathas charioteer, quickly repaired the broken wheel and then drove the chariot away from the battle field. She nursed the wounded King back to health, touched by her courage and timely service, Dasharatha offered her two boons. However, Kaikeyi chose to ask those boons later, King Dasharatha is obliged to fulfil those boons
Dasaradh – Kaikeyi demands that Dasharatha banish Rama from Ayodhya
Dasaradh – Dasharatha give Payasa to his wives
Dasaradh – The Death of King Dasharatha
Dasaradh – Ikshvaku dynasty
20. Indigo dye – Indigo dye is an organic compound with a distinctive blue color. Historically, indigo was a dye extracted from the leaves of certain plants. A large percentage of indigo dye produced today – several thousand each year – is synthetic. It is the blue often associated with blue jeans, the primary use for indigo is as a dye for cotton yarn, which is mainly for the production of denim cloth for blue jeans. On average, a pair of blue jean trousers requires 3–12 g of indigo, small amounts are used for dyeing wool and silk. Indigo carmine, or indigo, is a derivative which is also used as a colorant. About 20 thousand tons are produced annually, again mainly for blue jeans and it is also used as a food colorant, and is listed in the United States as FD&C Blue No.2. A variety of plants have provided indigo throughout history, but most natural indigo was obtained from those in the genus Indigofera, the primary commercial indigo species in Asia was true indigo. A common alternative used in the relatively colder subtropical locations such as Japans Ryukyu Islands, dyers knotweed was the most important blue dye in East Asia until the arrival of the Indigofera species from the south, which yield more dye. In Central and South America, the species grown is I. suffruticosa, in Europe woad containing the same dye was used for blue-dying. Several plants contain indigo, but low concentrations make them difficult to work with, natural sources also include mollusks, the Murex sea snails produce a mixture of indigo and dibromoindigo which together produce a range of purple hues known as Tyrian purple. Light exposure during part of the process can convert the dibromoindigo into indigo resulting in blue hues known as royal blue or hyacinth purple. The precursor to indigo is indican, a colorless, water-soluble derivative of the amino acid tryptophan, indican readily hydrolyzes to release β-D-glucose and indoxyl. Oxidation by exposure to air converts indoxyl to indigo, indican was obtained from the processing of the plants leaves, which contain as much as 0. 2–0. 8% of this compound. The leaves were soaked in water and fermented to convert the glycoside indican present in the plant to the blue dye indigotin, the precipitate from the fermented leaf solution was mixed with a strong base such as lye, pressed into cakes, dried, and powdered. The powder was mixed with various other substances to produce different shades of blue. Indigo was used in India, which was also the earliest major center for its production, the I. tinctoria species was domesticated in India. Indigo, used as a dye, made its way to the Greeks and the Romans, Indigo is among the oldest dyes to be used for textile dyeing and printing
Indigo dye – Indigo
Indigo dye – Indigo dye
Indigo dye – Indigo, historical dye collection of the Technical University of Dresden, Germany
Indigo dye – Cake of indigo, about 2 cm
21. Dhatupatha – Pāṇini, or Panini, is the name of an ancient Sanskrit grammarian and a revered scholar in Hinduism. Considered the father of Indian linguistics, Panini likely lived in northwest Indian subcontinent during the early Mahajanapada era, Pāṇini is known for his text Ashtadhyayi, a sutra-style treatise on Sanskrit grammar, estimated to have been completed between 6th and 4th century BCE. His 3,959 verses on linguistics, syntax and semantics in eight chapters is the text of the Vyākaraṇa branch of the Vedanga. His aphoristic text attracted numerous bhasya, of which Patanjalis Mahabhasya is the most famous in Hindu traditions and his ideas influenced and attracted commentaries from scholars of other Indian religions such as Buddhism. Paninis analysis of noun compounds still forms the basis of linguistic theories of compounding in Indian languages. Pāṇinis comprehensive and scientific theory of grammar is taken to mark the start of Classical Sanskrit. His systematic treatise inspired and made Sanskrit the preeminent Indian language of learning, Paninis theory of morphological analysis was more advanced than any equivalent Western theory before the 20th century. Pāṇini is a patronymic meaning descendant of Paṇin-a and his full name was Daksiputra Panini according to verses 1.75.13 and 3.251.12 of Patanjalis Mahabhasya, with the first part suggesting his mothers name was Daksi. Nothing definite is known about when Pāṇini lived, nor even in which century he lived, most scholarship suggests he lived in or before mid 4th-century BCE, possibly in 6th or 5th century BCE. Pāṇinis grammar defines Classical Sanskrit, so Pāṇini is chronologically placed in the part of the Vedic period. According to Rens Bod, a professor of Humanities specializing in comparative history, some proposals have attempted to date Pāṇini from references within the text. Other scholars question this theory because nuns in the Indian traditions existed outside of and before Buddhism, the second proposal is based on the occurrence of the word yavanānī. This occurrence of yavanānī, some suggest a terminus post quem as 519 BCE, Panini cites ten grammarians and linguists before him, none of whom can be chronologically placed with any certainty. The ten Vedic scholar names he quotes are of Apisali, Kashyapa, Gargya, Galava, Cakravarmana, Bharadvaja, Sakatayana, Sakalya, Senaka and Sphotayana. While Pāṇini is considered a Hindu scholar of grammar and linguistics and his work is significant such as in including the word Vasudeva, which scholars disagree whether it refers to a deity or a person. The concept of dharma is attested in his sutra 4.4.41 as, nothing certain is known about Pāṇinis personal life. According to the Mahābhāṣya of Patanjali, his mothers name was Dākṣī, Patañjali calls Pāṇini Dākṣīputra at several places in the Mahābhāṣya. Rambhadracharya gives the name of his father as Paṇina, from which the name Pāṇini derives, in an inscription of Siladitya VII of Valabhi, he is called Śalāturiya, which means man from Salatura
Dhatupatha – A 17th-century birch bark manuscript of Panini's grammar treatise from Kashmir.
22. Punar Janam – Reincarnation is the philosophical or religious concept that an aspect of a living being starts a new life in a different physical body or form after each biological death. It is also called rebirth or transmigration, and is a part of the Saṃsāra doctrine of cyclic existence and it is a central tenet of all major Indian religions, namely Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism, and Sikhism. The idea of reincarnation is found in ancient cultures, and a belief in rebirth/metempsychosis was held by Greek historic figures, such as Pythagoras, Socrates. Unity Church and its founder Charles Fillmore teach reincarnation, in recent decades, many Europeans and North Americans have developed an interest in reincarnation, and many contemporary works mention it. The word reincarnation derives from Latin, literally meaning, entering the flesh again, the Greek equivalent metempsychosis derives from meta and empsykhoun, a term attributed to Pythagoras. An alternate term is transmigration implying migration from one life to another, the term has been used by modern philosophers such as Kurt Gödel and has entered the English language. Another Greek term sometimes used synonymously is palingenesis, being born again, Rebirth is a key concept found in major Indian religions, and discussed with various terms. These religions believe that this reincarnation is cyclic and an endless Saṃsāra and they consider the release from the cycle of reincarnations as the ultimate spiritual goal, and call the liberation by terms such as moksha, nirvana, mukti and kaivalya…
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