Friday, 19 January 2018
Panchadasi mantra?
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Panchadasi mantra?
"sparkymantra" 1/25/09
Some time in the past I ran across a mantra called the Panchadasi mantra.
Ka E I La Hrim
Ha Sa Ka Ha La Hrim
Sa Ka La Hrim Shrim
I think it's a Lalita mantra. It resonated with me so I saved it, and
I've recently started chanting it just because it "feels right."
Thing is however, I have no idea what the mantra is suppose to do, or
anything else about the mantra really. I was wondering where I could
find more info. Not much comes up on google.
Also, has anyone here practiced this mantra? And what was your
experience with it?
Thanks in advance everyone
Thomas Ashley-Farrand 1/29/09
Hi.Namadeva Here.
I teach this mantra in some detail in The Mysterious Kundalini workshop. Very, Very briefly, the first line is the Brahma linme, the second li ne is the V ishn u line and the third is the Shiva line. Esoterically, Shrim can be added for "Glorious Realization." This mantra is pure Tantra in that it works directly and powefully with the spiritual energy all around us. Interestingly, the more one is spiritually advanved, the more powerful the mantra becomes for the practitioner. I recommend
unsealing and un-nailing this mantra before beginning practice.
Jai Ma,
. . .
"stephen924862000" 1/29/09
Dear Thomas,
How many times would you suggest chanting the un-nailing mantras? I've posted my
experience with this mantra a while back... Quite powerful effects. In fact, it was too
powerful that I had to stop for a while.
-Sent from my iPhone
--- In SanskritMantras@..., Thomas Ashley-Farrand wrote:
Hi.Namadeva Here.
I teach this mantra in some detail in The Mysterious Kundalini workshop. Very, Very
briefly, the first line is the Brahma linme, the second li ne is the V ishn u line and the third
is the Shiva line. Esoterically, Shrim can be added for "Glorious Realization." This mantra
is pure Tantra in that it works directly and powefully with the spiritual energy all around us.
Interestingly, the more one is spiritually advanved, the more powerful the mantra
becomes for the practitioner. I recommend
. . .
Thomas Ashley-Farrand 1/29/09
Three times one or more of the three methods. Takes all of 20 seconds or so.
. . .
"sparkymantra" 1/29/09
Hi Namadeva,
Thank you for answering my question.
I was wondering where I can find the techniques for nailing and
unnailing this mantras (I actually have no idea what this means).
Do you have any book or other material out that addresses this?
Thank you in advance!
. . .
Mary Huddleston 1/29/09
Namaste All,
Mantras that have been "sealed and nailed" shut are mantras that have an added layer of "protection" ... This was done by (I'm pretty sure) Brahmin Priests, sometimes the Seer of the mantra or a Saint or Sage for varying reasons. The more altruistic motive would be to prevent the misuse of the mantra's power-or to prevent the novice from possibly inadvertently doing harm to themselves or others. The more suspect motives might be to hoard the mantric power for themselves/personal gain.
Unsealing a mantra makes the full power inherent in the mantra itself available to you. If you chant the mantra without the unsealing/unnailing mantras-you do derive some benefit-just not to the fullest possible degree.
The unsealing/unnailing mantras are in Namadeva's 3 Volume set...he also includes them in his
Mysterious Kundalini Workshop. (If you do not have the 3 Volume set, you can purchase it at Namadevas website)
I will check and let you know which volume has the mantras-there are a couple different mantras.
I would have to look to see which of the 3 volumes...I can let you know later-if you are interested.
I will leave it up to Namadeva if he wants to share the content of the mantra itself in this forum.
To: SanskritMantras@...
From: sparkymantra@...
Date: Thu, 29 Jan 2009 02:13:23 +0000
Subject: [SanskritMantras] Re: Panchadasi mantra?
Hi Namadeva,
Thank you for answering my question.
I was wondering where I can find the techniques for nailing and
unnailing this mantras (I actually have no idea what this means).
Do you have any book or other material out that addresses this?
Thank you in advance!
--- In, Thomas Ashley-Farrand
. . .
"stephen924862000" 1/30/09
It's in the first Volume. So we only have to chant 3 times? That's interesting...
--- In SanskritMantras@..., Mary Huddleston wrote:
Namaste All,
Mantras that have been "sealed and nailed" shut are mantras that have an added layer
of "protection" ... This was done by (I'm pretty sure) Brahmin Priests, sometimes the Seer
of the mantra or a Saint or Sage for varying reasons. The more altruistic motive would be
to prevent the misuse of the mantra's power-or to prevent the novice from possibly
inadvertently doing harm to themselves or others. The more suspect motives might be to
hoard the mantric power for themselves/personal gain.
Unsealing a mantra makes the full power inherent in the mantra itself available to you.
If you chant the mantra without the unsealing/unnailing mantras-you do derive some
benefit-just not to the fullest possible degree.
The unsealing/unnailing mantras are in Namadeva's 3 Volume set...he also includesthem in his
Mysterious Kundalini Workshop. (If you do not have the 3 Volume set, you canpurchase it at Namadevas website)
I will check and let you know which volume has the mantras-there are a couple differentmantras.
I would have to look to see which of the 3 volumes...I can let you know later-if you areinterested.
I will leave it up to Namadeva if he wants to share the content of the mantra itself inthis forum.
To: SanskritMantras@...: sparkymantra@...: Thu, 29 Jan 2009 02:13:23 +0000Subject:[SanskritMantras] Re: Panchadasi mantra?
Hi Namadeva,Thank you for answering my question.I was wondering where I can find
the techniques for nailing andunnailing this mantras (I actually have no idea what this
means).Do you have any book or other material out that addresses this?Thank you in
advance!--- In SanskritMantras@..., Thomas Ashley-Farrand
wrote:>> Three times one or more of the three methods. Takes all of 20seconds or so.>
. . .
"sparkymantra" 1/30/09
Thanks for your replies
I will have to check out the 3 volume set some time after my current
40-day practice!
. . .
"Mary-Ann" 2/1/09
Hi all,
Back online after some computer glitches the last few weeks.
Can someone explain what is meant by unsealing and unnailing a
Mary-Ann M.
--- In SanskritMantras@..., Thomas Ashley-Farrand
Hi.Namadeva Here.
I teach this mantra in some detail in The Mysterious Kundalini
workshop. Very, Very briefly, the first line is the Brahma linme,
the second li ne is the V ishn u line and the third is the Shiva
line. Esoterically, Shrim can be added for "Glorious Realization."
This mantra is pure Tantra in that it works directly and powefully
with the spiritual energy all around us. Interestingly, the more one
is spiritually advanved, the more powerful the mantra becomes for
the practitioner. I recommend
. . .
Mary Huddleston 2/3/09
Namaste Mary-Ann,
Here is a copy of an earlier posting I sent regarding unsealing and unnailing.
Mantras that have been "sealed and nailed" shut are mantras that have an added layer of "protection" enclosing the power of the mantra ... This was done by (I'm pretty sure) Brahmin Priests, sometimes the Seer of the mantra or a Saint or Sage for varying reasons. The more altruistic motive would be to prevent the misuse of the mantra's power-or to prevent the novice from possibly inadvertently doing harm to themselves or others. The more suspect motives might be to hoard the mantric power for themselves/personal gain.
Unsealing a mantra makes the full power inherent in the mantra itself available to you. If you chant the mantra without the unsealing/unnailing mantras-you do derive some benefit-just not to the fullest possible degree.
Every blessing,
To: SanskritMantras@...
From: mamuth@...
Date: Sun, 1 Feb 2009 15:58:17 +0000
Subject: [SanskritMantras] Re: Panchadasi mantra?
Hi all,
Back online after some computer glitches the last few weeks.
Can someone explain what is meant by unsealing and unnailing a
Mary-Ann M.
--- In, Thomas Ashley-Farrand
. . .
"sparkymantra" 4/7/09
So I got the first Volume of "The Ancient Power of Sanskrit Mantra and Ceremony"
I've been browsing through it but can't seem to find the Panchadasi mantra. I looked in the Lalita section too. I was wondering if anyone could direct me? :-P
. . .
Mary Huddleston 4/7/09
The Panchadasi and the Unsealing and Un-Nailing mantras are two different mantras.
The Panchadasi is one taught in Namadeva's "The Mysterious Kundalini" workshop.
It is also found in David Frawley's book: Tantric Wisdom Goddesses
The un-sealing and un-nailing mantras are in Volume 1...I will have to check the page numbers for you-I don't have it at hand right now.
To: SanskritMantras@...
From: sparkymantra@...
Date: Tue, 7 Apr 2009 04:54:29 +0000
Subject: [SanskritMantras] Re: Panchadasi mantra?
So I got the first Volume of "The Ancient Power of Sanskrit Mantra and Ceremony"
I've been browsing through it but can't seem to find the Panchadasi mantra. I looked in the Lalita section too. I was wondering if anyone could direct me? :-P
. . .
Paula Lucidi 4/7/09
unnailing is on page 243
. . .
"Chris Geiser" 4/8/09
Namaste Mary,
Thank you for the information!!
How do we know whether or not a mantra needs to be unsealed or unnailed? I haven't unsealed/unnailed any mantras yet, since I've only worked with mantras from Namadeva's books and CDs and assumed that they're not sealed/locked.
Many thanks,
. . .
Mary Huddleston 4/8/09
Namaste Chris,
Good question...I know that some mantras are sealed and nailed because it has been in Namadeva's workshop materials or books. Others indicators that the un-sealing/un-nailing mantra can be useful is if the title around the mantra includes words like "secret" or "hidden" or "mysterious".
You only need to chant the unsealing mantra 3, if in doubt, I'll chant it...that the unsealing may make the full benefit/power of the mantra available to me!
Any others who have info that they want to share on this?
To: SanskritMantras@...
From: chrisgeiser@...
Date: Tue, 7 Apr 2009 17:53:14 -0700
Subject: RE: [SanskritMantras] Re: Panchadasi mantra?
Namaste Mary,
Thank you for the information!!
How do we know whether or not a mantra needs to be unsealed or unnailed? I haven't unsealed/unnailed any mantras yet, since I've only worked with mantras from Namadeva's books and CDs and assumed that they're not sealed/locked.
Many thanks,
. . .
"Chris Geiser" 4/8/09
Namaste Mary,
Thank you for your advice. The books or CDs did not indicate the need for unsealing or unnailing of the mantras that I've done so far, nor were these mantras described as "secret" or "hidden" or "mysterious." So, I'm in good shape so far. I'll chant the unsealing mantra when in doubt.
Thanks again.
PS I've just searched the archived emails and found more information, including this note from Bill (thank you, Bill!). Bill, I believe you mentioned Eim Eim Sauh Klim Klim, Eim Sauh Sauh Klim, which is used to unnail/unseal mantras, in another email as well.
On Sun, Nov 2, 2008 at 1:11 PM, Bill Barry wrote:
During the past month or so, I've been doing a daily practice of the Pancha Dasi mantra, for which it is recommended that we remove the seal & nail on the mantra prior to chanting it. This is the first time I've been using a practice to unseal or un-nail a mantra, and I'm starting to get a little curious about sealing and nailing, and I'm wondering if anyone can offer any insights or point me towards some add'l info resources on this.
A little context for this topic is this:
In the large Teacher of Mantra manual, on page 78, Namadeva explains that "In ancient times some mantras were esoterically and secretly "locked" so that the power would not be released simply by chanting them. This practice was called "sealing and nailing" the mantra. The seed sound Kshraum is one method for unsealing mantras that may be sealed and nailed and need releasing. Meditate on Kshraum and in your mind's eye see the thing being unlocked and available".
Also, in Namadeva's workshop on the Mysterious Kundalini, he offers three brief methods for the removal of the Seal and Nail on a mantra.
I'm a little curious about the mechanics of how this esoteric practice is accomplished. I'm mostly curious about how the unsealing & un-nailing process either unlocks something that is mysteriously encapsulating(?) the mantra or perhaps unlocks something in the chanter to then allow him or her to have access to the power of the mantra.
A more pragmatic question is this. For mantras that need to be unsealed, is there a threshold number of repetitions of a mantra, beyond which the chanter no longer needs to unseal or un-nail the mantra, prior to each session with that mantra? I could guess that perhaps the 125,000 first level of mantra siddhi might be such a threshold…. ? or?
Anyone have any insights on this? Or know of any other reliable references on this?
Thanks and
Eim Eim Sauh Klim Klim, Eim Sauh Sauh Klim
. . .
Bill Barry 4/10/09
Hi Chris: Glad to know that my earlier email was helpful. You mentioned Chris, that you searched the archived emails and found more info. Yes, that is a fantastic way to access a wealth of past advice and insights on these topics. Searching (by keyword or phrase") within the old “messages” archive within the Yahoo website for this Yahoo group, is a powerful way to leverage the info in those prior emails, to serve current needs.
Hi Stephen: regarding the Pancha Dasi mantra: a couple of points are these.
- I agree with Mary’s point about learning more on the Pancha Dasi or the unsealing/unnailing techniques... I’d say the best place to learn more on this is Namadeva’s workshop on the Mysterious Kundalini.
- David Frawley’s writings were mentioned. A more recent book by Frawley is his “Inner Tantric Yoga: Working with the Universal Shakti: Secrets of Mantras, Deities and Meditation”. This book has a section of about 10 pages mostly focused on the Pancha Dasi. It is an excellent book.
Jai Hayagriva.
"sparkymantra" 4/14/09
Hi everyone, thanks for your reply.
So just to double check:
Are the unnailing mantras the three mantras listed under "Removal of Seal & Nail" on pg 243 (of volume 1)? Or does the unnailing mantras include all 4 steps listed on pg 243?
. . .
Bill Barry 4/14/09
For those relatively rare mantras that should be unsealed/unnailed, you can use any one of those 3 listed on page 243 of the Ancient Power Series Vol. 1. So, you pick the one that you want to use, and chant it 3 times just before doing the mantra that (you have been instructed ) needs to be unlocked.
Om Shanti
. . .
"sparkymantra" 4/15/09
Ah, I see. I think I finally got it now :)
Thanks for answering my question, Bill!
. . .
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