Friday, 23 March 2018
पतञ्जलि योगसूत्र
SANTOSH KI PATHSHALA | संतोष की पाठशाला
Friday, May 9, 2014
CONCEPTS & EXTRACTS IN HINDUISM By: Pt. Santosh Kumar Bhardwaj
YOG: It is Yuj, binding, joining, attaching. It helps one in directing and concentrating attention in the Almighty. It is union, communion with the Supreme. It disciplines the intellect, mind, emotions and the will. It helps the soul to look at life in all aspects evenly.
Purans have explained different dimensions of Yog in great details. Patanjali was one of the scholars who brought it to the masses. He composed Yog Sutr (-formulations), consisting of 185 terse aphorisms.
It is permeated by the Supreme Universal Spirit (-Par Matma, God, the Almighty) of which the individual human spirit (-Jeevatma) is a fraction-component. It explores the way through which the Jeevatma units or communicates with the Parmatma, to attain renunciation, relinquishment, Liberation, Moksh, Salvation.
One who follows the path of Yog is a Yogi.
Bhagwan Shri Krashn explains to Arjun the meaning of Yog as a deliverance from contact with pain and sorrow, in the sixth chapter of the Bhagwad Gita. When the mind, intellect and self (-Ahanenkar, अहँकार, घमण्ड ego, super ego, id, pride) are under control-freed-liberated from restless desires, to rest in the spirit within, one becomes a Yukt-in communion with God. A Yogi controls his mind, intellect and self, being absorbed in the spirit within him. When the restlessness of the mind, intellect and self is stilled through the practice of Yog, the Yogi by the grace of the Spirit-Supreme Soul-the Almighty, within himself finds fulfillment. He attain a stage where there is bliss-the joy eternal-Parmanand and no pain-sorrow-grief. This is beyond the pale of the senses which reason cannot grasp. He abides in this reality. He has found the treasure-the Ultimate-above all others. There is nothing higher than-beyond this.
Yog is wisdom in work or skillful living amongest activities, harmony and moderation. Yog is neither for the one who gorges too much, nor for one who starves himself. It is neither for him who sleeps too much, nor for the one who stays awake. By moderation in eating and in resting, by regulation in working and by concordance in sleeping and waking, it destroys all pain and sorrow.
Yog is a state when the senses are stilled, mind is at rest, intellect stops wavering i.e., perfect control-harmony of the senses and mind. One who attains this is free from delusion.[Kathopnishad]
Yog is Chitt Vratti Nirodh. [Patanjali Yog Sutr (1-2)] Controlling-suppression of the mood-tendencies-fluctuations-wavering of mind-intelligence, utilization of prudence, reigning pride-id-ego-super ego.
GENERAL HEALTH BENEFITS OF YOG : Yog is an ancient Indian practice with its origin stretching back to millions of years. It is designed to help achieve a more positive outlook on life and a focused, permanent sense of serenity, tranquility, solace & peace. Its considered to be the best exercise for ladies and everyone without harmful side effects.
It encourages relaxation and flexibility of the human body, mind and soul. Body pain, back ache, strain are improved with slow and gradual regular practice.
Age, physical capabilities, current weight or fitness goals are immaterial if one does regular practice of Yog-Yogabhyas. Psychological problems are over come, nervous calmness is restored. It calms the nervous system and provides rest. Stress-strain, anxiety-depression are cured permanently. One who perform Yog is blessed with humor, good mood, patience.
With an increasing percentage of the population suffering from varying degrees of Insomnia, snorting, coughing during sleep, sperm discharge are cured permanently.
It helps in controlling craving for food, indigestion and controls weight. Craving generally strikes when the body is tense. With a relaxing session of Yog one makes it easier to consider whether or not he really need that extra sweets, food intake, burgers etc. Intake of oxygen during deep breathing-intake-inhaling air provides for breaking of sugars, glucose, fructose etc. easily. Which in turn do not allow weight to grow. It helps women to shed non essential fat by improving their figure and making them more attractive and sexy.
Right posture during sitting-studying is essential. Yog is performed with erect back bone. It leads to awakening of brain, sharpness of intelligence, increased concentration and memory and quickness of actions. It helps in maintaining balance of mind. Laziness is overcome.
It boosts sexuality-both masculine and feminine, self control, makes more and more assertive, increases strength-vigor and vitality & helps in controlling quick discharge. It helps build lean muscle, tone and define existing muscle. One will surely have a sexy and gorgeous silhouette.
It provides help to the people suffering from a myriad of various ailments. It provides relief from Alzheimer’s disease. Arthritic, rheumatoid arthritis, long-term joint, muscle or other pain are curable with regular practice of Yog.
High-low blood pressure, erratic nerve, bad cholesterol, heart-cardice problems are overcome quite easily.
It improves cardiovascular health, tones muscles, increases flexibility and invokes calmness. Yog is a meditative discipline that reduces anxiety while sharpening the mind.
पतञ्जलि योगसूत्र
चित्त को एकाग्र करके ईश्वर में लीन करने का विधान है।चित्त की वृत्तियों को चंचल होने से रोकना (-चित्तवृत्तिनिरोधः) ही योग है। अर्थात मन को इधर उधर भटकने न देना, केवल मात्र एक परमात्मा में स्थिर रखना ही योग है।
आत्मा और जगत् में सांख्य दर्शन के सिद्धांतों में कपिल मुनि के अनुरूप पचीस तत्व हैं। क्योंकि कपिल स्वयं ईश्वर के अवतार हैं, अतः पतञ्जलि ने छब्बीसवाँ तत्व पुरुष विशेष या ईश्वर भी माना है।
पतंजलि का योगदर्शन, समाधि, साधन, विभूति और कैवल्य इन चार पादों या भागों में विभक्त है।
समाधिपाद में योग के उद्देश्य और लक्षण और उनका संसाधन किस प्रकार होता है, समझाया गया है।इसमें क्लेश, कर्मविपाक और कर्मफल आदि का विवेचन है।
विभूतिपाद में यह बतलाया गया है कि योग के अंग क्या हैं, उसका परिणाम क्या होता है और उसके द्वारा अणिमा, महिमा आदि सिद्धियों की किस प्रकार प्राप्ति होती है। कैवल्यपाद में कैवल्य या मोक्ष का विवेचन किया गया है। मनुष्य को अविद्या, अस्मिता, राग, द्वेष और अभिनिवेश ये पाँच प्रकार के क्लेश होते हैं और उसे कर्म के फलों के अनुसार जन्म लेकर आयु व्यतीत करनी पड़ती है तथा भोग भोगना पड़ता है। इन सबसे बचने और मोक्ष प्राप्त करने का उपाय योग है। क्रमशः योग के अंगों का साधन करते हुए मनुष्य सिद्ध हो जाता है और अंत में मोक्ष प्राप्त कर लेता है। ईश्वर नित्यमुक्त, एक, अद्वितीय और तीनों कालों से अतीत है और देवताओं तथा ऋषियों आदि को उसी से ज्ञान प्राप्त होता है। संसार दुःखमय और हेय है। पुरुष या जीवात्मा के मोक्ष के लिये योग ही एकमात्र उपाय है।
चित्त की क्षिप्त, मूढ़, विक्षिप्त, निरुद्ध और एकाग्र ये पाँच प्रकार की वृत्तियाँ हैं जिन्हें चित्तभूमि कहते हैं।आरंभ की तीन चित्तभूमियों में योग नहीं हो सकता, केवल अंतिम दो में हो सकता है। इन दो भूमियों में संप्रज्ञात और असंप्रज्ञात ये दो प्रकार के योग हो सकते हैं। जिस अवस्था में ध्येय का रूप प्रत्यक्ष रहता हो, उसे संप्रज्ञात कहते हैं। यह योग पाँच प्रकार के क्लेशों का नाश करनेवाला है। असंप्रज्ञात उस अवस्था को कहते हैं, जिसमें किसी प्रकार की वृत्ति का उदय नहीं होता अर्थात् ज्ञाता और ज्ञेय का भेद नहीं रह जाता, संस्कारमात्र बच रहता है। यही योग की चरम भूमि मानी जाती है और इसकी सिद्धि हो जाने पर मोक्ष प्राप्त होता है।
योगसाधना : योगी साधक पहले किसी स्थूल विषय का आधार लेकर, उसके उपरांत किसी सूक्ष्म वस्तु को लेकर और अंत में सब विषयों का परित्याग करके चलता है।अपना चित्त स्थिर करता है।
चित्त की वृत्तियों को रोकने के जो उपाय :- अभ्यास और वैराग्य, ईश्वर का प्रणिधान, प्राणायाम और समाधि, विषयों से विरक्ति आदि। जो लोग योग का अभ्याम करते हैं, उनमें अनेक प्रकार को विलक्षण शक्तियाँ आ जाती है जिन्हें 'विभूति' या 'सिद्धि' कहते हैं। यम, नियम, आसन, प्राणायाम, प्रत्याहार, धारणा, ध्यान और समाधि ये आठों योग के अंग कहे गए हैं और योगसिद्धि के लिये इन आठों अंगों का साधन आवश्यक और अनिवार्य है। जो व्यक्ति योग के ये आठो अंग सिद्ध कर लेता है, वह सब प्रकार के क्लेशों से छूट जाता है, अनेक प्रकार की शक्तियाँ प्राप्त कर लेता है और अंत में कैवल्य (-मुक्ति) का भागी होता है। सृष्टितत्व आदि के संबंध में योग और सांख्य एकमत हैं। अतः सांख्य को ज्ञानयोग और योग को कर्मयोग भी कहते हैं।
ग्रन्थ का सांगठन :- यह चार पादों या भागों में विभक्त है। समाधि पाद (51 सूत्र), साधन पाद (55 सूत्र), विभूति पाद (55 सूत्र), कैवल्य पाद (34सूत्र) और कुल सूत्र 195 हैं।
इन पदों में योग अर्थात् ईश्वर-प्राप्ति के उद्देश्य, लक्षण तथा साधन के उपाय या प्रकार हैं और उसके भिन्न-भिन्न अंगों का विवेचन है। इसमें चित्त की भूमियों या वृत्तियों का भी विवेचन है। इस योग-सूत्र का प्राचीनतम भाष्य वेदव्यास का है, जिस पर वाचस्पति का वार्तिक भी है। योगशास्त्र नीति विषयक उपदेशात्मक काव्य की कोटि में आता है।
यह शारीरिक योग मुद्राओं का शास्त्र नहीं है अपितु आत्मा और परमात्मा के योग या एकत्व और उसको प्राप्त करने के नियमों व उपायों का विषय है। यह अष्टांग योग भी कहलाता है क्योंकि इसकी व्याख्या अष्ट अर्थात आठ अंगों :- यम, नियम, आसन, प्राणायाम, प्रत्याहार, धारणा, ध्यान और समाधि में की गई है।
अष्टांग योग - योग के आठ अंग :: यह आठ आयामों वाला मार्ग है जिसमें आठों आयामों का अभ्यास एक साथ किया जाता है।
(1). यम : पांच सामाजिक नैतिकता
(i). अहिंसा :- शब्दों से, विचारों से और कर्मों से किसी को कोई हानि नहीं पहुँचाना।
(ii). सत्य :- विचारों में सत्यता, परम-सत्य में स्थित रहना।
(iii. अस्तेय :- चोर-प्रवृति का न होना।
(iv). ब्रह्मचर्य :- दो अर्थ हैं: (iv-i). चेतना को ब्रह्म के ज्ञान में स्थिर करना और (iv-ii). सभी इन्द्रिय-जनित सुखों में संयम बरतना।
(v). अपरिग्रह :- आवश्यकता से अधिक संचय नहीं करना और दूसरों की वस्तुओं की इच्छा नहीं करना।
(2). नियम :- पाँच व्यक्तिगत नैतिकता।
(i). शौच :- शरीर और मन की शुद्धि।
(ii). संतोष :- संतुष्ट और प्रसन्न रहना।
(iii). तप :- स्वयं से अनुशासित रहना।
(iv). स्वाध्याय :- आत्मचिंतन करना।
(v). ईश्वर-प्रणिधान :- ईश्वर के प्रति पूर्ण समर्पण, पूर्ण श्रद्धा।
(3). आसन :- योगासनों द्वारा शारीरिक नियंत्रण।
(4). प्राणायाम :- श्वास-लेने सम्बन्धी खास तकनीकों द्वारा प्राण पर नियंत्रण।
(5). प्रत्याहार :- इन्द्रियों को अंतर्मुखी करना।
(6). धारणा :- एकाग्रचित्त होना।
(7). ध्यान :- निरंतर ध्यान।
(8). समाधि :- आत्मा से जुड़ना, शब्दों से परे परम-चैतन्य की अवस्था।
सार-संक्षेप :: योग अनुशासन ॥1॥ (पतंजलि को गुरु परम्परा में मिली योग शिक्षा)
योग चित्त की वृत्तियों का निरोध है ॥2॥
दृष्टा अपने स्वरूप में स्थित हो जाता है ॥3॥
वृत्तियों का सारुप्य होता है, इतर समय में ॥4॥
वृत्तियाँ पाँच प्रकार की हैं :- क्लेशक्त और क्लेशरहित ॥5॥
(6-i).-प्रमाण, (6-ii).विकल्प, (6-iii).विपर्यय, (6-iv).निद्रा तथा (6-v).स्मृति ॥6॥
(6-i).प्रमाण :- प्रमाण के तीन भेद हैं: (6-i-i).प्रत्यक्ष,(6-i-ii).प्रमाण और (6-i-iii).आगम, ॥7॥
विपर्यय वृत्ति मिथ्या ज्ञान अर्थात जिससे किसी वस्तु के यथार्थ रूप का ज्ञान न हो ॥8॥
ज्ञान जो शब्द से उत्पन्न होता है, पर वस्तु होती नहीं, विकल्प है॥9॥
ज्ञेय विषयों के अभाव : ज्ञान का आलंबन, निद्रा ॥10॥
अनुभव में आए हुए विषयों का न भूलना, स्मृति ॥11॥
अभ्यास तथा वैराग्य के द्वारा उनका निरोध ॥12॥
उनमें स्थित रहने का यत्न, अभ्यास ॥12॥
अभ्यास दीर्घ काल तक निरन्तर सत्कार पूर्वक सेवन किए जाने पर दृढ़ भूमिका वाला होता है ॥14॥
देखे हुए सुने हुए विषयों की तृष्णा रहित अवस्था वशीकार नामक वैराग्य है ॥15॥
वैराग्य, वह अवस्था जब पुरुष तथा प्रकृति की पृथकता का ज्ञान, उससे परे परम् वैराग्य जब तीनों गुणों के कार्य में भी तृष्णा नहीं रहती ॥16॥
वितर्क विचार आनन्द तथा अस्मिता नामक स्वरूपों से संबंधित वृत्तियों का निरोध सम्प्रज्ञात है ॥17॥
(वैराग्य से वृत्ति निरोध के बाद) शेष संस्कार अवस्था, असम्प्रज्ञात ॥18॥
जन्म से ही ज्ञान, विदेहों अथवा प्रकृति लयों को होता है ॥19॥
(गुरु, साधन, शास्त्र में) श्रद्धा, वीर्य (उत्साह), बुद्धि की निर्मलता, ध्येयाकार बुद्धि की एकाग्रता, उससे उत्पन्न होने वाली ऋतंभरा प्रज्ञा - पाँचों प्रकार के साधन, बाकि जो साधारण योगी हैं, उनके लिए ॥20॥
तीव्र उपाय, संवेग वाले योगियों को शीघ्रतम सिद्ध होता है ॥21॥
तीव्र संवेग के भी मृदु मध्य तथा अधिमात्र, यह तीन भेद होने से, अधिमात्र संवेग वाले को समाधि लाभ में विशेषता है ॥22॥या फिर सब ईश्वर पर छोड़ देने से ॥23॥(ईश्वर प्रणिधान)
अविद्या अस्मिता राग द्वेष तथा अभिनिवेष यह पाँच क्लेश कर्म, शुभ तथा अशुभ, फल, संस्कार आशय से परामर्श में न आने वाला, ऐसा परम पुरुष, ईश्वर है ॥24॥
उस (ईश्वर में) अतिशय की धारणा से रहित सर्वज्ञता का बीज है ॥25॥
काल से पार होने के कारण वह ईश्वर पूर्वजों का भी गुरु है ॥26॥
उसका बोध कराने वाला प्रणव है (ॐ)॥27॥
उस (प्रणव) का जप, उसके अर्थ की भावना सहित (करें) ॥28॥
उससे प्रत्यक्ष चेतना की अनुभवी रूपी प्राप्ती होगी और अन्तरायों का अभाव होगा ॥29॥
शारीरिक रोग, चित्त की अकर्मण्यता, संशय, लापरवाही, शरीर की जड़ता, विषयों की इच्छा, कुछ का कुछ समझना, साधन करते रहने पर भी उन्नति न होना, ऊपर की भूमिका पाकर उससे फिर नीचे गिरना, वित्त में विक्षेप करने वाले नौ विध्न हैं ॥30॥
दुख, इच्छा पूर्ति न होने पर मन में क्षोभ, कम्पन, श्वास प्रवास विक्षेपों के साथ घटित होने वाले ॥31॥
उनके प्रतिषेध के लिए एक तत्त्व का अभ्यास करना चाहिए ॥32॥
सुखी, दुखी पण्यात्मा तथा पापात्मा व्यक्तियों के बारे में, यथा क्रम मैत्री, करुणा, हर्ष तथा उदासीनता, की भावना रखने से चित्त निर्मल एवं प्रसन्न होता है ॥33॥या, श्वास प्रवास की क्रिया को रोककर शरीर के बाहर स्थित करना अथवा अन्तर में धारण करने से वृत्ति निरोध होता है ॥34॥अथवा शब्द, स्पर्ष, रूप, गंध वाली दिव्य स्तर की वृत्ति, उत्पन्न होने पर चित्त वृत्ति का निरोध करती है क्योंकि वह मन को बांधने वाली होती है ॥35॥अथवा ज्योतिषमती नाम की विशोका ज्योतियों से ॥36॥अथवा उनका महात्माओं का ध्यान करने से, जिनका चित्त वीतराग हो गया है ॥37॥अथवा निद्रा में ध्यान करने से ॥38॥(पहले निद्रा को सत्वगुणी बनाना आवश्यक है, गीता में कहा गया है कि जब सब नींद में होते हैं, योगी जागता है। उससे यही अर्थ बनता है।) अथवा जैसे भी (श्रद्धा से अभिमत) ध्यान ॥39॥
(उस ध्यान से) परमाणु से परम महान तक उस निरुद्ध योगी की वशीकार अवस्था हो जाती है ॥40॥
वह द्रष्टा,जिसकी, अभिजात मणि के समान वृत्तियाँ क्षीण हो गयी हैं; वृत्तियों से उत्पन्न ज्ञान, जिन विषयों का ज्ञान ग्रहण किया जाता है या जिस पर उस चित्त की सथिति होती है, उसी के समान रंगे जाने से, उसी के समान हो जाता है ॥41॥
उन में से शब्द अर्थ तथा ज्ञान के तीनों विकल्प सहित मिली हुई, सवितर्क समापत्ती है ॥42॥
शब्द तथा ज्ञान, इन विषयों के हट जाने पर तथा अपने स्वरूप की भी विस्मृती सी हो जाने पर, जब अर्थ मात्र का आभास ही शेष रह जाता है, निर्वितर्क सम्प्रज्ञात है ॥43॥
इस प्रकार सवितर्क एवं निर्वितर्क समाधि के निरुपण से सविचार एवं निर्विचार सम्प्रज्ञात, जो कि सूक्ष्म विषय है, की भी व्याख्या हो गयी ॥44॥
उन विषयों की सूक्ष्मता अव्यक्त प्रकृति तक है ॥45॥
आगम तथा अनुमान से उदय ज्ञान से यह ज्ञान अलग है क्योंकि इस में विशेष रूप से अर्थ का साक्षात्कार होता है ॥46॥
उस ऋतम्भरा प्रज्ञा से उदय होने वाले संस्कार, बाकी सब संस्कारों को काटने वाले होते हैं॥47॥
ऋतम्भरा प्रज्ञा के संस्कारों का भी निरोध हो जाने से, सभी संस्कारों का बीज नाश हो जाने से निर्बीज समाधि होती है ॥48॥
साधनपाद :- तप, स्वाध्याय और ईश्वर प्रणिधान, यह क्रिया योग है ॥1॥
क्रिया योग का अभ्यास समाधि प्राप्ति की भावना से, वित्त में विद्यमान क्लेशों को क्षीण करने के लिए है॥2॥
अविद्या, अस्मिता, राग, द्वेष तथा अभिनिवेश, यह पाँच क्लेश है ॥3॥
अविद्या बाकी चारों, अस्मिता राग द्वेष अभिनिवेश, इन क्लेशों की उत्पत्ती के लिए क्षेत्र रूप है॥4॥
अनित्यत्व अपवित्र दुख, अनात्म में क्रमशः नित्यत्व, पवित्रता, सुख तथा आत्मभाव की बुद्धि का होना अविद्या है॥5॥
देखने वाली शक्ति तथा देखने का माध्यम चित्त शक्ति दोनों की एकात्मता अस्मिता है ॥6॥
सुख भोगने पर, उसे फिर से भोगने की इच्छा बनी रहती है, वह राग है॥7॥
दुख भोगने पर, उससे बचने की इच्छा, द्वेष है॥8॥
स्वभाव से प्रवाहित होने वाला, सामान्य जीवों की भाँति ही विद्वानों को भी लपेट लेने वाला, अभिनिवेश है ॥9॥
(शरीर के बचाव की इच्छा) क्रिया योग द्वारा तनु किए गए पंच क्लेश, शक्ति के प्रति प्रसव क्रम द्वारा त्यागे जाने योग्य हैं, जो सूक्ष्म रूप में हैं॥10॥
(जब चेतना, प्रत्यक् चेतना होकर ऊपर की ओर चढ़ती है, तो कारव को कारण में विलीन करती है, इसे शक्ति का प्रति प्रसव क्रम कहते हैं।) ध्यान द्वारा त्याज्य उन की वृत्तियाँ हैं॥11॥
क्लेश ही मूल हैं उस कर्माशय के जो दिखने वाले अर्थ वर्तमान, तथा न दिखने वाले अर्थ भविष्य मे् होने वाले जन्मों का कारण हैं॥12॥
जब तक जीव को क्लेशों ने पकड़ रखा है, तब तक उसके कारण उदय हुए कर्माशय का फल, जाति आयु तथा भोग होता है॥13॥
वह आयु जाति भोग की फसल सुख दुख रूपी फल वाली होती है, क्योंकि वह पुण्य तथा अपुण्य का कारण है॥14॥
परिणाम दुख, ताप दुख तथा संस्कार दुख बना ही रहता है तथा गुणों की वृत्तियों के परस्पर विरोधी होने के कारण, सुख भी दुख ही है, ऐसा विद्वान जन समझते हैं॥15॥
त्यागने योग्य है वह दुख जो अभी आया नहीं है॥16॥
यह योग का उद्देश्य है। दुख का मूल कारण, द्रष्टा का दृश्य में संयोग, उलझ जाना, है ॥17॥
प्रकाश सत्व, स्थिति अर्थ तम् तथा क्रियाशील अर्थ रज्, पंचभूत तथा इन्द्रियाँ अंग हैं जिसके, भोग तथा मोक्ष देना जिसका प्रयोजन है, वह दृश्य है ॥18॥
योग में दृश्य को दृष्टा का सेवक अथवा दास माना गया है। गुणों के चार परिणाम हैं, विशेष अर्थ पाँच महाभूत आकाश वायु अग्नि जल तथा पृथ्वी, अविशेष अर्थ प्रकृति की सूक्ष्म तन्मात्राएँ शब्द स्पर्ष रूप रस और गंध तथा छठा अहंकार, लिंग अर्थ प्रकृति में बीजरूप, अलिंग अर्थ अप्रकट॥19॥
देखने वाला द्रष्टा अर्थ आत्मा, देखने की शक्ति मात्र है, इसलिए शुद्ध भी है, वृत्तियों के देखने वाला भी है॥20॥
दृश्य का अस्तित्व क्यों है? केवल दृष्टा के लिए॥21॥
जो मुक्ति, सिद्धि को प्राप्त हो गये हैं, उनके लिए दृश्य समाप्त होकर भी, अन्य साधारण जीवों के लिए तो वैसा ही बना रहता है॥22॥
दृश्य के स्वरूप का कारण क्या है? उसके स्वामि अर्थ दृष्टा की शक्ति॥23॥
दृश्य के संयोग का, उलझने का कारण अविद्या है ॥24॥
उस अविद्या के अभाव से, संयोग का भी अभाव हो जाता है, यही हान है जिसे कैवल्य मुक्ति कहा जाता है॥25॥
विवेक अर्थ दृश्य तथा दृष्टा की भिन्नता का निश्चित ज्ञान, हान का उपाय है॥26॥
उस विवेक ख्याति की सात भुमिकिएं हैं॥27॥
अष्टांग योग के अनुष्ठान से अशुद्धि का क्षय तथा विवेक ख्याति पर्यन्त प्रकाश होता है॥28॥
यम, नियम, आसन, प्राणायाम, प्रत्याहार, धारणा, ध्यान एवं समाधि, यह योके आठ अंग हैं॥29॥
यम, नियम, आसन, प्राणायाम, प्रत्याहार, धारणा, ध्यान एवं समाधि, यह योग के आठ अंग हैं॥30॥
दूसरे को मन, वाणी, कर्म से दुख न देना, सत्य बोलना, ब्रह्मचर्य, तथा संचय वृत्ति का त्याग, यह पाँच यम कहे जाते हैं॥31॥
ये यम जाति, देश, काल तथा समय की सीमा से अछूते, सभी अवस्थाओं में पालनीय, महाव्रत हैं॥32॥
शौच, संतोष, तप, स्वाध्याय तथा ईश्वर प्रणिधान, यह नियम हैं॥33॥
नाड़ी : नाड़ी सूक्ष्म शरीर की वाहिकाएँ हैं, जिनसे होकर प्राणों का प्रवाह होता है। इनका मुख्य कार्य शरीर के विभिन्न अंगों से सन्देश को ग्रहण करके मस्तिष्क में तथा मस्तिष्क से आज्ञा-आदेश को प्राप्त कर अंगों तक पहुंचना है। इनसे प्राणों का संचार होता है। शरीर के ऊर्जा-कोष, जिसे प्राणमय कोष कहा जाता है, में 72,000 नाड़ियां होती हैं, जो कि तीन मुख्य नाड़ियों :- बाईं-इड़ा-चन्द्र नाड़ी, दाहिनी-पिंगला-सूर्य नाड़ी से निकलती हैं। इड़ा का अधिष्ठाता देवता चंद्रमा और पिंगला का सूर्य है। इड़ा-चन्द्र नाड़ी और पिंगला-सूर्य नाड़ी मेरुदंड के दोनों ओर स्थित (-sympathetic & para sympathetic system) के तद्नुरूप हैं।
इड़ा और पिंगला जीवन की बुनियादी द्वैतता की प्रतीक हैं। इस द्वैत को परंपरागत रूप से शिव और शक्ति का नाम देते हैं अथवा इसे पुरुषोचित और स्त्रियोचित कह सकते हैं। इनके माध्यम से तर्क-बुद्धि और सहज-ज्ञान हो सकते हैं। यदि इड़ा नाड़ी अधिक सक्रिय है, तो मनुष्य में स्त्रियोचित गुणों के प्रभाव होगा। यदि आपकी पिंगला अधिक सक्रिय है, तो पुरुषोचित गुण हावी हो सकते हैं।
इड़ा और पिंगला के बीच संतुलन मनुष्य को प्रभावशाली बनाता है।
कबहु इडा स्वर चलत है कभी पिंगला माही।सुष्मण इनके बीच बहत है गुर बिन जाने नाही॥
मनुष्य के रोगी और निरोगी रहने में श्वासों का अत्यधिक महत्व है। इसके लिए इड़ा और पिंगला नाड़ी के साथ-साथ सुषुम्ना को भी सक्रिय करना होता है। दोनों नाड़ियों के सक्रिय रहने से किसी भी प्रकार का रोग और शोक नहीं सताता। प्राणायाम के माध्यम से मनुष्य सुषुम्ना को सक्रिय कर सकता है। श्वास-प्रश्वास की उचित विधि मनुष्य को स्वस्थ, सुंदर और दीर्घजीवी बनाकर उसे सिद्ध पुरुष बनाकर ईश्वरानुभूति करा सकती है।
मनुष्य के दोनों नासिका छिद्रों में श्वास-प्रश्वास कभी एक साथ नहीं चलती। यह कभी वह बाएं तो कभी दाएं नासिका छिद्र में स्थानांतरित होती रहती है। प्राय: मनुष्य उतनी गहरी श्वास नहीं लेता और छोड़ता है जितनी कि एक स्वस्थ व्यक्ति के लिए जरूरी होती है। प्राणायाम एक ऐसी विधि है जिससे मनुष्य ज्यादा गहरी और लंबी श्वास ले और छोड़ सकता है। अनुलोम-विलोम प्राणायाम की विधि से दोनों नासिका छिद्रों से बारी-बारी से वायु को भरा और छोड़ा जाता है। अभ्यास करते-करते एक समय ऐसा आ जाता है, जब चंद्र और सूर्य नाड़ी से समान रूप से श्वास-प्रश्वास प्रवाहित होने लगती है। उस अल्पकाल में सुषुम्ना नाड़ी से श्वास प्रवाहित होने की अवस्था को ही योग कहा जाता है।
इड़ा का प्रवाह बाई नासिका से होता है तथा इसकी प्रकृति शीतल है। चंद्र नाड़ी से श्वास-प्रश्वास प्रवाहित होने पर वह मस्तिष्क अनावश्यक ऊर्जा का निष्कासन करके शीतलता प्रदान करती है। इस प्रवाह में व्यक्ति को साधारण कार्य करना चाहिए। शांत चित्त से जो सहज कार्य किए किए जा सकते हैं उन्हीं में उस समय व्यक्ति को लगना चाहिए। इड़ा में तमस की प्रबलता होती है
पिंगला दाहिनी नासिका से प्रवाहित होती है तथा इसकी प्रकृति गरम है। जब सूर्य नाड़ी से श्वास-प्रश्वास प्रवाहित होती है तो शरीर को ऊष्मा प्राप्त होती है यानी गर्मी पैदा होती है। सूर्य नाड़ी से धनात्मक ऊर्जा प्रवाहित होती है। दाहिनीं नासिका से जब श्वांस चलती है तो उस समय पिंगला नाड़ी क्रियाशील रहती है। उस समय व्यक्ति को कठिन कार्य :- जैसे व्यायाम, खाना, स्नान और परिश्रम वाले कार्य करना चाहिए। इसी समय सोना भी चाहिए। क्योंकि पिंगला की क्रियाशीलता में भोजन शीघ्र पचता है और गहरी नींद आती है।पिंगला में रजस प्रभावशाली होता है।
प्राणायाम प्राणों का विस्तार करने की विधि है। दीर्घ श्वास-प्रश्वास से प्राणों का विस्तार होता है। एक स्वस्थ मनुष्य को 1 मिनट में 15 बार सांस लेनी चाहिए। इस तरह 1 घंटे में उसके श्वासों की संख्या 900 और 24 घंटे में 21,600 होनी चाहिए। चंद्र और सूर्य नाड़ी से श्वास-प्रश्वास के जरिए कई तरह के रोगों यथा उच्च या निम्न रक्तचाप, हाई ब्लड प्रेशर को चंद्र नाड़ी के संतुलित श्वास-प्रश्वास को प्रवाहित करके सामान्य किया जा सकता है।
सुषुम्ना नाड़ी :- सभी नाड़ियों में श्रेष्ठ सुषुम्ना नाड़ी है। मूलाधार (-Basal plexus) से आरंभ होकर यह सिर के सर्वोच्च स्थान पर अवस्थित सहस्रार तक आती है। सभी चक्र सुषुम्ना में ही विद्यमान हैं। इड़ा को गंगा, पिंगला को यमुना और सुषुम्ना को सरस्वती कहा गया है। इड़ा या पिंगला के प्रभाव में मनुष्य बाहरी स्थितियों को देखकर प्रतिक्रिया करते हैं। लेकिन एक बार सुषुम्ना में ऊर्जा का प्रवेश हो जाए, तो वह एक नए किस्म का संतुलन पा लेते हैं। मूल रूप से सुषुम्ना गुणहीन होती है, उसकी अपनी कोई विशेषता नहीं होती। वह एक तरह की शून्यता या खाली स्थान है। अगर शून्यता है तो उससे आप अपनी मर्जी से कोई भी चीज बना सकते हैं। सुषुम्ना में ऊर्जा का प्रवेश होते ही, आपमें वैराग्य आ जाता है।
सुषुम्ना के क्रियाशील होते ही मनुष्य आन्तरिक-अंदरूनी संतुलन का आभास करता है। इस अवस्था में मनुष्य रोग दूर करने, सिद्धि प्राप्त करने और भविष्यवाणी करने जैसी शक्तियाँ प्राप्त कर लेता है। दोनों नासिका से साँस चलने का अर्थ है कि उस समय सुषुम्ना क्रियाशील है। ध्यान, प्रार्थना, जप, चिंतन और उत्कृष्ट कार्य करने के लिए यही समय सर्वश्रेष्ठ होता है।
इन तीन नाड़ियों का पहला मिलन केंद्र मूलाधार कहलाता है। इसलिए मूलाधार को मुक्तत्रिवेणी (जहाँ से तीनों अलग-अलग होती हैं) और आज्ञाचक्र को युक्त त्रिवेणी (जहाँ तीनों आपस में मिल जाती हैं) कहते हैं।
चक्र : मूलाधार, स्वाधिष्ठान, मणिपुर, अनाहत, विशुद्धि, आज्ञा और सहस्रार, मूलत: सात चक्र हैं। मेरुरज्जु (-spinal card, back bone) में प्राणों के प्रवाह के लिए सूक्ष्म नाड़ी है जिसे सुषुम्ना कहा गया है। इसमें अनेक केंद्र हैं। जिसे चक्र अथवा पदम कहा जाता है। कई नाड़ियों के एक स्थान पर मिलने से इन चक्रों अथवा केंद्रों का निर्माण होता है। गुह्य रूप से इसे कमल के रूप में चित्रित किया गया है जिसमें अनेक दल हैं। ये दल एक नाड़ी विशेष के परिचायक हैं तथा इनका अपना एक विशिष्ट स्पंदन होता है जिसे एक विशेष बीजाक्षर के द्वारा अभिव्यक्त किया जाता है।
इस प्रकार प्रत्येक चक्र में दलों की एक निश्चित संख्या, विशिष्ट रंग, इष्ट देवता, तन्मात्रा (-सूक्ष्मतत्व) और स्पंदन का प्रतिनिधित्व करने वाला एक बीजाक्षर हुआ करता है। कुंडलिनी जब चक्रों का भेदन करती है तो उस में शक्ति का संचार हो उठता है, मानों कमल पुष्प प्रस्फुटित हो गया और उस चक्र की गुप्त शक्तियाँ प्रकट हो जाती हैं।
कुंडलिनी योग का अभ्यास :- सेवा और भक्ति के द्वारा साधक को सर्वप्रथम अपनी चित्तशुद्धि करनी चाहिए। आसन, प्राणायाम, बंध, मुद्रा और हठयोग की क्रियाओं के अभ्यास से नाड़ी शुद्धि करना भी आवश्यक है। साधक को श्रद्धा, भक्ति, गुरुसेवा, विनम्रता, शुद्धता, अनासक्ति, करुणा, प्रेरणा, विवेक, मानसिक शांति, आत्मसंयम, निर्भरता, धैर्य और संलग्नता जैसे सद्गुणों का विकास करना चाहिए।
उसे एक के बाद दूसरे चक्र पर ध्यान करना आवश्यक है। जैसा कि पूर्व पृष्ठों में बताया गया है उसे एक सप्ताह तक मूलाधारचक्र और फिर एक सप्ताह तक क्रमश: स्वाधिष्ठान इत्यादि चक्रों पर ध्यान करना चाहिए।
विभिन्न विधियाँ :- कुंडलिनी जागरण की विभिन्न विधियाँ हैं। राजयोग में ध्यान-धारणा के द्वारा कुंडलिनी जाग्रत होती है। भक्त भक्ति से, ज्ञानी, चिंतन, मनन और ज्ञान से तथा कर्मयोगी मानवता की नि:स्वार्थ सेवा से कुंडलिनी जागरण करता है। कुंडलिनी मनुष्य की अध्यात्मिक प्रगति का माप है। साधना का चाहे कोई मार्ग क्यों न हो, कुंडलिनी अवश्य जाग्रत होती है। साधना में प्रगति के साध कुंडलिनी सुषम्ना नाड़ी में अवश्य चढ़ती है। कुंडलिनी का सुषुम्ना में ऊपर चढ़ने का अर्थ है चेतना में अधिकाधिक विस्तार। प्रत्येक केंद्र प्रयोगी को प्रकृति के किसी न किसी पक्ष पर नियंत्रण प्रदान करता है। उसे शक्ति और आनंद की प्राप्ति होती है। कुंडलिनी जागरण के लिए कुंडलिनी प्राणायाम, अत्यन्त प्रभावशाली सिद्ध होते हैं। कुंडलिनी जब मूलाधार का भेदन करती है, तो व्यक्ति अपने निम्न स्वरूप से ऊपर उठ जाता है। अनाहत चक्र के भेदन से योगी वासनाओं (-सूक्ष्म कामना) से मुक्त हो जाता है और जब कुंडलिनी आज्ञाचक्र का भेदन कर लेती है तो योगी को आत्मज्ञान हो जाता है। उसे परमानंद अनुभव होता है।
KUNDLINI कुण्डलिनी is a form of SHAKTI-the corporeal energy. It’s described as a religious-spiritual tradition, as an indwelling spiritual energy that can be awakened in order to purify the subtle system ultimately, to bestow the state of Yog or Divine Union-association, upon the seeker-desirous of truth.
Kundlini means circular-annular-a snake (-in coiled state forming ringlets). Tantr Sadbhav (-तन्त्र सदभाव) uses the term Kundlini (-ring, bracelet, coil of a rope). Kundlini has been used as a name of Maan Durga-Shakti in Tantrism, Shaktism, Sharadatilak (-शारदा तिलक), Hath Yog, Yog Upanishad, as the dormant potential in the humans. It is one of the components of an esoteric description of the subtle body, which consists of naadis-nerves, carriers of messages to the brain and back to all cells, organs, systems (-energy systems), chakr (-psychic centers), pran (-subtle energy), and bindu (-drops of essence) . The description of the location can vary slightly, from the rectum to the navel. Kundlini is based in the triangular shaped sacrum bone in three and a half coils. The image given is that of a serpent coiled three and a half times around a smoky grey lingam. Each coil is said to represent one of the three gun-characterizes, with the half coil signifying transcendence Kundlini awakening.
The Yog Upanishad describes Kundlini as a coil at the base of the spine, like a sleeping serpent, waiting to be unwind-release-awakened. This may be called an unconscious, instinctive or libidinal force. It provides solution to the physical or psychological problems arising out of experiences traditionally associated with Kundlini awakening. Kund stands for a water body, a bowl-water pot, ring, bracelet and/or a coil (-of a rope). KUNDAL is another word close to KUNDLINI, meaning ear ring.
There are two nerve currents in the spinal column, called Pingala and Ida around the hollow canal called Sushumna, running through the spinal cord. Lower end of the spinal cord constitutes the "Lotus of the Kundlini (-नाभि कमल)," where it is coiled up, in a triangular form constituting the power center. The uncoiled energy moves up step by step, layer after layer, reaching the brain, ultimately. At this juncture mind opens up and ultimate vision along with wonderful powers, come to the Yogi, leading to detachment from the body and mind; setting the soul free. Kundlini awakening is just the beginning of actual spiritual experience.
Kundlini-awakening of the soul, through Yog, results in deep meditation, enlightenment and bliss-PERMANAND. It involves the movement of Kundlini-प्राण वायु, up to the central channel of the nervous system, to reside within the Sahasrar Chakr over the head. This movement of Kundlini is felt either by the presence of a cool or a warm gush of air, across the palms or the soles. Kundlini is a sensation like electric current, running along the spine.
KUNDLINI may be awakened by Shakti Path, spiritual transmission by a Guru-teacher or through spiritual practices like Yog or meditation. It may be that the Kundlini has awakened spontaneously as the result of practices in previous births. On being awakened, it rises up from the Mooladhar Chakr (-मूलाधार चक्र) through the central Naadi, called Sushumna, inside or alongside the spine and reaching the top of the head. The progress of Kundlini through the different chakr-cycles leads to different levels of awakening and mystical experience, until Kundlini finally reaches the top of the head, Sahasrar or crown chakr, producing an extremely profound mystical experience.
One has to sit with crossed legs over a cushion-carpet-mat-carpet-tiger/deer skin, comfortably. Eyes should be focused through the brow point. Hold the hands together in prayer posture at the center of the chest or Gyan Mudra over the knees.
One may keep receiving the different names of the Almighty regularly so that the breath continues without interruption. It involves deep breathing alternately: sucking, holding and releasing the air in three cycles of duration of 24, 48 or 72 seconds. What the practitioner is supposed to do is to assimilate himself with the divinity.
One should consciously remember and experience the link between himself and the Creator. He has to think of the God and nothing else, as far as possible. This brings the soul and the body in unison with the Ultimate. The process is called Yog (+) i.e., summation-add ding-connecting-merging with the Almighty. The abstract-theme-extract-nectar lies in sounding-resonating-vibrating, rhythmically-continuously for some time (-OM ॐ)-this is the sound produced by the newly born child, while crying, without connecting it to any specific religion.
These vibrations are called NAAD (-नाद) having different octaves of creative impact. This rhythm may take one to the most subtle realm of creativity. It awakens the Kundlini-the abstract-Ultimate, hidden present within one, that energizes the whole creation. It awakens awareness and empowers the sense of the subtle body and the Aura. This practice of meditation gives intuition and the ability to heal. When one performs this earnestly, through consciousness and grace, he starts receiving the message from the Ultimate. This is one of the healers capable of reducing the impact of sins of innumerable previous births and rebirths. This is in fact a mechanism which elevates one, makes him closer to the God. If the opportunity comes by the grace of God accept it, with open heart-welcome it. This is something, which is a component of the technique which may make you, able to become unattached, leading to Salvation.
तंत्र-मंत्र, शक्ति साधना, हठ योग में इसका प्रचुर उपयोग होता रहा है। यह नाभि कमल से ऊपर स्थित है। इसकी अनुभूति एक ऐसे सर्प के रूप में भी की जा सकती है, जो शिव लिंग के ऊपर साड़े तीन (3 1/2 three and a half) कुण्डली मार कर बैठा है।
Mool-Root, Origin, Essence, ADHAR-Basis, Foundation.
It constitutes the starting point for the spiritual development of the devotee. It lies at the lowest point of the vertebral column below the Coccyx.
Kundlini is in a stationary-static state, which has to be awakened for Self-Realization.
Yog Nidra-the conscious sleep of the Yogi , provides pleasure at a higher level of consciousness. It is one of the techniques of relaxation.
One should look into a distant point in space, completely detached and relieved, making the practitioner super conscious, filling him with bliss-the Ultimate pleasure-PARMANAND, THE ETERNAL.
The Omniscient Bhagwan Shiv revealed the procedure-methodology called Yog, to unite with the Ultimate. Bhagwan Shri Krashn narrated-elaborated it in Shri Mad Bhagwat Geeta.
The memories of our past lives-births-deeds are stored in Mooladhar Chakr, like the server of net working site. It protects all information pertaining to our present life (-Prarabdh-destiny), till the out come of previous deeds has been experienced-exhausted by the individual soul. Our past-present-future births are just the permutations and combinations of our deeds by virtue of destiny, due to previous births, accumulated deeds of present birth and the current deeds. Though tied with the destiny yet one has some liberty to improve the future.
The Mooladhar Chakr is the seat of the unconscious, like a sleeping serpent who appears to be peaceful and harmless, but dreaded-fierce-menacing and dangerous, when awake. In an active state it may demonstrate rage, passion, desires, anger, freedom, joy, harmony and closeness to God. As soon as one identifies him self with the help of enlightenment-devotion-asceticism, the whole world change for him at once.
One is eager for spiritual development through purification-piousness-virtuousness-righteousness- honesty-devotion-dedication-shelter/asylum under the Almighty. All obstacles-blockades are removed and one progresses to realization. Guidance-patronage of the Guru makes the task easier. Confidence-faith in the Mentor-Guru (-Shraddha-Bhakti-Vishwas-Astha-Nishtha-Prem) is essential for success.
It's represented by an elephant having seven trunks-a symbol of prosperity and wisdom. The seven trunks of the elephant represent the seven minerals and the seven precious gems found on the earth and symbolizes the seven levels of consciousness: Unconsciousness, subconsciousness, dream consciousness, waking consciousness, astral consciousness, supreme consciousness and cosmic consciousness.
Its a good omen to see oneself riding an elephant, in dreams. The man (-मन mind & heart) and sense organs are also compared with an elephant, who is kept under control by the goad-the ankush (-अंकुश mantr & discipline).
The Beej Mantr-basic enchant of Mooladhar Chakr is LAM, the sound of spiritual awakening. It releases tensions and removes blockages in this Chakr and activates energy. Thus the process of awakening the dormant powers, within us and raising them into consciousness, begins. Pleasant or worrying experiences emerge from the past guiding, inspiring and helping one to decide his path-journey. One may face disappointment and painful disillusionment's. One should not loose heart and continue with all sorts of evil-wicked experiences. In such situations Agya Chakr will come to the rescue of the practitioner, guiding him in the attainment of spirituality.
Manan: Rational repeated thinking, analyzing, clarity of visions (-मनन), Sanklp: Determination-decision pertaining to right intentions-resolutions (-संकल्प), Viklp (-विकल्प) : Choices-alternatives to clear doubts and discard false-vague ideas & Atm Chintan: Remembering the Almighty at every moment (-आत्म चिन्तन); helps one in attaining the Ultimate.
The roots of Lotus Blossom (-Mool Kamal) has four petals depicting the four directions and represent the four fundamental psychic functions of mind, intellect, consciousness and ego-whose roots do lie in Mooladhar Chakr. The four petals also symbolize the four methods of evolution on this planet: Vegetative-from the body; from sweat, eggs and sexual intercourse. Shiv and Shakti are behind all creations.
SHIV LING is the astral symbol for creativity, creative power and consciousness. Snake winds the Shiv Ling three and a half times. The three rotations of the serpent represent the first three levels of consciousness-unconscious, subconscious and conscious; while the half turn refers to the awakened super-consciousness.
The awakening-evolution of consciousness is connected with time and the snake represents phase-KALA (-कला time, past and death or past, present and future).
Alternate sign of the Mooladhar Chakr is an inverted triangle-pyramid. The down ward tip shows one at the thrash hold of spiritual development; while the sides that points upwards and outwards, show the direction of the growing consciousness.
It's affiliated with the smell. It leads to a heightening of sensory perceptions, especially the refinement of the senses of smell and hearing, so that we become aware of aromas and sounds that are not perceptible to others. Some people can see auras or feel the thoughts and moods of others.
The color associated with Mooladhar Chakr is RED, which illustrates energy and vitality. It illustrates the presence of energy connected to the earth (-ttv तत्व).
One must be a protector not he destroyer. The destroyer remains with animal instincts at the lowest level of consciousness, far far below the Mooladhar Chakr.
The growth of human consciousness begins in the Mooladhar Chakr to the “thousand-petaled Lotus” of the Sahasrara Chakr.
Svaस्व : Own, Self; Adhisthan: Seat, Place, and Residence.
The Svadhisthan Chakr lies slightly over the Mooladhar Chakr, between the coccyx and the sacrum. It represents the second stage of evolution. Kundlini Shakti used to be present in this Chakr, during the earlier cosmic eras. During Kal Yug-present cosmic era, spiritual energy has moved down to the Mooladhar Chakr i.e., unconsciousness level due to pragmatic-materialistic and egoistic behaviour of human beings.
ORANGE is the color assigned to Svadhisthan Chakr representing fire, sun rise and blooming flowers. It symbolizes purification, activity, joy, hope and self-confidence in addition to cheerfulness, faith, self-confidence and vigor. It is correlated to autumn and sunset, as well depicting with drawl of nature and inward consciousness. It may provide solutions to destiny related inquisitiveness.
Activation of previous deeds and their outcome-fruit, materialize in the Svadhisthan Chakr, with the opportunity to purify-cleanse them, providing control over various instincts-their transformation and transcend.
SUB CONSCIOUSNESS-a stage between sleeping and waking is related to Svadhisthan Chakr. Things look vague, without clear perception. Subconscious mind observes the events quietly, without intervening with the already fixed schedules and subtle track (-संस्कार Sanskar), by virtue of destiny.
One may penetrate into subconscious or the ready made-inbuilt programming, through meditation-Yog-Dhyan and modify it.
Kundlini is found to awake occasionally and rising to the Svadhisthan Chakr. Envy, desire, jealousy, rage, anonymity, hatred, violence, passions, arrogance, lethargic, greed blocks the energy, turning the awakening back to Mooladhar Chakr. Wisdom-enlightenment-Gyan) will help in over powering these tendencies. One would be filled with pleasure if he is able to isolate himself from fear and complexes. Ego should not come between the truth and wickedness. Svadhisthan Chakr helps in fighting ego. One has to control his emotions simultaneously. Chanting of Mantr continuously do help in concentration and control over fluctuations.
WATER is the basic component of the Svadhisthan Chakr. Frozen water is hard and rigid; which becomes fluid on heating further. The energy which was trapped in Mooladhar Chakr if frozen begins to flow on reaching higher level of the Svadhisthan Chakr. And now it becomes important to purify the thoughts-ideas-qualities-potentials diverting them, into the right direction.
CROCODILE symbolizes Svadhisthan Chakr. It's lazy and lethargic, but once it becomes active it yield enormous power and speed, making it dangerous.
VAM constitutes the Beej Mantra of the Svadhisthan Chakr.
BRAHMA and SARASWATI are the deities of Svadhisthan Chakr.
One should make use of ICCHA SHAKTI (-willpower) and KRIYA SHAKTI (-vigor/drive), aided by PRERNA SHAKTI-life force, vital force DHARANA SHAKTI-power of concentration CHETNA SHAKTI-power of consciousness.
Mani: Jewel, Pur: Place, City
This constitutes the 3rd level of Kundlini Shakti. One can attain the goal of Supreme Consciousness through regular practice and guidance. Mooladhar Chakr regulates the unconscious mind while Swadhisthan Chakr regulate the sub consciousness. Energy from the Manipur Chakr cleanse the Svadhishthan and Mooladhar Chakr.
LOCATION: Manipur Chakr lies is in the middle of the abdomen, behind the navel.
IMPACT: Clarity of vision, wisdom, self-confidence and well being are closely associated with it. It commands the Anahat Chakr as well. Feelings of love, devotion and happiness evolve in Manipur Chakr. Passions are converted to selfless love-through the light of wisdom, prejudice, aversions are changed to respect and understanding, envy and insatiable greed are changed to good will along with healthy moderation. Self-confidence, pride and jealousy are changed to modesty and generosity, ignorance changes into clarity, laziness converts into focused, consistent effort.
Gut-feelings generated in the Manipur Chkr may often intuitively be correct, helping in correct decisions. But they may be distorted by strong emotions, making the decisions irrational. Judgments totally based on intellect, might lack complete and integrated vision. Manipur Chakr in association with the Agya Chakr, is important for clarity of vision; right feelings, analysis, guidance-thoroughly examined-justified by Vivek (-discrimination).
Manipur Chakr, awards awareness associated with self-confidence. Blockade of Manipur Chakr may lead to constant fears, being closely connected to the psyche, it may affect digestive system. Fear or stressful situations may lead to abdominal pain or diarrhea-loose motions.
TEJ (-fire) constitutes the Tattv (-element) of the Manipur Chakr. It controls the energies from the digestive system leading to good health and good constitution.The Fire Element manifests within the body as body heat. It provides opening for numerous astral powers and therefore its called the cosmic door. HARA-power center bestows one with balance, stability, strength and activity.
FIRE associated with the Manipur Chakr stands for aggression, passion, inner suffocation-choking-oppressiveness-sultriness and restlessness aided by purification and refinement. It provides relief from bad qualities and habits, doubts, weaknesses, anger, envy, blockages, tension and pain. Fire represent Pingala Naadi and Ida Naadi represents the holy river Ganga constituting the nerve channels, which run along the right and left sides of the body. The Pingala is activated through the breath in the right nostril. Its energy is warming like the light of the sun. Ida Naadi is activated through the breath in the left nostril. The experience is like that of the soft and cool light of the moon.
Fire has the tendency to burn every thing without distinction-discrimination. The energy produces in the Manipur Chakr beyond control may reduce the energy produced in the Bindu Chakr, basically the nectar-elixir-extract of life giving force. Bindu Chakr enhances-boosts the life giving force-anti aging-youthfulness-power to enjoy considerably.
Obstruction in the Manipur Chakr often paralyses and destroys one's energy and triggers diverse physical and psychic problems. It results in numerous problems like diabetes, skin diseases, cardiao-vascular diseases, Gout, Arthritis, rheumatic diseases, migraines, allergies including disturbed digestive system.
Following Mantr are capable of keeping the Kundlini awake if receited with faith-concentration, before meals, after bathing:
1. अन्नपूर्णे सदा पूर्णे शंकर प्राण वल्लभे। ज्ञान वैराग्ये सिद्धार्थे भिक्षाम् देहि च पार्वती॥
O! Mother Parvati, you are Annapurna - the bestow-er of food, full of abundance, the lifeline of Bhagwan Shiv; through this sacred food, bless us with the boons of wisdom (-Gyan-enlightenment-learning) and renunciation (-Vairagy).
Manipur Chakr possesses sacred powers. It is the Agnihotr of life, into which the Yogi sacrifices not only his food, but also his conscious breathing (-Pranayam).
FUNCTIONING: The functioning of the Manipur Chakr monitors the functioning of Pancreas. Imbalance of Pancreas may disturb Manipur Chakr. Shift in its position leads to different disorders like headache, migraine, diarrhea, abdominal pains, energy or anxiety.
PRAN: Ten-petaled Lotus blossom, the petals of which represent the ten Pran (-currents and energy vibrations) are regulated by the Manipur Chakr. Pran a component of the Almighty is the all-pervading energy that fills the entire Universe-the Cosmic Mother nature, who nourishes one's soul. One is said to be alive till the PRAN is present in the body. PRAN constitute the life force, vitality. The ten Pran, are divided into five Pran-Vayu and five Up Pran. They regulate the five Karmendriy (-the organs of action) and the five Gyanendriy (-the organs of knowledge-perception).
The five Pran Vayu are: PRAN, APAN, UDAN, SAMAN and VYAN. Pran is responsible for inhalation, Apan for exhalation, Udan for ingestion of food, Saman for digestion and Vyan for circulation and nervous system. The five Upan Pran are: NAG, KURM, DEV DUTT, KRIKAL and DHANANJAY. Nag controls the function of burning, Kurm the movement of the eyelids, Dev Dutt yawning, Krikal sneezing and Dhananjay nourishes and strengthens the body and stabilises the function of the organs.
RAM is the the animal symbol of the Manipur Chakr.
INVERTED TRIANGLE too symbolize of Manipur Chakr.
LAXMI NARAYAN-BHAGWAN VISHNU and MAAN LAKSHMI, are the deities who reside in the Manipur Chakr. Laxmi is the “celestial counterpart of Maya-illusion. She symbolizes the rising spiritual energy, and Maya diverts the consciousness towards the material world. Vishnu personifies the progress, consciousness, spiritual growth and creativity. Vishnu is the protector. Just as a mother protects and nourishes her child, the Manipur Chakr safeguards and supports our life.
Manipur Chakr has YELLOW-ORANGE color, with GREEN radiations; complimented by the red. It has the color of burning fire engulfing all impurities, while providing heat and light.
NAAD constitute the rhythm which is the pulse beat of the Universe and is felt in the navel and perceived as a subtle sound during meditation. SO HAM-OM, also makes one experience same sound of drum beat, rhythmically.
RAM is the Beej Mantr of the Manipur Chakr.
Manipur Chakr has the seat of sound-voice-speech. The present in the lungs rises to the larynx and manifests as sound from the lips through oscillations. One may recite Shanti Mantr or just OM SHANTI-OM. It pulsates within one as life force (-Prerna).
Activation of Manipur Chakr is associated with release of energy. Relaxation of Manipur Chakr automatically relaxes the Mooladhar and Svadhishthan Chakr.
Harmoniously flow of energy within Manipur Chakr generates the feeling of well being smoothing-soothing the devotee-practitioner, his body, mind and psyche.
ANAHAT CHAKR अनाहत चक्र
अनाहत चक्र, कुण्डलिनी क्रम में मणिपुर चक्र से आगे चतुर्थ स्थान पर है। इस चक्र में 12 कमल दल हैं। यह चक्र योग तथा तंत्र दोनों में ही महत्वपूर्ण है। यह 12 दल या पंखुड़ी से बना हुआ पद्म है, जो कि 12 प्रकार के भावों को नियंत्रित करता है। यह चक्र मणिपुर से ऊपर ह्रदय के पास स्थित है। चित्त स्थान में स्थित होने के कारण अनाहत चक्र का धर्म के रहस्यवाद में प्रमुख स्थान है। चित की स्थिरता, प्रेम, समर्पण इसी से नियंत्रित होते हैं। चित्त के एकाग्र होने पर व्यक्ति काल के किसी भी आयाम में जा सकता है और त्रिकाल दर्शी हो जाता है। ह्रदय, समर्पण तथा प्रेम का स्थान होने के कारण इस चक्र के जागरण होने पर भक्त को ईष्ट का दर्शन लाभ होता है।
भक्ति मार्ग का अनुसरण करने वाला ईष्ट दर्शन का लाभ प्राप्त कर सकता है। ईष्ट के प्रति समर्पण, अनन्य प्रेम भाव के द्वारा अनाहत चक्र चेतन्य हो जाता है। इसकी जागृति में संगीत, गायन, भजन, कीर्तन, प्रार्थना भी प्रभावशाली हैं।
यह चक्र नाद से भी जुड़ा है। अनहत नाद का वह स्थान है, जहाँ से निरंतर ॐ की ध्वनि गुंजारित होकर शरीर को उर्जा प्रदान करती है। नाद को सुनना योग की उच्चावस्था है, जो नाद सिद्धि कहलाती है। इस चक्र के पूर्ण विकास के बाद साधक मणिपुर चक्र से सबंधित कारण शरीर से आगे बढ़ जाता है तथा महाकारण शरीर-हंस को प्राप्त करता है। यह चक्र पञ्च इन्द्रियों (-पंचेन्द्रियों) में स्पर्श का नियंत्रण तथा संचार करता है।
इस चक्र के विकसित होने पर पर योगी कालंजयी बन जाता है और अपने ह्रदय की धडकनों, रक्त के संचार को इच्छा शक्ति के माध्यम से नियंत्रित करने लगता है।
यह चक्र वायु तत्व पर पूर्ण नियंत्रण तथा वायु गमन जैसी सिद्धियाँ प्रदान करता है।
इस चक्र की अधिष्ठात्री-शक्ति देवी काकिनी हैं। जिनके तिन भाव से युक्त तिन रूप इस चक्र में स्थापित है। इस चक्र में पवन देव, ईश्वर व पराप्रकृति का वास भी है।
यह चक्र वायु तत्व से सबंधित है तथा 27 वायु तत्व रुपी शिव तथा इन शिवों के संचार के लिए 27 शक्तियां मिल कर कुल 54 वायु तत्वों का नियंत्रण इसी चक्र के माध्यम से होता है। इस चक्र का बीज मंत्र है ‘यं’। तथा इसके 12 दल में क्रमशः कँ, खँ, गँ, घँ, ङँ, चँ, छँ , जँ, झँ, ञँ, टँ, और ठँ बीज अंकित हैं। यह 12 बीजाक्षर 12 भावों का नियंत्रण और संचार करते हैं।
Anahat Naad: Unlimited-continuous-infinite-uninterrupted sound.
Anahat Chakr is the 4th Chakr in Kundlini, constituting the fourth Chakr followed by Manipur Chakr. This Chakr which has 12 petals is significant to both Yog and Tantr Vidya. This lotus is made up of 12 petals which controls 12 feelings. This Chakr is situated above Manipur Chakr close to the heart. Anahat Chakr is important for the mystic, being the seat of chitt. It provides control over stability of the chitt and all the aspects related to heart along with feelings. With the concentration of Chitt, one can see through past present and future, becoming a TRI CALL DARSHI.
LOCATION: It is located in the region of the heart, in the center of the chest, due to this reason it is regarded as the seat of love and devotion. It represents love and dedication. Love has no boundaries-limits and depends over the depth of the relationship. Divine love is infinite. True, it helps one in realization of self and the Almighty, side by side. Love connects the Atma-Soul (-smallest unit of the Parmatma-Bhagwan-God, which can exist independently) to the Ultimate the Almighty.
Naad-the repeated-continuous sound-beats of drum, representing SO HAM-OM that's me, in the form of subtle rhythmic melody, similar to a heartbeat, which is much softer and wonderful which keeps on pouring energy. After full development of this Chakr, One-Sadhak-practitioner move ahead to Maha Karan (-ultimate, main reason) body from Karan Body belonging to Manipur Chakr. This Maha Karan body is also called the-HANS. This Chakr controls and maintains the sense of touch among five senses. Continuous contemplation connected with very fine conscious awareness is essential, for receiving these vibrations. These vibrations may fill one with pleasant-delightful sounds. How ever, one with impure-misleading thoughts ideas, feelings, complexes may suffer. At this stage, one may be able to counter with the memories of the past, depending over his previous deeds, resting in the subconscious. Its good to revert back to normal situation-state if the encounter with the past is pinching. Here the healing comes through the enlightenment-knowledge-gyan-wisdom, making use of discriminatory powers by using Agya Chkr.
Emerging feelings can be analysed and controlled by Vivek (-discrimination) and Buddhi (-intelligence) with loving understanding and insight, which heal and resolve and not through harsh criticism or reproaches. Anahat Chakr allows the feelings to be extended infinity, while the Agya Chakr raise them to a higher level of consciousness.
Anhat Chakr can be opened in the spiritual sense, by the realization of all-embracing divine love, free from the capriciousness of worldly emotions. Parmanand (-bliss), experienced by the devotee has Sat (-truth, reality) and Chit (-consciousness). One is able to perceive inner reality and the beauty of the Self, in the heart, but is unable to maintain this state permanently. In these fleeting moments of bliss one is always conscious and still has not reached goal. However, one should not be disheartened as the day will certainly come when he will be permanently established in the divine Self, then he will not be frightened or hurt.
One encounter worldly attachment and dependency in the Anahat Chakr. One can recognize whether his feelings express dependency or genuine love? Love brings joy, not sadness, love shows understanding and does not provoke arguments, love provides security and makes no demands, love grants freedom and knows no jealousy.
Self-centered affection, feelings of resentment and revenge depicts attachment, which do not disappear and binds one for several births and rebirths. Moh-Mamta (-illusion) is a strong, binding force that pulls one towards desires and expectations. Mamata clings one and sucks his spiritual power. Its companions are ASHA (-hope, expectation) and TRASHNA (-thirst-desire-longing). Vairagy-renunciation is a tool for detachment, which liberates one from desires, expectations, fear and sorrow.
One find a Lotus with twelve petals in the Anahat Chakr. The petals represent the five Pran and the five Up Pran (-the five Gyanendri-senses and the five Karmendri-organs), together with Man & Buddhi. Man denotes the disposition and Buddhi the intellectual capacity.
The twelve petals of the Lotus depict the twelve qualities that one should develop in the heart center: Joy, peace, love, harmony, bliss, clarity, purity, compassion, understanding, forgiveness, patience and kindness. One must cultivate these twelve qualities within himself.
Anahat Chakr is also known as CHINTA MANI because it bestows upon one the gift of expressing thoughts and feelings in touching words, pictures or melodies. When one is in the Anahat Chakr his perceptions become finer and more comprehensive. Artistic talents and creative abilities, through which one is able to touch the hearts of others, are awakened . Poetry, stories, pictures and sounds that one create from the heart allow the most beautiful chords to be struck within people. Activation of Anahat Chakr contribute in the acquisition of the knowledge of music & tantra through dedication in the Isht.
Anahat Chakr belongs to the heart aspects and complete dedication & feeling of love; one will have the glimpses of the Isht. These rediscovered treasures awaken infinite love and the desire to open and communicate with others. This is because of love-the language of the heart and the call of God.
SHIV and SHAKTI are the divinities of the Anahat Chakr. Shiv (-the Purush) represents pure consciousness that steers us towards goodness and the Supreme Self. Kakini-Shakti (-Prakriti, nature) the Divine power which manifests consciousness, with her three incarnations is established in the Chakr. Apart from her, Pawan Dev is also situated in this Chakr and God-Ishwar (-Nity Ishwar) is also believed to be present in this Chakr.
THYMUS GLAND is related with the Anhat Chakr. It is located between the collarbones in the center of the chest.
BLACK ANTELOPE represents the Anahat Chakr, along with six cornered STAR & NEW MOON.
LIGHT BLUE denotes Anahat Chakr.
PAWAN-VAYU represents the Tattv-element of the Anahat Chakr. One may receive accomplishment like Vayu Gaman-walking through air, in the sky, on being successful in his venture.
BHAKTI-devotion-love for the Almighty forms the basis of Anhat Chakr. Love and devotion manifest as understanding, acceptance, forgiveness, compassion and helpfulness. Harmony, love and consideration reign supreme everywhere.
Dev Rishi Narad, described the nine elements of Bhakti Yog in his Bhakti Sutr, as follows:
SAT SANG-Auspicious-virtuous-righteous Company: To cultivate and maintain contact with people who speak of God and truth.
HARI KATHA-Stories pertaining to God: To be inspired by the Holy Scriptures-epics-Shastr and the life stories of saints.
SHRADDHA-Faith: To have faith in the Holy Scriptures and the Master, and to accept and take to heart their words and teachings.
ISHVAR BHAJAN ईश्वर भजन-Prayers, enchants, rituals: To sing God’s praises: To sing spiritual songs (-Bhajan) which praise the glory of God.
MANTR JAAP-Repetition of Mantr 108, 1008, …times at a stretch: To inwardly repeat your Mantra at all times and under all circumstances.
SHAM DAM-Internal and External Control: To be the Master of the senses and not allow temptation to overwhelm us and to discipline thought, word and deed.
SANTON KA ADAR (-आदर ) respect, honor all Holy Virtuous people: To respect and honor all people who have dedicated their life to God, no matter to which religion they belong.
SANTOSH-contentment: To be thankful for and content with everything that God gives.
ISHVAR PRANIDHAN-devotion to God: To love God with a pure heart without egoistic expectations, and complete surrender to the Divine.
YAM is the Mantr of the Anhat Chakr, meaning: to let go, to liberate, to give. It refers to the five ethical principles of Raj Yog: AHIMSA-non-violence, SATY-truthfulness, ASTEY-not to steal, BRAHMACHARY-pure way of life, APARIGRAH-non-accumulation.
Ajap is one of the excellent Mantr. Sing, SO HAM-OM and realise SAT-CHIT-ANAND in the heart. Through Ajap the Antah Karan (-inner self अन्तः करण ) is completely purified.
On the day when one no longer needs to practice Ajap he will be victorious. Ajap Jap penetrates body, mind and soul.
Until the Anhat Chakr opens up it is not possible for the Agya Chakr-the center of mental energy and power of thought, to develop its full potential. Every action, every word, all feelings and thoughts should be filtered through the Anhat Chakr and be enlightened by Bhakti (-devotion) and Gyan (-knowledge, enlightenment, Wisdom). Gyan is unable to experience anything without Bhakti, and Bhakti is blind without Gyan. Where love-devotion and knowledge join forces there is completeness. Understanding and kindness leads us directly to God.
At the level of the Anhat Chakr one understand and forgive all. Bhagwan Krashn stresses the importance of forgiveness. One should treat friend and foe alike and weigh regards-respect-honor and abuse, praise and censure, joy and pain equally. Forgiving is the greatest virtue and sacrifice.
The VISHNU GRANTHI, the source of Parmanand-bliss, is located in the Anhat Chakr. The purer the Anhat Chakr, the deeper the feelings of joy, warmth and happiness and unity with God, is experienced even more intensively. When the Vishnu Granthi within the heart opens, the desire to help other living beings arises spontaneously. With the help of the Anhat Chakr one is able to understand and resolve problems with other people easily. The greater and deeper our love for God, the stronger one's love for Nature and all of Nature’s manifestations.
The Anhat Chakr constitute the opening through which one attains Sahasrar Chakr, where knowledge of one's true Self is revealed. Divine consciousness streams from the door to the Supreme (-Brahm Randhr ) to the Anhat Chakr through the Brahm Nadi. With this the circle closes: Consciousness is filled with love and love is enlightened by consciousness.
This Chakr belongs to the Air element and 27 shiv in the form of Air and 27 Shakti for the flow of these shiv total 54 air elements are controlled with the medium of this chakr only. Beej mantra of this chakr is ‘Yam’. And in 12 petals Kam (कँ), Kham(खँ), Gam (गँ), gham (घँ), ngam (ङँ), Cham (चँ), Chham (छँ), Jam (जँ), jham (झँ), nyam (ञँ), tam(टँ) and tham(ठँ) beej are established. These 12 beej controls twelve different of feelings and their flow. True love is eternal and unites forever. In the Anhat Chakr one finds Divine Love and infinite bliss-PARMANAND.
Vish विष: Impurity, poison; Shuddhi शुद्धि: Purification.
Vishuddhi Chakr is very close to the Larynx. It provides physical and spiritual purity. Vishuddhi Chakr raises our consciousness to a higher level. It is the border line between the physical and astral levels, between consciousness and super consciousness. When we rise over it, the ascent to the realm of wisdom and clarity of consciousness opens up.
Neel Kanth Bhagwan Shiv swallowed the poison obtained from the Sagar manthan-churning in his throat constituting the Vishuddhi Chakr turning it into a useful commodity, by using Ujjapi Pranayam and Jalandhar Bandh. Virtues, understanding, compassion, mercy, love, devotion and wisdom make a man Godly-divine, while wickedness-evil are demonic, comparable to poison.
Vishuddhi Chakr relieves us from the toxins and impurities, present within us. Udan Pran present in the throat helps one in digestion of food and maintenance of proper health, along with detoxification. It affects our psyche and consciousness. Pernicious tendencies, discord, rivalry, envy and resentment are reduced considerably through this Chakr. Our problems too are resolved.
Deep breathing-Pranayam (-Prerna Shakti) in the Vishuddhi Chakr eliminates the harmful thoughts, ideas, thoughts emotions, from both the consciousness and subconscious, leading to purification and harmony.
MEDITATION provides an opportunity for self-introspection-analysis through various levels of consciousness. What one observes, is the sum total of his bad and good deeds of the past. Piousness-virtuousness-honesty-devotion and evil-wickedness exists side by side in the unconscious mind. Having come across the darker side of his past one has the opportunity to wash off the sins and make efforts to assimilate in the Almighty. This will relieve one from complexions-fears, haunting him due the past.
Vishuddhi Chakr provides an opportunity to protect oneself from mistakes, sins and to find out the cause and effect relationship pertaining to his failures and success. One must realize that he does not blame others for his drawbacks-weaknesses.
Unconscious has its seat in Mooladhar Chakr; the subconscious is placed in the Svadhishthan Chakr. The consciousness begins to rise from the Manipur Chakr and unfolds in the Anahat Chakr, so that it can express and manifest Vishuddhi Chakr.
Anhat Chakr, portraits consciousness with a Lotus blossom, floating over the surface of water. Till this Lotus lies inside the surface of water, it is not affected much, by the waves-disturbances, as it is affected by the disturbances, when it is over the surface of water. The point here is that the channelization of energy is between Mooladhar Chakr and the Anahat Chakr, which is more subconscious as compared to conscious and the oscillations-impact over thoughts is not harmful. Emotions find an opportunity to expand and grow when there is gap between the ideas-thoughts. Anahat Chakr and Vishuddhi Chakr provide sufficient opportunity for his process.
Unfolding of Anahat Chakr leads to flooding of emotions into the consciousness. Vishuddhi Chakr too acts in the same fashion, exposing the problems to the root cause and their solutions. Here one gets an opportunity to weed out the problem for ever. Let the unconscious mind be cleared with the help of enlightenment-realization. Let the inner most be cleared of all difficulties-tensions-troubles through meditation (-manan चिन्तन -मनन-विचार) repeatedly hitting the problem and finding ways and means to resolve it. Though, it appears to be intricate, yet possible through practice. One should be ready to accept the reality uncovered by the Vishuddhi Chakr.
AMRAT (-अमृत-निचोड़- मूल तत्व-extract, elixir-nectar of immortality), has a special significance between the Vishuddhi Chakr & Bindu Chakr. Concentration through meditation, into the Almighty leads to penetration into the mysteries providing support to health-vigor-vitality. This immortality is condensed into the Manipur Chakr and further distributed uniformly to Vishuddhi Chakr.
AKASH (-space) related to speech constitutes the basic element of the Vishuddhi Chakr.
ASTRAL BODY: Astral body seated in the Vishuddhi Chakr leaves the physical body. Astral journeys are undertaken by the individual through dreams leading to spontaneous separation from the mortal-material. Consciousness never separates from the astral and mortal. There are people who just detach the astral from the material and take journeys through the cosmos.
ISHT DEV-GURU is always there to help the inquisitive mind, providing unconditional support. Ganpati is the Isht Dev.
WHITE ELEPHANT a symbol of luck, wealth, power, wisdom, purity and clarity, constitute the symbol of the Vishuddhi Chakr. The elephant head Ganesh is worshiped before any auspicious deed-venture is undertaken to overcome obstacles and difficulties.
SPEECH-VOICE-WORDS develop with the help of lungs-present in the chest, throat and the lips with the help of tongue. The seat of sound-voice-speech, lies in the Manipur Chakr. Fire is the basic element of speech through which the energy of fire, i.e., the sound manifests in space of the Vishuddhi Chakr, and is articulated as words with the help of the lips. Larynx controls words and the lips aided by the tongue, form them. As soon as there is cause in the form of emotions, there is a word reflected through the throat-in the Vishuddhi Chakr. One should make use of Yog and purification techniques for establishing perfect control over the speech. One must control the tongue-speech-words and avoid speaking that may hurt the sentiments-inner self of others. One should never insult-torture-tease others.
Subconscious may shows off in reddening of the face, itchy rash eyes, frequent colds (-sore throat and hoarseness), abdominal cramp and digestive problems. Suppressed emotions may express, as outburst of rage or tears. Here patience comes into picture, which can govern the aptitude-reactions-thoughts-emotions, as a component of Pranayam-Yog.
Manipur Chakr controls the proper-appropriate utilization of words. One should prefer to speak less-which is valuable asset. The role of Vishuddhi Chakr is important before one opt for speaking. One should make it a habit to speak pleasant-polished words even with the opponents. Silence (-मौन moun) is golden.
VAK SIDDHI वाक सिद्धि, is present in the Vishuddhi Chakr. With the activation of the Vishuddhi Chakr and practising of the Hath Yog (-concentration at a point), one’s words and glances become effective and persuasive. Vishuddhi Chakr has its impact over the writers, poets, journalists, teachers, politicians, actors, singers etc.
VIOLET, the color of wisdom and spirituality is assigned to Vishuddhi Chakr.
The Lotus blossom in the Vishuddhi Chakr has 16 petals. These represent the 16 Siddhis (-supernatural powers) that a person can acquire through practicing Yog; out of the 24 Siddhis (-capable of bringing the dead to life). One is not supposed to either demonstrate or illustrates the impact of these divine powers. This number has close relation to the half cycle of Moon as well, who is the King-provider of all medicines and nourishment. The practitioner of Kundlini is not supposed to crave for these super natural powers, since they will drag him to life not Salvation.
HAM constitutes the Beej Mantr-Basic hymn-enchant. Here we start with self-realization.
Agya: Order, Command.
LOCATION: It’s based-housed at the upper end of the spinal cord-vertebral column, at the point of transition, from the spine to the brain. Development of one's wisdom and humanity is completed here, bridging the divine consciousness. Its energy is experienced in the center of the forehead between the eyebrows, just over the nose.
Guru Tattv evolves consciousness. Bhagwan Shiv is the source of all knowledge to the humans and is the master of masters (-Guru-teacher-preacher-philosophers-scholars-learned). It moves one out of darkness-ignorance-passion-wickedness to knowledge and from death to immortality-Salvation. It’s connected to clarity, wisdom (-enlightenment, knowledge-Gyan), ability to discriminate between truth and untruth, reality and illusion-mirage, development of rationality (-Vivek-prudence).
Agya Chakr, anchors-controls, one's ideas-motives-thoughts, which keep on oscillating between Mooladhar, Svadhishthan, Manipur, Anahat and Vishuddhi Chakr. It helps one, in taking right decisions at the right moment, through prudence-analysis-comparison-discrimination.
Moral-ethical-spiritual-pious-virtuous-honesty-righteousness is the problem one usually experience in life, which needs wisdom to counterbalance emotions, leading to pleasure and loss of grief-pain-sorrow.
Agya Chakr masters clairvoyance, intuition, telepathy and transmission of knowledge through time-past, present and future.
SHIV LING represents consciousness led by the intellect and ego in lower Chakr, whereas when guided by Bhakti-devotion and Vivek-prudence, it moves to upper Chakr and the Soul-Atma.
Color of Shiv Ling is black in Mooladhar Chakr, milky-white or smoky color-cloudy dark in Agya Chakr.
Lotus Blossom in Agya Chakr has two petals which stand for GU (-darkness-ignorance-wickedness) and RU (-enlightenment-learning-awakening-knowledge). They include the Mantr HAM and KSHAM representing the Sun (-masculine) and the moon (-feminine) principles, Shiv (-Purush-consciousness) and Shakti (-Prakriti-Mother Nature). Ida and Pingala and the central Naadi-Sushmna, represents the Divine Consciousness.
Agya Chakr is the place of sangam (-junction of the three holy rivers: Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati)-the Kumbh Mela for the devotee-Yogi. Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati correspond to the main Naadis: Ida, Pingala and Sushmna. The Agya Chakr, where these three strong energy currents meet in the human body, is also known as TRI KUTI (-त्रिकुटि). Other terms for the Agya Chakr are TRI VENI (-त्रिवेणी) and BHRAKUTI (-भृकुटि-center of eyebrows over nose over the fore head) .
With the purification of the three Naadi through concentration, meditation and Pranayam, the Yogi is able to keep his consciousness in the Agya Chakr. With the merger of these three currents of energy in the Sahasrar Chakr, he attains Samadhi-the highest level of consciousness.
ASTO MA SAT GAMAY: Lead us from unreality-Tam-darkness to reality-virtuousness-piousness-righteousness. TAMSO MA JYOTIR GAMAY: Lead us from darkness to light.
The Agya Chakr is formless, colorless and devoid of qualities. It is the destination of purity and unity, the site of Parmanand-bliss. Soul unfolds here from the illusion-Maya and moves to the Thousand-petaled Lotus-Sahasrar Chakr.
Agya Chakr has three aspects: (I) AAKASH-SPACE-SHUNY, (II) CHITT-consciousness) and (III) PARMANAND-bliss.
OM (A अ-ब्रह्मा, U उ-विष्णु, M म-महेश)- which is the voice of the Supreme and the original sound of creation; constitutes the Mantr-holi enchant of Agya Chakr and the Sahasrar Chakr. It represents the beginning, middle and the end of whole creation. During meditation, when one is absorbed in this Beej Mantr, he is able to perceive the omnipresent, divine sound of creation.
During meditation concentrate over the Agya Chakr with the Mantr OM or Guru Mantr and visualise a divine image-symbol. Through Bhakti-devotion and Gyan-wisdom, one will experience the ultimate. This is Para Vidya: complete knowledge; being unchanging, unlimited and eternal. Through intellect, one merely gain Apara Vidya, which is incomplete knowledge; changeable, limited and bound by time.
The awakening of the Agya Chakr is an essential and fundamental step in our development. It helps one to cope with all problems and resolve psychic problems like depression, Schizophrenia or changeable emotions.
VAIRAGY (-renunciation) is a prerequisite for the attainment of Gyan-enlightenment-true knowledge-the eternal. Vairagy is the extinction of our wishes and desires, which leads one to new deeds-Karm. Vairagy can be achieved through concentration over the Agya Chakr with harmony and balance between heart and intellect, without ignoring either of them. One's goal is to harmonize and unite both and not to suppress either of them.
Inexhaustible stream of energy called MEDHA SHAKTI or brilliance (-mental power, intelligence and memory), can be released-radiated from the Sahasrar Chakr.
It is quickly exhausted by excitement, stress, hustle and bustle, sexual intercourse-masturbation, strong emotions-passions and empty chatter-useless talks, crying, shouting, brooding and worrying. Anger, hate, jealousy, unresolved conflict, feelings of revenge and resentment also weaken and destroy it.
One can strengthen it, through relaxation of body and mind, quietening our thoughts, trusting in God, inner peace, joy and contentment. All Yogic exercises exert a positive influence over the human body, mind and soul, leading to overall balancing and calming down.
Inverted postures such as Shirshasan (-शीर्षासन), Sarvang Asan (-सर्वांग आसन) Viparit Karni Mudra (Energy Regeneration Pose), Yog Mudra (-Forward Bend sitting on heels) and Shashank Asan (-शशांक) are particularly beneficial. Agnisar Kriya (-अग्निसार क्रिया), Pranayam, concentration and meditation do strengthen Medha Shakti.
The mental and spiritual power is supported by prayers, recitation of Mantr, reading of Holy Scriptures, singing Bhajans, Satsang, Pooja and Sewa-positive thoughts, speech and actions.
Medha Shakti is strengthened through MAUN (-silence) leading to perfect inner peace and helps us reach deep meditation, even Trans.
Asceticism-chastity does help in boosting brilliance.
Soak 1 to 2 unpeeled almonds overnight in a water-filled pottery bowl. Chew them till they do not turn into paste. Take milk along with it.
Brahmi is extremely useful in enhancing brilliance, in addition to preventing aging.
Peppermint leaves minced in a mortar, added with one spoonful of honey and water may also help.
Medha Shakti is evoked as and when, one offers water to Shiv Ling, while perform Pooja.
Bindu: Point-Dot.
Bindu Chakr is the seat of eternal youth, vitality and health, which is the mysterious and remarkable energy center of human body. It lies beneath the cowlick at the back of one's head, where the bones of the back and sides of the skull meet (-occiput and the parietal). One, who possesses two cowlicks, is blessed with exceptional vitality and creativity, associated with hyperactivity and extreme nervousness. In an inactive state, it's similar to a dot. On being awakened energy start flowing. It improves physical, psychic-mental and spirituality. It heals sentiments, controls emotions, and brings harmony and well-being. Hunger-appetite and thirst are regulated improving eating habits.
Concentration on the Bindu Chakr can also be beneficial for Depression, nervousness, anxiety, oppressive feelings within the heart; can be assuaged just by pressuring the location of Bindu Chakr providing instant-spontaneous feeling of happiness. Children may be relaxed by gently massaging the Bindu Chakr with soft circular movements for a few minutes-making them sleep. Bindu Chakr is associated with AMRAT-the nectar-elixir of immortality.
Shanti Mantr is associated with the activation of Pineal Gland-located in the brain. This gland secretes the hormone which rejuvenates body and mind. That is why it is called Amrat (-अमृत elixir-nectar) of life-immortality.
असतोमा सद्गमय । तमसोमा ज्योतिर् गमय। मृत्योर्मामृतं गमय ॥ ॐ शान्ति शान्ति शान्तिः।।
O ! GOD Lead us from unreality-fiction-falsehood-fake-illusion-mirage to reality-truth,
Lead us from darkness to light-enlightenment-prudence,
Lead us from death to immortality.
Om Shanti Shanti Om.
Sanjivini Booti is associated with miraculous power of reviving, which functions through the activation of the sleepy-dead nerves, and brain cells. Yogis survive over this nectar from the Bindu Chakr. This chemical drips down to the Manipur Chakr activating digestive power (-जठराग्नि Jathragni) and is lost. However some Yogic practices one can retain this nectar in the Vishuddhi Chakr-responsible for the purification and detoxification of the body, supplying it further to the body.
Gherand Sanhita (-Verses 28-30), mentions that the Sun is present in the navel and the moon is located in the head. The nectar that flows from the moon, is utilized by the sun, and the life giving force is gradually enhanced. Moon represents the Bindu Chakr and the Sun stands for the Manipur Chakr. Since the nectar from the Bindu Chakr is continuously destroyed by the fire of Manipur Chakr one's body is susceptible to illness and deterioration with aging.
Immortal Atma-soul is present in the human-mortal body. This fragile body is the center-source for the spiritual realization-Liberation (-Moksh). The Yogi make endeavors to keep the body functioning as long as possible, to enable him to complete the spiritual abode-journey.
Sages-ascetics-Rishis-Yogis, found ways and means to control the flow of elixir with the help of the Vishuddhi Chakr and the tongue. The tongue possesses subtle energy centers, each of which connects to a specific part of the body or organ. Udan Pran, one of the five main Pran (-vital forces), works within the Vishuddhi Chakr and this Pran Vayu activates the muscles in the throat which controls the swallowing-engulfing the food. Udan Pran directs energy to the head, as well. Elixir-nectar firmly held in the Vishuddhi Chakr-influenced by Udan Pran, shows its effect.
Hath Yog Pradipika and Khechri Mudra helps in the working-collection of this elixir-nectar through the tongue. Tongue is rolled as far back as possible till the tongue reaches the Pharyngeal cavity. Khechri Mudra, Ujjayi Pranayam and Jalandhar Bandh (-Chin Lock), Viparitkarni Mudra, helps in preventing the burning-loss of this commodity in Manipur Chakr.
MOON is the symbol of Bindu Chakr, so it’s known as Chandr Chakr, as well. The radiation transmitted by it, is identical to the ones generated by Sahasrar Chakr, appearing like the slender crescent of the new moon. With the awakening of Bindu Chakr it opens and shines brightly with a silvery sheen, like that of Full Moon. The moon is a symbol of perfection, nectar and energy. It is responsible for the growth of herbal medicines, plants, shrubs on earth. Moon is present in the locks of Bhagwan Shiv.
AMRATM is the Mantr of Bindu Chakr.
(For longevity, good health & overcoming illness-death.)
(1) Om Mratunjayay Maha Devay Namostute. ॐ मृतुंज्याय महादेवाय नमोस्तुते।
(2) ॐ Trayabkam Yeja Mahe Sugandhim Pusti Vardhnamur;
Urvaruk Miv Bandhnan Mretyo Mukshi Mamrtat.
ॐ त्रयम्बकं य़जामहे सुगंधिम पुष्टि वर्ध्नम।
उर्वारुकमिव बन्धनात् मृत्यो मुक्षीय मामृतात् ॥
ॐ the adored One, the three-eyed Bhagwan Shiv, you are omnipresent
May you nurture us and bless us with health
May your blessings liberate us and lead to immortality.
Let the blessings of Bhagwan Shiv fill-illuminate our consciousness. Let the nectar of immortality spread through the humans and expand through inner space (-Chidakash). This Chakr brings all Chakr into harmony by utilizing the nectar. Fear, sadness, anger, resentment and other disease-producing emotions are removed by the healing-protective divine vibration of this Mantr. Let it spread fragrance, melodiousness, love, happiness and contentment into the world.
Sahasrar: Thousand.
The Sahasrar Chakr is located over the crown of the head, beneath the Fontanel, visible in a new-born child, known as the Thousand-petaled Lotus. Brahm Randhr present here, is the escape route for the soul (-vital opening, escape route to Brahm, opening for the Pran-soul to be released by the Yogi, to assimilate in the Almighty) associated with the-enlightenment-learning (-cosmic-divine-supernatural illumination comparable to the Sun in brightness).
It’s devoid of color, characterices or quality. The energy from all Naadis condenses here, like the water which comes from all rivers to the ocean.
The basic-root element, of the Sahasrar Chakr is the AADI TATTV-the AADI ANANDI or the ISHVAR TATTV; which is behind all creations-evolution. ADI stands for the phenomenon-root cause, which has no origin or beginning; which is there, which was there and which will be there. ANANDI stands for the ULTIMATE BLISS-PERMANAND, which is endless-without termination-infinite. With the assimilation of this Tattv with quality-characteristics (-Gun), it becomes finite-bound-limited. Prathvi-earth, Akash-sky, Jal-water, Vayu-Pawan-Air, Agni-Tej-fire, are the cosmic manifestations of it.
The awakening of the Sahasrar Chakr leads to revelation of the Divine Splendor and attainment of Supreme Consciousness. It is the seat of Bhagwan Shiv, present in the Mooladhar Chakr as Pashupati-the Lord of the Animals, in the Mooladhar and Agya Chakr as the symbol of the Shiv Ling and the Sahasrar Chakr as Adi Anandi, Supreme Divine Consciousness and original foundation of the Universe.
At the occasion of evolution Bhagwan Vishnu evolve first, followed by Brahma Ji and Shiv is already present there. Age of Brahma Ji is 2 Prardh, that of Bhagwan Vishnu is 4 Prardh while its 8 Prardh for Bhagwan Shiv. So, Adi Shiv is the uncreated-unborn creator (-Swayambhu) of the Cosmos. He represents Anand (-bliss), Purush (-pure consciousness) and Moksh (-Liberation, assimilation in the Ultimate, Salvation). He is perfect, eternal and divine, and radiant-luminous-shinning like million Suns. No Karm-deeds ever affect Him. All impurities-evils-wickedness-sins melt and burn in his proximity. Only purity-piousness-virtuousness-righteousness, clarity, light, love and truth emanate from Him.
In practice-reality Atma and Parmatma are one and the same. Though Atma possesses divine consciousness, yet it’s limited to a specific region-the human body, until it has been liberated. But Parmatma is unlimited-infinite, impersonal, Universal, Supreme Self-all pervading. With the consciousness of the Jivatma attaining Adi Shiv in the Sahasrar Chakr and merging with Adi Shiv, it’s illuminated and liberated from all shackles and limitations-boundaries. Ignorance is gone with the opening of the Sahasrar Chakr. One may attain this state through Kriya Yog, meditation and Guru Kripa-blessings. The soul may try to attain the Ultimate with awakening of Kundlini.
Shakti is present in Mooladhar Chakr while Shiv is located in Sahasrar Chakr. There is a gap between the two, which is considered as a dark zone representing ignorance. This gap is generally blocked by sins-evils-wickedness-ego-anger-negative characters-suffering, loneliness, sadness, bitterness, fear, doubt, etc etc. This is overcome through strong will power, continuous efforts and guidance. This gap is filled with the stream of energy, in the two main Naadi, Ida and Pingala, combining and rising through the Sushmna Naadi. Realization of the Atma-self, takes place only when a simultaneous awakening of the Anahat Chakr and the Sahasrar Chakr occurs. Sahasrar Chakr and Anahat Chakr gets connected through the Brahm Naadi (-Gyan Naadi) is established. Blockade of Anahat Chakr, obstruct the flow of Bhakti and love-devotion, in the Sahasrar Chakr as well.
With the awakening of the Anahat Chakr Atma-soul, rise from the heart and reach the level of Divine Consciousness through the Brahm Randhr. Brahm Gyan the thousand-petaled Lotus unfolds and the Ultimate Power-Paramshakti start unfolding. Jivatma experiences the eternal, the Divine existence. It merges with the Supreme Self. Pure-ultimate consciousness is explored. Parmanand-the eternal divine bliss: SAT CHIT ANAND SWARUP ATMA is realized. Brahm Rishis reach this level of consciousness automatically, while others have to do practice to attain the bliss, which is beyond the scope of glossary-words.
Root of the Lotus represents Adi Shakti-Maa Parwati, the original-divine power, located in the Mooladhar Chakr. The Blossom in the Sahasrar Chakra is Adi Shiv: the Divine Consciousness and Supreme Self.
Atma of liberated Yogis departs through the tenth door-Brahm Randhr of the Sahasrar Chakr.
As soon as one reach the goal, he forget-difficulty-torture-pain, in reaching this point. Now there is bliss everywhere.
Spiritual practices-Satvik Bhakti-love-devotion-Atm Chintan (-constantly thinking about the Parmatma), Mantra and meditation leads to automatic awakening of Kundlini.
PRANAYAM-YOG प्राणायाम-योग-साधना
It has nothing to do with religion. Its purely an exercise form, to improve health and vitality. It helps one in becoming slim and lose weight. The health conscious may opt for this in his daily routine. Those who wish to prolong their lifespan-longevity, should devote 10-15 minutes initially, extending to 1 hour subsequently, since this is hassle free.
It provides relaxation and reduces fatigue.
* With the start up, it starts up controlling blood pressure and pulse. It cures asthma, respiratory troubles, bronchitis, lung cancer.
* It cure digestive problems. When the stomach is moved inside towards the spinal cord during exhalation-release of breath, a tough layer/coating developed in due course of time, inside the intestines, breaks away and is rejected by the body, leading to better absorption of digested food.
* When the spinal cord/back bone/vertebral column is erect-straight and the diaphragm moves towards the back bone during exhalation, gases trapped in the stomach are released through the mouth and anus. This process helps in reducing gastric trouble. Continued practice leads to complete cure.
* Gas gets accumulated close to the heart leading to chest etching/pain. Release of gas relieves this trouble. Chest pain due to gas resemble the due to heart attack.
* Heaviness experienced in the head is reduces by the release gas from the stomach due to Yogabhyas (-योगाभ्यास regular practice of Yog).
* The stomach is like an inflated balloon the thickness of which goes on increasing with the deposition of fat layers. Each deep breath helps in reducing this thickness.
*During inhalation excess of oxygen is absorbed by the hemoglobin in the blood forms hemoglobin, which helps in breaking down of food particles into energy, water and nitrogenous waste.
* Most of the hostile /cancerous cells break down in this process deep breathing-inhalation & exhalation.
* It can be compared to artificial breathing-resuscitation. It improves resistivity and is a wonderful cure to incurable diseases.
There is no restriction-limit of time and place. However, one has to be empty stomach-fresh, like other exercises.
Oxygen is a basic component of air required to break food into energy, carbon dioxide, nitrogenous waste, which are segregated by the kidneys and the lungs. Nitrogen is another component needed by the body to maintain-cop up, with the atmosphere. Unwanted cells-cancer and the like, needed to be eliminated from the circulatory system-which is done by this age/generation old- tried and trusted-most scientific technique/therapy.
PRANAYAM प्राणायाम
अपाने जुह्वति प्राणं प्राणेऽपानं तथापरे। प्राणापानगती रुद्ध्वा प्राणायामपरायणाः॥Geeta 4-29॥
अपरे नियताहाराः प्राणान्प्राणेषु जुह्वति।सर्वेऽप्येते यज्ञविदो यज्ञक्षपितकल्मषाः॥Geeta 4-30॥
योगी अपान वायु में प्राण वायु का हवन (-पूरक करके) करते हैं और अन्य कितने ही प्राण वायु में अपान वायु का हवन (-रेचन-साँस बाहर निकालना) करते हैं। कुछ अन्य प्राणायाम परायण योगी प्राण और अपान की गति को रोककर (-कुम्भक क्रिया के द्वारा) हवन करते हैं। योगी नियमित-सन्तुलित आहार द्वारा प्राणों का प्राणों में ही हवन करते हैं। ये सभी साधक यज्ञों द्वारा पापों का नाश करने वाले और यज्ञों को जानने वाले हैं।
प्राण का स्थान ऊपर-ह्रदय स्थल तथा अपान का स्थान गुदा (-anus) नीचे है। श्र्वास को बाहर निकलते समय सांस-वायु की गति ऊपर की ओर और भीतर ले जाते वक्त नीचे की ओर होती है।
योगी पहले श्र्वास को बाईं नासिका-नथुने-चन्द्र नाड़ी के द्वारा भीतर खींचते हैं। वह वायु ह्रदय में उपस्थित प्राण वायु को साथ लेकर नाभि से होती हुई स्वतः अपान में लीन हो जाती-मिल जाती है। यह पूरक क्रिया है।
तत्पश्चात योगी-अभ्यासकर्ता प्राणवायु और अपान वायु दोनों की गति रोक देते हैं, जिसे कुम्भक कहते हैं अर्थात न तो साँस बाहर आती न ही अन्दर जाती है। इसके बाद वे अन्दर की वायु को दाँये नथुने-सूर्य नाड़ी से निष्कासित करते हैं। इस प्रक्रिया में प्राणवायु अपान वायु को साथ लेकर बाहर निकलती है, जिसे प्राण वायु में अपान वायु का हवन कहा गया है। यही रेचक क्रिया है। 4 भगवन्नाम से पूरक, 16 भगवन्नाम से कुम्भक और 8 भगवन्नाम से रेचक क्रिया की जाती है।
इस क्रिया को विपरीत अवस्था में पहले सूर्य नाड़ी से पूरक, फिर कुम्भक और तदोपरान्त चन्द्रनाड़ी से रेचक क्रिया की जाती है। इस प्रकार बार-बार पूरक-कुम्भक तथा रेचक प्राणायाम रूपी यज्ञ है और सभी पापों को नष्ट कर देते हैं ( यही क्रिया बीमारियों को दूर करने के लिए की जाती है)।
नियमित आहार-विहार, सन्तुलित-नियमित भोजन करने वाले साधक ही प्राणों का प्राणों में हवन-विलय कर सकते हैं। बहुत अधिक, बेहद कम या बिलकुल भोजन ने करने वाला यह प्राणायाम नहीं कर सकता। प्राण का प्राण में हवन का तात्पर्य है प्राण और अपान को अपने-अपने स्थान पर रोक देना। यही स्तम्भवृत्ति प्राणायाम है। इन प्रक्रियाओं से मन शान्त-निर्मल-आवेगहीन हो जाता है और भगवत प्राप्ति में सहायक हो जाता है।
इस प्रकार के यज्ञ करते रहने से सम्पूर्ण पाप नष्ट हो जाते है और अविनाशी परमात्मा की प्राप्ति हो जाती है। सम्पूर्ण यज्ञ केवल कर्मों से सम्बन्ध-विच्छेद करने के लिए ही हैं। यह जानने-समझने वाला ही यज्ञवित् अर्थात यज्ञ के तत्व को जानने वाला-तत्वज्ञ है। कुछ लोग लोक-परलोक-स्वर्गादि के भोग प्राप्त करने के लिए यज्ञ करते हैं। वे तत्वज्ञानी नहीं हैं। विनाशी वस्तुओं की कामना बन्धनकारी है-जिसे मुक्ति-भक्ति-मोक्ष की प्राप्ति कदापि नहीं होती।
निष्काम भाव से किया गया छोटे से छोटा कर्म भी परमात्मा की प्राप्ति करने वाला हो जाता है।
Yogis-ascetics mixes the fresh air-Pran-breath with the Apan (-rejected breath, impure air-stale air present in the lungs moving to the heart there after) offer Pran in Apan. This is Poorak-intake-inhaling. This is combustion-burning of the sins i.e., germs-virus-bacteria present in the body, called hawan here. When the Apan-waste-rejected air is mixed with Pran-fresh breath-air, it is Rechak-exhaling. The third process involves stagnating both Pran and Apan Vayu-Holding, thereby stopping the flow of both fresh and stale air in the lungs-heart and the entire body. This process of exchange of gases is vital for good health leading to relief from diseases-tensions-defects. In fact pap-sins appear in the form of diseases.
Pran acquires the upper segment of the body the heart, while the Apan is seated below at the anus. When the air is rejected into the atmosphere the breath is directed upwards and during the intake it is directed in the downward direction.
The Yogi-practitioner first sucks the air into the lungs through the left nostril-Chandr Nadi, by blocking the right one, with the thumb for 4 seconds. At this stage the puff of the air mixes up in the lungs through the bronchus-extremely fine air sacks. This is inhaling-intake.
Thereafter the Yogi will hold the air in this state for 16 seconds. Flow of air into the lungs will stop during this cycle. This is followed by exhaling through the right nostril-Sury Nadi for 8 seconds. One may silently keep on reciting the names of the Almighty for 4-16-8 times respectively.
This process is reversed with exchange of gases from the right nostril to the left nostril i.e., from Sury Nadi to Chandr Nadi.
Only those who intake balanced diet are capable of mixing the Pran Vayu with the Apan Vayu. Those who very little or no food, do find it difficult to preform this practice. Assimilation of Pran with Apan is Yagy-Hawan-burning of sins-diseases. This leads to clarity of mind & thought. One becomes peaceful-quite-un agitated-restful-blissful, leading to assimilation in the Ultimate-the Almighty.
Continuity of this practice is a form of Yagy leading to freedom from sins-evil ideas-thoughts-wretchedness-vices, helping in Liberation of the soul. One who understands that the motive-cause of holy practices-rituals is detachment from the deeds, is the real performer-Yogi-ascetic. Those who undertake big celebrations-rituals-Yagy-Agnihotr-Hawan for attaining the heaven-empire-high posts-name-fame etc. are not the ones, who understand the gist of the religion-Dharm. The detached-un bonded-free from ties, avails Liberation-Devotion and Salvation. Smallest deed for the welfare of others, without any motive-desire, too helps one, in attaining the Parmatma-Parmanand.
ANULOM-VILOM(-अनुलोम-विलोम): It involves three stages (I) Inhaling-suction. There is no restriction-limit of time and place. However, one has to be empty stomach-fresh, like other exercises.
Oxygen is a basic component of air required to break food into energy, carbon dioxide, nitrogenous waste, which are segregated by the kidneys and the lungs. Nitrogen is another component needed by the body to maintain-cop up, with the atmosphere. Unwanted cells-cancer and the like, needed to be eliminated from the circulatory system-which is done by this age/generation old- tried and trusted-most scientific technique/therapy.
(II) Holding and (III) Exhaling (-creation of vacuum) air from the lungs. One may opt for a posture, in which the back is kept vertically straight and the legs are crossed. In the morning sit/perform facing east-Sun the source of energy on the earth and in the evening the north-the magnetic alignment for keeping-normalization of blood circulation, since it constitutes of hemoglobin composition of iron.
Inhaling: Considering thumb as the 1st finger, Jupiter finger as the 2nd finger, Saturn finger as the 3rd finger, Sun finger as the 4th finger and the Mercury finger as the 5th, finger; use the 2nd and 3rd (-or 3rd and 4th finger) fingers to block the left nostril. The thumb will stand erect, while 4th and 5th fingers will bend inside, into the fist. Now, hold the left nostril and take long breath to fill the lungs with air slowly, for a few seconds. The diaphragm, will be pressed inwards and the chest will bulge a bit in an outward direction. One may concentrate over Allah-God-Almighty-Christ-a deity of your choice, or even the devil, as per your liking. However, there is no compulsion.
As soon air enters lungs it allows the oxygen to get mixed with hemoglobin to form oxy-hemoglobin and reach each and every cell of the body, leading to formation of new cells and decomposition of the old-unwanted-undesirable cells, keeping one young-fit and full of energy.
Holding the breath for a few seconds, will help in the exchange of gases, in the bronchial, inside the lungs. Oxygen will be mixed with the blood and carbon dioxide will be liberated.
Exhaling will be done by chocking the right nostril with the thumb. Carbon dioxide is exhaled, in addition to other gases, simultaneously.
2nd inhaling is done with the right nostril still choked holding is done by reverting the two fingers to the left nostril and the air is exhaled again.
All these postures requires the practitioner to sit with straight back. chest bulges slightly and the stomach is pulled in side. Immediate gains are in the form of relief from the gas filled-stored inside the stomach and burning sensation. It prevent chest congestion and digestive disorders. learning with straight back helps in sharpening of memory.
Kapal Bhati कपाल भाती
Start with deep breathing-inhalation and exhalation of air in the lungs, while sitting in comfortable posture keeping the back straight,twice or thrice. Its better if one does this in open air.
Now suck the air into the lungs without jerking the body and reject it there after one second. repeat it for 5-10 minutes initially and the rise time up to 15 minutes.
Have faith in you (-and the God, perhaps) and proceed. Yog (literally plus,addition + ) means associating with the God through physical means.
Have a good day. Best of luck.
Caution: All these exercises are performed with empty stomach.
Take juice or milk after drying sweat and bathing, low calorie diet is advised.
One may keep his eyes closed. He may focus over some religious thought-idea. Try to think of good-virtuous-pious-righteous deeds-plans, at least till you are busy with this simple exercise. Results are wonderful and observed within a week. This is a wonderful healer.
Yog boosts confidence, internal strength, vitality, vigor and brings peace-tranquility.
Have faith in you (-and the God, perhaps) and proceed. Yog (literally plus,addition + ) means associating with the God through physical means.
Have a good day. Best of luck.
You will experience amazing results like weight loss, cure of respiratory ailments, gas trouble, good sleep, loss of tension, improvement of vision etc.
VAJR ASAN: A comfortable cushion/mat has to be used for performing this Asan/exercise/Yog.
Bend over the knees, by placing the legs over the heels. The nails/fingers should touch the cushion. Hips should rest over the heels, continuously. Take an erect posture and keep the back bone straight/vertical. Keep the head up.
Take a long breath/suck air into the lungs/inflate the lungs with fresh air.
Hold the two hands in locking position behind the back, while moving the two elbows close to each other. Raise the chest by pushing the hands behind the back slowly.
Now bend slowly, releasing the air through the nostrils slowly, till the forehead touches the mat/cushion. Move the elbows towards the stomach gradually. Let the stomach touch the spinal cord. It has to be pulled inside as much as possible.
Now start raising head gradually and sucking the air into the lungs again.
Acquire the vertical posture again. Initially perform this 3-5 time and then go on increasing the frequency, simultaneously.
This Asan provides complete cure for digestive troubles, gas, constipation, indigestion. It repair muscles of thaies and reduces pain in knees-joints.
Bhramari Pranayam: Close the two ears with thumbs, place the second finger over the head , third and fourth fingers by the side of nose and the fifth finger will occupy the position, just below the nostrils. Now suck air-deep breathing, hold it for a moment and then release along with the sound of Om.
अपने शरीर के भीतर रहने वाली वायु को प्राण कहते हैं और उसे रोकने को आयाम अर्थात प्राणवायु को रोकना प्राणायाम कहलाता है। प्राणायाम करने के लिये पद्मासन, पालती या एक पैर दूसरे पर रख कर आसन लगाना चाहिये। इस मुद्रा में परमात्मा का चिंतन करना चाहिये। प्राणायाम करने के लिये समतल भूमि का चुनाव करें और स्थिर आसन बिछावें जो कि ज्यादा ऊँचा-नीचा न हो। पहले मूंज-कुशासन, फिर मृगचर्म और इनके ऊपर कपड़ा बिछावें।
मृगचर्म उपलब्ध नहीं होगी, इसलिये पक्के फर्श-तख़्त पर रुई का बढ़िया गद्दा, कालीन, दरी, कम्बल या चटाई बिछा लें।
मन और इन्द्रियों की चेष्टाओं को काबू कर चित्त को एकाग्र करें तथा अंत:करण की शुद्धि के लिए योगाभ्यास शुरू करें। शरीर, मस्तक, और गले को अविचल-बगैर हिलाए डुलाए, एक सीध में रखते हुए स्थिर बैठें। केवल नासिका के अग्र भाग को देखें और कमर को सीधा रखें। प्रात: काल में मुख पूर्व व शाम को उत्तर दिशा में रखें तथा अन्य दिशाओं में द्रष्टि पात न करें। दोनों एड़ियों से अंड कोष और लिंग को बचाते हुए, दोनों जांघों के ऊपर भुजाओं को तिरछी करके रखें तथा बायें हाथ की हथेली पर दाहिने हाथ के पृष्ठभाग को स्थापित करें और मुंह को कुछ ऊँचा करके सामने की ओर स्थिर करें।
रेचन: दायें नथुने से वायु बाहर निकलने के लिये दूसरी व तीसरी ऊँगली को माथे पर रखें तथा चौथी व पांचवी ऊँगली से बांया नथुना बंद करें धीरे-धीरे वायु बाहर निकालें, अंगूठे को स्वतंत्र रखें।
पूरक: अब पूर्वावस्था में धीरे-धीरे साँस भीतर खींचें। पर्याप्त वायु भरकर स्थिर बैठें ।
कुम्भक: इस स्थिति में वायु को रोकना है, वायु न अन्दर जाये न बाहर आए।शुरू में 24 सेकंड, कुछ दिनों के अभ्यास के बाद 48 सेकंड और फिर 72 सेकंड।
इन तीनों प्रक्रियाओं को धीरे-धीरे अभ्यास बढ़ाते हुए करना चाहिये। एक दिन में आधे घंटे का अभ्यास पर्याप्त है। इस क्रिया के दौरान पसीना आना अच्छा है, कम्कपी आना उत्तम तथा अभिघात लगना सर्वोत्तम है। ध्यान के सा…
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