Saturday, 14 April 2018
Gurinder Singh RSSB
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Gurinder Singh
Gurinder Singh, also known as Baba Ji to his followers, is the current spiritual head of Radha Soami Satsang Beas (RSSB). He succeeded Maharaj Charan Singh Ji, his uncle, as spiritual head, or guru, of RSSB in 1990.[1] The headquarters of the society, called Dera Baba Jaimal Singh, are located beside the river Beas near the town of Beas, Punjab, in northern India, and have been a center for satsang since 1891. RSSB has centers located worldwide.
Gurinder Singh
Babaji, 1993
1 August 1954 (age 63)
Moga, Punjab, India
Religious career
Based in
Beas, Punjab, India
Spiritual Teacher
Period in office
1990 to Present
Maharaj Charan Singh
Personal history Edit
Baba Gurinder Singh was born 1 August 1954, into a family of the Dhillon clan who were followers of the Radha Soami Satsang Beas.
He was educated at the Lawrence School, Sanawar, in the Shimla Hills of Himachal Pradesh,[2] and obtained his bachelor's degree in Commerce from Punjab University, Chandigarh. He was in Spain working before coming back to India to accept his nomination as the next spiritual head of RSSB in 1990. He lives off his own income and in keeping with the policy for all volunteers (sevadars), he does not receive any money or honorarium from the society.[3]
Philosophy and teachings Edit
RSSB is a philosophical organization based on the spiritual teachings and dedicated to a process of inner development under the guidance of a spiritual teacher.
There is a spiritual purpose to human life is a central belief – to experience the divinity of God within all of us. In the Indian language, Radha Soami means ‘lord of the soul’ (radha = soul; swami = lord,) satsang describes a group that seeks truth, and Beas refers to the town near which the main center is located in northern India. There are a number of other contemporary movements that use the name ‘Radha Soami’ but Radha Soami Satsang Beas is not associated with any of them.
RSSB was established in India in 1891 and gradually began spreading to other countries in the mid 20th century. Today RSSB holds meetings in more than 90 countries worldwide. It is a registered non-profit society with no affiliation to any political or commercial organizations.[4]
The philosophy teaches a personal path of spiritual development which includes a lacto-vegetarian diet, abstinence from intoxicants, alcohol and mind-altering drugs, a moral way of life and the practice of daily meditation. There are no rituals, ceremonies, hierarchies or mandatory contributions, nor are there compulsory gatherings. Members need not give up their cultural identity or religious preference to follow this path.
The meditation method imparted at the time of initiation is known as Surat Shabd Yoga and is practiced according to the living master instructions. It is a solitary practice where the disciple concentrates within with eyes closed, usually sitting cross-legged or any other comfortable position, and performs simran: repeating the five holy names (which may be looked upon as a 'mantra'). This is followed by bhajan: an attempt by the disciple to listen to the divine Sound or 'Word' (also known as Shabd) within. Both these practices form the complete method of meditation as prescribed by Surat Shabd Yoga within Sant Mat.
Spiritual discourses Edit
RSSB’s main centre, Dera Baba Jaimal Singh (or simply the ‘Dera’), is named after its founder who settled there in the late 1800s, and is located in Beas, Punjab. Since the Dera is the home of the spiritual leader of the organization, large crowds visit on specially designated weekends to hear Baba Ji's discourses. He also gives satsang at other major centers of RSSB in India. He goes on tour to the various RSSB centers outside of India during the months of April–August. This is for the benefit of the disciples that do not have the opportunity to travel to India.
See also Edit
Radha Soami Satsang Beas
Maharaj Charan Singh Ji
References Edit
^ The encyclopedia of cults, sects, and new religions James R. Lewis - 1998 - Page 395
^ Sardar Gurinder Singh at, accessed 14 March 2012
^ "". Retrieved 5 March 2011.
^ "". Retrieved 17 March 2014.
External links Edit
Radha Soami Satsang Beas
Science of the Soul Research Centre
Last edited 2 months ago by SpacemanSpiff
Radha Soami Satsang Beas
Charan Singh (guru)
Indian saint
Jaimal Singh
Hindu guru
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